"Rebirth" is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. "Feike" is a villain, more attractive than positive characters full of warmth, seem

entertainment 7511℃

'Rebirth' is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. 'Feike' is a villain, more attractive than positive characters full of warmth, seem - Lujuba

"New Life" is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. "Feike" is a villain, more attractive than those positive characters full of warmth. He seems mysterious and unpredictable, both good and evil, but he is deeply rooted in people's hearts and has become a classic character in Jing Boran's life. No wonder it has become a hot topic. It will gradually increase.

But people may not understand that Jing Boran can be where he is today, and there are countless hardships behind it. Jing Boran was born in 1989. At that time, the whole family loved this child, but unfortunately it did not last long. Jing Boran's father fell in love with gambling and got out of hand on the gambling road. He is addicted to gambling every day and is unwilling to go home. He has never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father and as a husband. Jing Boran's mother could only grit her teeth and persist as she looked at her son who was waiting to be fed. But one time, Jing Boran's father came home again, clamoring for money, and got into a fight when no money was given.

'Rebirth' is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. 'Feike' is a villain, more attractive than positive characters full of warmth, seem - Lujuba

Jing Boran's mother knew that this was a bottomless pit. If she didn't leave as soon as possible, there would only be endless pain. Just turned around and left, giving up Jing Boran's custody rights. In this case, Jing Boran did not receive his father's care, and his father put all the responsibilities on the little Jing Boran. He believed that the arrival of this child would cause the family to have no peace and cause chaos every day. From then on, he was even more reluctant to go home and leave his children to his elderly parents.

Jing Boran’s grandparents looked at the crying grandson in front of them and didn’t know what to do. This was their own bloodline, so how could they ignore it? However, their family’s financial conditions were not good either. They had retired and could get whatever they could. My pension is so meager that I can’t even support my children. In order to be able to raise Jing Boran, the grandparents started scavenging. In order to prevent the children from going hungry, they originally ate three meals a day instead of eating only two meals a day.

'Rebirth' is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. 'Feike' is a villain, more attractive than positive characters full of warmth, seem - Lujuba

The days are passing by day by day. Jing Boran will go to school when he grows up. How can he meet the expenses of going to school? In addition to scavenging, my grandfather also found a job as a janitor, and my grandmother worked as a waiter. Relying on the hard work of the two old people, Jing Boran finally completed his studies. But after suffering for a long time, grandpa soon collapsed, and all the burden of life fell on grandma. Grandma would go to the restaurant to wash dishes for others during the day, and at night she would go around looking for unwanted scraps.

It was not until he became an adult that Jing Boran learned that he had a father and a mother, but no one had ever cared about them. Faced with the ridicule of his classmates and the strange looks in his eyes, Jing Boran developed an inferiority complex. When he was 15 years old, Jing Boran felt that there was no hope in life and began to give up on himself. If his grandfather hadn't suddenly fallen, he might not have been able to wake up Jing Boran. Seeing that his grandfather was ill, and thinking of what he had done for him over the years, Jing Boran looked for his father and mother, but to no avail.

'Rebirth' is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. 'Feike' is a villain, more attractive than positive characters full of warmth, seem - Lujuba

My father is still addicted to gambling and cannot extricate himself. His mother had already started a new family and even said cold-blooded words. At that moment, Jing Boran finally understood that he could survive in this world only if he was strong. Because no one came to help, his grandfather soon passed away. On that day, Jing Boran vowed to take good care of his grandma.

Heaven is going to rain down heavily on this people, which will surely strain their minds and muscles. After these tortures, Jing Boran began to work hard. In 2007, he participated in "Come on!" "Good Man" competition and was recognized by Huayi Brothers that year. After becoming famous, Jing Boran gave all his money to his grandma. I hope grandma can enjoy her old age and repay her for her hard work over the years.

'Rebirth' is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. 'Feike' is a villain, more attractive than positive characters full of warmth, seem - Lujuba

In 2010, Jing Boran starred in "Love in the City". Since then, his acting career has been launched and he has brought many works to everyone, including "Shadow Lover", "The Missing Bullet", and "Blood Drops". With one film after another After this work, people began to recognize Jing Boran. Later, with the two works of "Monster Hunting" and "A Smiling Love", Jing Boran quickly entered thousands of households, but he never forgot his original promise. After he got rich, he spent tens of millions to buy a big house. Let grandma live a comfortable life.

'Rebirth' is a suspense drama with twists and turns in the plot, which has been loved by countless viewers. Jing Boran plays an enigmatic person in this work, and his popularity quickly increases. 'Feike' is a villain, more attractive than positive characters full of warmth, seem - Lujuba

Jing Boran once suffered severe setbacks, but how can he see the rainbow without going through ups and downs? Today's Jing Boran is impressive in both his singing and acting career. People can't help but shout that the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains, and it will get better and better in the future.

Tags: entertainment