From the elderly who are afraid of the cold, to the workers who work outdoors, to the "gege" who wears thick palace clothes to take pictures at scenic spots, there are many citizens who are "knocked down" by the sun every summer. Since June, Beijing 120 has received a significant

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From the elderly who are afraid of the cold, to the workers who work outdoors, to the "gege" who wears thick palace clothes to take pictures at scenic spots, there are many citizens who are "knocked down" by the sun every summer.

html Since June, Beijing 120 has received a significant increase in heatstroke calls, with an average of more than 20 heatstroke-related emergency calls per day. On June 12, reporters followed the 120 ambulance and interviewed frontline doctors on high temperature rescue.

From the elderly who are afraid of the cold, to the workers who work outdoors, to the 'gege' who wears thick palace clothes to take pictures at scenic spots, there are many citizens who are 'knocked down' by the sun every summer. Since June, Beijing 120 has received a significant - Lujuba

html On the afternoon of June 12, emergency workers were treating patients. Photo by Beijing News reporter Dai Xuan

"Heat-loving" elderly people are at high risk for heatstroke

html At 3 pm on June 12, the 120 ambulance drove into a community in Fengtai District. Emergency doctor Wei Jiaqi and several colleagues pulled out the stretcher and rushed all the way. Patient's home.

The patient was an 89-year-old woman. She was sitting hunched by the door and was listless. The blood pressure measured on site was 110-220mmhg, which was significantly higher than the normal value. The doctor gave her an emergency infusion and then transported the patient to the emergency department of Xuanwu Hospital. division.

While receiving treatment, Wei Jiaqi noticed that the old man's house faced west, the windows and doors were closed, and the air conditioner and fan were not turned on. According to family members, the old man "likes heat" and had just taken off his cotton pants two days ago. Just before departure, the old man requested that the air conditioning temperature of the ambulance be raised and asked his family members to cover themselves with quilts.

According to the Beijing Meteorological Observatory, the highest temperature at the southern suburbs observatory on the 12th was 36.3°C, which was the third hot day in June in Beijing. At this time, several medical staff were sweating profusely.

The summer heat is coming, and cases of heat stroke are gradually appearing.

The reason why we pay attention to the surrounding temperature environment of this old man is because Wei Jiaqi just received a case of heat stroke last week. It was an 85-year-old male case who lived in Dongcheng District. It was a hot day in Beijing. The old man went out for a walk for half a day in the morning. After returning home, he drank hot bean juice and suddenly sweated profusely, became dizzy and vomited. In the old man's home, Wei Jiaqi found that the room was very stuffy and there was no air conditioning or electric fan on. The examination ruled out high blood pressure and cerebrovascular disease, and judged that the old man had heat stroke, which may have been caused by going out and eating.

reporters learned from the Beijing Emergency Center that since June, the number of calls to Beijing 120 has increased significantly compared with the same period last month. The average daily call volume has reached more than 5,200 times, an increase of 11%, and ambulance vehicles have been dispatched an average of more than 2,400 times a day. There are an average of more than 20 emergency calls related to heatstroke every day.

From the elderly who are afraid of the cold, to the workers who work outdoors, to the 'gege' who wears thick palace clothes to take pictures at scenic spots, there are many citizens who are 'knocked down' by the sun every summer. Since June, Beijing 120 has received a significant - Lujuba

html On the afternoon of June 12, emergency workers were treating patients. Photographed by Beijing News reporter Dai Xuan

Heatstroke is prone to occur in empty scenic spots, and "geges" in ancient costumes need to be careful.

Elderly people who are afraid of the cold and love the heat are at high risk of heatstroke. Summer scenic spots are outdoor scenes where heatstroke is prone to occur. A reporter from

saw in the backend information system of the first aid station that on the morning of June 12, there were three suspected cases of heat stroke in Dongcheng District, all of which occurred in scenic spots, including foreign tourists.

Wei Jiaqi told reporters that every summer, there are many patients with heatstroke in scenic spots, especially in open spots with less vegetation.

Last year, he also rescued a "Gege" in ancient costume. The woman was wearing a thick ancient palace dress to take wedding photos at a well-known scenic spot in Dongcheng District. When the ambulance arrived, she almost lost consciousness due to severe heatstroke. The medical staff quickly took off her three or four layers of ancient clothing, lowered the temperature of the air conditioner in the car to cool her down, and finally sent her to Union Medical College Hospital.

