On June 14, the 2024 "Praise China" Online Comments Innovation Conference was held in Changsha. On June 14, the 2024 "Praise China" Online Comments Innovation Conference was held in Changsha. Representatives of outstanding authors, experts, scholars, and media representatives fro

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On June 14, the 2024 'Praise China' Online Comments Innovation Conference was held in Changsha. On June 14, the 2024 'Praise China' Online Comments Innovation Conference was held in Changsha. Representatives of outstanding authors, experts, scholars, and media representatives fro - Lujuba

html On June 14, the 2024 "Praise China" Online Review Innovation Conference was held in Changsha. Representatives of outstanding authors, experts, scholars, and media representatives from the "Praise China" Internet Comment Competition discussed how to sing a good voice for China in the new era and promote innovation in the production and communication of online comments. At the

creation and sharing meeting, the participating guests gave keynote speeches and exchanges on topics such as stimulating patriotic expressions among young netizens, telling new quality productivity stories, and online comment creation methodologies. The event also released the list of outstanding works and outstanding organizational units of the 2023 "Praise China" Online Comment Competition.

2023 "Praise China" Online Comment Contest collected a total of 88,467 comment works of various types including text, video, and cartoon, covering news and current affairs, rural revitalization, economy and people's livelihood, Internet civilization, education, culture, and sports, etc. A number of down-to-earth and down-to-earth commentaries have emerged. An original masterpiece in a new form.

This event is hosted by the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration, the Network Social Work Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration, the Network Work Department of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Youth League, and the Propaganda Department of the All-China Women's Federation, and is supported by the China Internet Development Foundation. Relevant comrades from the organizer, responsible comrades from relevant local cyberspace offices and news websites, experts and scholars, heads of commercial website platforms and some outstanding authors attended the meeting.

(Source: Red Net)

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