On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi

entertainment 3213℃

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows giant panda "Fubao" walking out of the enclosure. Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows giant panda "Fubao" walking out of the enclosure. Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows giant panda "Fubao" playing by the drinking pool. Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the naughty giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows Xu Xiang (front), a breeder at the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center, preparing delicious food for the giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows giant panda "Fubao" enjoying delicious food. Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the naughty giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the naughty giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center."Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the naughty giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the naughty giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows the naughty giant panda "Fubao". Photo by Anyuan

On June 12, the giant panda 'Fubao' who was born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. 'Fubao' returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 thi - Lujuba

html On June 12, the giant panda "Fubao" born in South Korea officially met the public at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. "Fubao" returned to the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan on April 3 this year, meeting the public for the first time after more than two months of isolation and quarantine and transitional adaptation. The picture shows giant panda "Fubao" in the outdoor playground. Photo by Anyuan

Tags: entertainment