People who work outdoors on hot days are more susceptible to heat stroke, such as construction workers, workers working at heights, sanitation workers, traffic police, etc. Many years ago, Wei Jiaqi received a transfer call. The patient was a 45-year-old migrant worker. Due to long-term outdoor exposure, his body temperature soared to 43°C when he sought medical treatment. He was unconscious and suffered multiple organ injuries.

Heat stroke can range from mild to severe and can be fatal, so timely intervention is necessary.

In recent years, the public has gradually paid more attention to heat stroke. The Beijing Emergency Center reminds that heatstroke refers to a group of clinical syndromes caused by the disorder of body temperature regulation caused by the human body being in a hot environment. It is manifested as a continuous process from mild to severe, including premonitory heatstroke, mild heatstroke, and severe heatstroke. Severe heatstroke is divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke according to severity. Among them, heat stroke is the most serious manifestation of heat stroke, which may cause a series of serious complications and sequelae, and has a high fatality rate.

When the human body suffers from heat stroke, symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue may occur. In severe cases, serious symptoms such as loss of consciousness and respiratory arrest may occur, which is life-threatening.

Heat stroke progresses from mild to severe. Intervene as soon as possible, call 120 in time, stay away from high temperature areas, reduce activities, replenish water and electrolytes in time, and effectively cool down, which are the basic measures to deal with the symptoms of heat stroke.

The elderly, especially those who are bedridden, should avoid being in high temperature and high humidity environments, and use air conditioners when needed.

Children are also susceptible to heat stroke due to their immature body temperature regulation center and insufficient ability to regulate heat, and are more likely to be complicated by organ damage. Heat stroke in children often occurs during strenuous sports in summer. Due to the lack of accurate understanding of early warning symptoms of heat stroke, it may not be discovered until shock or syncope occurs. Strengthening observation and monitoring of susceptible children, reducing heat exposure time, and reducing activity intensity can effectively reduce the risk of heat stroke.

Pregnant women have a greater physical burden and are more likely to suffer from heat stroke symptoms. They need to avoid high temperature and high humidity environments and pay enough attention to them.

Some chronic drugs can affect body temperature regulation. Patients with chronic underlying diseases should be especially careful and adjust their drugs under the guidance of a doctor to avoid heatstroke.

Outdoor manual workers and outdoor sports enthusiasts are at high risk of heat stroke. They should pay special attention to avoid prolonged outdoor exposure during high temperature periods. It is necessary to replenish water on a daily basis, keep cool, reasonably arrange outdoor work time, and conduct regular health examinations.

Measures: Multiple departments jointly carry out high-temperature work employment inspections

html On June 11, the Beijing Meteorological Observatory upgraded and issued a high-temperature orange warning signal. It is expected that from June 11 to 13, the maximum temperature in the plain areas will reach 37°C from 13:00 to 17:00 every day. above.

Beijing’s human resources and social security, health, disease control, labor union and other departments have formed a joint inspection team. In the near future, joint inspections will be carried out on employers with high-temperature jobs, especially for open-air workers in construction, electricity, airports, landscaping, scenic spots, etc. Supervision and inspection efforts will be strengthened to prevent heatstroke and cool down work among people who are relatively concentrated and in positions such as sanitation workers, online delivery personnel, couriers, security guards, tour guides, and people's livelihood facilities. If an employer is found to have failed to pay high-temperature allowances in accordance with the law, labor and social security supervision agencies at all levels will seriously investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law.

If workers find that their employer fails to implement the relevant regulations on heatstroke prevention and cooling and high temperature allowances in accordance with the law at work, they can promptly complain or report to the human resources and social security department, or apply for mediation, arbitration, or file a lawsuit in accordance with the law, and be careful to keep their attendance sheets, weather records, etc. Forecast and other valid evidence that can prove that the environment when you work has met the conditions for issuing high temperature allowances. Workers can consult and report their demands through the reporting and complaint window, 12333 platform and other channels, and labor and security supervision agencies at all levels will investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law.

Beijing News reporter Dai Xuan

editor Bai Shuang proofreader Zhang Yanjun

Tags: entertainment