The costume-travel drama "Celebrating More Than Years", which was aired in November 2019, has set off a strong drama-watching craze in China. This play was widely circulated among the audience at that time, and it became a talking point for almost every young audience. After watc

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's costume time travel drama " Celebrating More Than Years ", which was aired in November 2019, has set off a strong drama-watching craze in China.

At that time, this drama was widely circulated among the audience, and it became a topic of conversation for almost every young audience. After watching the play, many people said that every character in "Celebrating More Than Years" has its own characteristics, and the actors' portrayal of these characters is also very wonderful. It can be said that there is no redundant character in this play , except Yan Bingyun played by Xiao Zhan .

The costume-travel drama 'Celebrating More Than Years', which was aired in November 2019, has set off a strong drama-watching craze in China. This play was widely circulated among the audience at that time, and it became a talking point for almost every young audience. After watc - Lujuba

Although Yan Bingyun's role is not very large, he is a very important role in promoting the development of the plot. However, such an important character is portrayed by Xiao Zhan as cold and dull, giving people a very unintelligent look.

So when the audience knew that there would be a sequel to "Celebrating More Than Years", almost everyone hoped that the film crew and director could replace Xiao Zhan and let someone else play the role of Yan Bingyun.

Now, the sequel of "Celebrating More Than Years" " Qing More Than Years Season 2 " has officially met the domestic audience. Speaking of which, the actor who plays Bingyun has indeed been changed from the original Xiao Zhan to the current Wu Xingjian, but these two actors have played the role of Yan Bingyun to two extremes.

The costume-travel drama 'Celebrating More Than Years', which was aired in November 2019, has set off a strong drama-watching craze in China. This play was widely circulated among the audience at that time, and it became a talking point for almost every young audience. After watc - Lujuba

Xiao Zhan's Yan Bingyun is very cold, almost smileless, and only obeys orders (Chen Pingping's orders); while Wu Xingjian's Yan Bingyun always smiles no matter when he talks or what he is doing. , and became very talkative.

Although Yan Bingyun has been played by the two actors into two extremes, this cannot be regarded as a very failed change of actors in "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

The actor who should not be replaced in "Qing Yu Nian 2" is Han Jiunuo, who played the role of Ye Ling'er in the first season.

The costume-travel drama 'Celebrating More Than Years', which was aired in November 2019, has set off a strong drama-watching craze in China. This play was widely circulated among the audience at that time, and it became a talking point for almost every young audience. After watc - Lujuba

Ye Ling'er in the original work is a female master who is obsessed with martial arts, has some quirks, and has a rather reckless personality.

This character, created by Han Jiunuo, also left a very deep impression on the audience and made the audience feel very comfortable.

But now in the second season, the actor who plays Ye Ling'er has been replaced by the more famous Jin Chen . Although Jin Chen is more famous and can be regarded as a first-line actor in China, he also has a large number of fans in the country. But her appearance is really different from the somewhat reckless and quirky character Ye Ling'er, and Jin Chen's acting skills are not suitable for a character like Ye Ling'er.

The costume-travel drama 'Celebrating More Than Years', which was aired in November 2019, has set off a strong drama-watching craze in China. This play was widely circulated among the audience at that time, and it became a talking point for almost every young audience. After watc - Lujuba

After seeing Jin Chen’s Ye Linger, the viewers all said that it was really not as good as the first season. Many people thought that Jin Chen's performance was very stiff and could not bring out the quirky energy of the character at all, but it gave people a very urban feeling.

It is said that Ye Ling'er has a lot of scenes in "Qing Yu Nian Season 2", and almost every episode has a scene of this character. It seems that Jin Chen is really going to lower the quality of the entire drama this time!

Tags: entertainment