Nandu News Reporter Zhong Xin Intern Li Ruiwen On June 13, the former lead singer of F.I.R. Feier Band Zhan Wenting (Faye) was accused of plagiarizing songs by her former teammates Ah Qin (Huang Hanqing) and Chen Jianning. The results of the second instance were released. The cou

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Nandu News reporter Zhong Xin intern Li Ruiwen On June 13, the former lead singer of f.i.r. Feier Band Zhan Wenting (faye) was accused of plagiarizing songs by her former teammates Ah Qin (Huang Hanqing) and Chen Jianning. The results of the second trial were released, and the court upheld the first trial verdict. The appeals of Ah Qin and Chen Jianning were rejected. Zhan Wenting responded to the verdict through her company Yashen Music: "Thank you everyone for your concern. I am deeply sorry for the many disturbances in recent days. I hope that after today's incident comes to an end, all disputes can be settled, and I wish each other well."

Nandu News Reporter Zhong Xin Intern Li Ruiwen On June 13, the former lead singer of F.I.R. Feier Band Zhan Wenting (Faye) was accused of plagiarizing songs by her former teammates Ah Qin (Huang Hanqing) and Chen Jianning. The results of the second instance were released. The cou - Lujuba

Zhan Wenting passed away Teammates accused of plagiarism

html On June 2, Aqin, the former guitarist of Feier Band, posted on social platforms, accusing Zhan Wenting of plagiarizing the song "Sky" released under her own name in 2017, which was jointly created by the three of them, without giving any credit to herself. Signed by Chen Jianning. He released two song demos for comparison and said, "From the tipline, composition techniques, modulation methods, guitar chords, anyone can tell that it is Ah Qin's standard technique." He also said that he would sue Zhan Wenting to the end at all costs.

Ah Qin further said that the song was 90% complete from the beginning, and he would be willing to share the copyright and authorship rights if the two teammates hum it, just like "Your Smile", "Millennium Love" and "Song of the Wanderer" It is 100% written by him, and he is also willing to share one-third of the lifetime copyright income with his teammates. "Isn't it grand enough for Ah Qin to do this?"

A few days later, Ah Qin released a video recording the process of the three people co-creating the song. Audio, he wrote: "When Wenting released the joint work "The Sky" under her own name without authorization, I hoped that she could put everyone's names on it to show respect. Unfortunately, I had to wait for Wenting to use this signature. Four years." At the same time, he shouted, "Defend copyright and never compromise."

Nandu News Reporter Zhong Xin Intern Li Ruiwen On June 13, the former lead singer of F.I.R. Feier Band Zhan Wenting (Faye) was accused of plagiarizing songs by her former teammates Ah Qin (Huang Hanqing) and Chen Jianning. The results of the second instance were released. The cou - Lujuba

At that time, Yashen Music, to which Zhan Wenting belongs, responded to the matter through a lawyer. Regarding the civil lawsuit concerning the dispute over the creation of "Sky" (song), the first instance had dismissed Chen Jianning and Ah Qin's lawsuit. The two appealed the case. Out of respect for justice, we did not comment on Chen Jianning and Ah Qin’s claims and actions before the second instance verdict. The outside world has just learned that Ah Qin and Chen Jianning had filed a lawsuit earlier and lost the first instance.

html On June 13, the results of the second instance of the case came out. The court upheld the first instance judgment and rejected the appeals of Aqin and Chen Jianning.

Regarding the verdict, Zhan Wenting expressed through Yashen Music: "Thank you everyone for your concern. I am deeply sorry for the many disturbances in recent days. I hope that after today's incident comes to an end, all disputes can be settled, and I wish each other well."

Fei'er The band has constant disputes

f.i.r. The Feier Band was founded in 2002. It was originally composed of vocalist Faye Zhan Wenting, keyboardist Ian Chen Jianning, and guitarist Real Ah Qin (Huang Hanqing). In 2004, with the ending song "Lydia" of the TV series "Douyu" and Songs such as "Our Love" and "Your Smile" quickly became popular and influenced audiences in mainland China and Taiwan. The former golden partner of

has been in constant legal disputes in recent years.

According to previous reports from Nandu, in 2019, Zhan Wenting sued her former mentor and former teammate Chen Jianning and Huayan Company executives for forging documents, saying that Chen Jianning forged her signature on the performance guarantee letter with Huayan. Chen Jianning counter-sued Zhan Wenting for falsely accusing and Damage to reputation.

In 2021, the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office initially investigated and decided that both parties would not prosecute, but the High Prosecutor's Office sent it back for re-investigation. In June 2023, the prosecutor's investigation believed that based on handwriting identification, the performance guarantee letter was indeed signed by Zhan Wenting, but she filed a lawsuit against Chen Jianning for forging the document. The prosecutor prosecuted Zhan Wenting on the basis of false accusation, while Chen Jianning and others were not prosecuted. The punishment is determined.

This case has been brought to court several times this year, with the former master and apprentice facing off in court. After the court hearing on May 14, Zhan Wenting publicly explained the cause and process of the case for the first time, emphasizing that she had no knowledge of the contract signed with Huayan Company that year. Subsequently, Chen Jianning also accepted an interview with the media, saying that he was baffled by Zhan Wenting's previous accusation of forging documents, and hoped that she would "face justice well" in the future.

Nandu News Reporter Zhong Xin Intern Li Ruiwen On June 13, the former lead singer of F.I.R. Feier Band Zhan Wenting (Faye) was accused of plagiarizing songs by her former teammates Ah Qin (Huang Hanqing) and Chen Jianning. The results of the second instance were released. The cou - Lujuba

The latest hearing of the case was on May 28 this year. Ah Qin appeared in court as a witness. The three teammates of Feier Band who had worked closely together were reunited in the court, which was very sad.The judge informed that the case will be pronounced at 9:29 am on July 5 this year.

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