[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL information, and take a look at this issue of Luquan Daily! 】 TOP1 Xiaohu performed Yongen’s self-certification and listened to the wc! In the LPL Summer Split, WBG's performance has been criticized, and the veteran players

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[Follow the afterimage game, see the latest news of lol, and take a look at this issue of Luquan Daily! 】


Xiaohu performed Yongen’s self-certification and listened to the wc!

In the lpl summer games, wbg's performance has been criticized. The slump of veteran players has made many viewers question their strength. Xiaohu even became the "victim" of the overall BP for a time, a veteran mid laner , it’s really a bit disappointing that we can’t come up with a few heroes. But in the match against AL, Xiaohu took out his mid-range Yongen. When BP locked Yongen in seconds, there was also a wc in the sound coming from the scene. Everyone was full of satisfaction with Xiaohu's Yongen. Full of doubts, will he really know how to play this time?

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL information, and take a look at this issue of Luquan Daily! 】 TOP1 Xiaohu performed Yongen’s self-certification and listened to the wc!      In the LPL Summer Split, WBG's performance has been criticized, and the veteran players  - Lujuba

It can only be said that Xiaohu has finally completed his self-certification. Although he is not as good as the top Yongen, his operations in laning and team play are already very online, and he can also give his teammates some advantages. In this way, he takes When it came to Yongen's first victory in his career, the first two games were against RNG, one was Nest in the S13 season, and the other was the Summer Split in S13, both of which ended in failure. Being able to play online operations in the summer, Xiaohu also received new buffs from fans, such as a new hairstyle, a new weight, and a green uniform.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL information, and take a look at this issue of Luquan Daily! 】 TOP1 Xiaohu performed Yongen’s self-certification and listened to the wc!      In the LPL Summer Split, WBG's performance has been criticized, and the veteran players  - Lujuba


fpx manager Denny resigned, but the little tiger still won!

During the LPL Summer Split, there was an episode on FPX. The conflict between Little Tiger and manager Denny caused Little Tiger to run away. It was obviously the players who were communicating with the coach, but the manager insisted on intervening, and after Xiaohu said "shut up", he pushed his chest, pointed his face and roared. After Xiaohu broke the news, despite the coach mouse's He explained that he did not take sides with Little Tiger, but most fans were supporting him. It's just a professional competition. If there are behaviors such as "bullying" and "threats", how can young players be allowed to train with peace of mind.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL information, and take a look at this issue of Luquan Daily! 】 TOP1 Xiaohu performed Yongen’s self-certification and listened to the wc!      In the LPL Summer Split, WBG's performance has been criticized, and the veteran players  - Lujuba

In the follow-up, Xiaohu also returned to the base. For a while, players thought that the players still failed to defeat the capital. However, unexpectedly, fpx issued another personnel change notice. Denny resigned as fpx League of Legends branch manager. In one position, former fpb manager green was promoted to the first team. In fact, everyone knows that if you agree to resign, you will most likely be fired. As for the newly promoted manager, he is actually the former manager of the first team, but he was defeated by Denny later. Returning home this time can be regarded as the return of the king. Okay, as for the little tiger, he has shaken hands with the team and made peace.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL information, and take a look at this issue of Luquan Daily! 】 TOP1 Xiaohu performed Yongen’s self-certification and listened to the wc!      In the LPL Summer Split, WBG's performance has been criticized, and the veteran players  - Lujuba


blg led by 5k but was overturned by we, fofo is so fierce!

In this group match, both blg and we won two victories. In the two 2-0 duels, most viewers were optimistic about blg. After all, they are also considered the kings of the s14 season. But who would have expected that something went wrong in the first game. The two sides fought back and forth in the early stage of the game. On Qinggangying even kicked people in various ways. He even dared to chase us in the jungle and fight back. Of course, it is only given for free. Fofo's small cannons also performed very well, and even singled out Knight's Jayce in the bottom lane.

[Follow the afterimage game and see the latest LOL information, and take a look at this issue of Luquan Daily! 】 TOP1 Xiaohu performed Yongen’s self-certification and listened to the wc!      In the LPL Summer Split, WBG's performance has been criticized, and the veteran players  - Lujuba

’s decisive w flash and widened the formation, everyone who saw it had to praise it. As for blg, they underestimated the enemy. Although they had a 5k advantage, their team positioning was very poor. , was overturned and lost a game. However, blg's strength is here after all, and they still defeated we 2-1. Generally speaking, we are becoming more and more aggressive, and fofo's KDA is also among the best. Although they lost to blg, their results this season should not be too bad.

ps: 100% original article, manual typing is not easy, friends who like it can follow it!

Tags: entertainment