The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama "Xiao Zhao Xi" is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange

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The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama 'Xiao Zhao Xi' is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange - Lujuba

The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama "Xiao Zhao Xi" is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, she took her sister's place and married to a distant place. Beishuo. However, due to a strange combination of circumstances, he and his envoy, King Shiyu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, played by Yan Xujia, started a family.

The road to marriage is full of twists and turns, and there are hidden dangers everywhere. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger. Fortunately, a piece of jade pendant actually opened the door of time. This made the two people become familiar with each other from strangers, and finally became close to each other.

The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama 'Xiao Zhao Xi' is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange - Lujuba

Hanikezi gives people the feeling of being full of righteousness in the play, and would rather sacrifice himself to fulfill his sister's needs. Even though he knew how much ups and downs he would face along the way, or even lose his life, he never looked back.

Hanikezi in life is particularly inspiring. As a new actress born after 1995, it still takes several years of hard work to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. But Hanikezi's acting talent, which he had shown since he was a child, could not be concealed at all costs. After

graduated from Xinjiang Art Institute, he successfully joined the army's art troupe. It was precisely this period of experience that allowed Hanikzi's acting skills to be rapidly improved, and he was able to well reflect his charm on the stage. Just in 2018, Hanikezi signed a contract with Taiyang Chuanhe Agency.

The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama 'Xiao Zhao Xi' is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange - Lujuba

This company is quite powerful. People like Zhou Dongyu and Angela Baby have signed contracts with it. So what can be imagined is that Hanikzi still has good prospects for his subsequent development. After all, these actors are all capable.

has been recognized by many people with his outstanding performance, especially his series of performances in the variety show "National Style Beautiful Boy", which highlighted his dancing talent. Of course, Hanikzi's acting career is not without a series of ups and downs.

The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama 'Xiao Zhao Xi' is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange - Lujuba

These setbacks, especially the "gate incident" that occurred in 2020, have dealt a huge blow to Hanikzi's personal reputation, and he has also been suppressed and criticized by a lot of public opinion. This incident had an impact that cannot be ignored, both on Hanikzi's own psychology and career.

In order to make the sound of wind and rain gradually subside, Hanikezi chose to temporarily fade out of the screen and stay away from everyone's sight. The cause of this incident was that Hanikezi's personal account had stopped updating. This caused many passers-by to speculate.

The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama 'Xiao Zhao Xi' is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange - Lujuba

Just when there was speculation, there were some rumors that Hanikezi had interfered in other people's marriages. This marriage was originally very happy. Chen He and Zhang Zixuan usually seemed to be very sweet, but because of the appearance of Hanikezi, there were signs of fragmentation.

From this time on, Hanikezi was reviled by many people and was labeled as a "mistress" every minute. Even during that period, there were still many rumors spreading. Facing this wave of public opinion, Hanikezi felt stressed and disappointed.

also gave a series of explanations and said that he was in the hospital at that time. But it was not the news passed on by passers-by, because before that, some passers-by said that after Zhang Zixuan found out about this incident, she gave Hanikezi to a "big man" with special preferences, and then another Played the exciting game of "dropping candles". It was while playing the game that I was sent to the hospital.

The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama 'Xiao Zhao Xi' is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange - Lujuba

Hanikezi said that he went to the hospital to accompany his grandma, who was in poor health. With no excuses, we can only go through a series of investigations. Fortunately, the black veil covering his body was cleared away, and Hanikez's reputation was restored.

But it is not difficult to imagine how great the pressure of public opinion was during this period. Afterwards, Hanikezi also made a public statement on his personal social media platform, explaining the truth of the matter in detail.At the same time, it also emphasizes that rumors can cause a series of serious damage to personal reputation and mental health.

The main plot of the costume fantasy love drama 'Xiao Zhao Xi' is that the little princess Yueling of Dongyu, played by Hanikezi, in order to protect her sister and make her life happier, so she took her sister's place and married to the far north. Shuo. However, due to a strange - Lujuba

Of course, brokerage companies are also actively involved. After a multi-pronged approach, the matter was finally settled. In fact, it can be seen that Hanikezi is also constantly showing positive energy, just like participating in various charity activities. Therefore, the majority of passers-by must be sensible when chasing stars, and do not spread unfounded things.

Tags: entertainment