Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2" became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th

entertainment 8621℃

hot search dominates the screen.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Advertisements are crowded.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

is hotly debated across the internet.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, " Qing Yu Nian Season 2 " was an instant hit when it aired, showing the style of a drama king, and the small screen in 2024 finally ushered in a "explosion" .

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

The title of Drama King, from 5 years ago to today 5 years later, "Celebrating More Than Years" seems to have no water at all.

So, with the return of the second season, can the quality of the work be able to sustain the halo of being the drama king? The seven episodes have tied up the plot in one breath, and I want to reassure everyone in advance: the five years of waiting for have not been in vain, and the start of "Qing Yu Nian Season 2" is reassuring.

The story is still the same

html The success of "Celebrating More Than Years" 2005 years ago broke the curse of misfires in remakes of male-led dramas, and also made domestic dramas usher in a truly explosive drama that is popular among the people. This success, to a large extent, depends on Thanks to the excellent adaptation style of "Celebrating More Than Years".

Its appearance is dressed in "light comedy".

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

's humorous lines, funny and funny character portraits, and the contrasting cuteness of the characters from time to time in their rigor have made many viewers unable to stop. This season, 's laughter continues and even reaches a higher level.

The scene where Fan Xian sets up the situation for the second prince and the prince in Baoyue Tower is a highlight in the previous episodes. In the tense situation, everyone performs funny cross talk while playing games, which makes the audience enjoy the scene.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Second Prince: Do you think I am such a person? I'm really good at judging people.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

If nothing unexpected happens, this line may become the new saying of the Little Alpaca Prince.

In addition to the hilarious big scenes, the subtleties of small details also make people laugh. For example, in the scene where Fan Xian goes to see Emperor Qing to apologize, the seven-star ladybug that struggles to turn over is very delicately designed.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Fan Xian's concern for this little insect allows the audience to see the shadow of obsessive-compulsive disorder in reality. Although it is a trivial thing, sometimes we always want to put things that have been turned over back to their correct appearance.

Fan Xian, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the serious relationship between king and minister are placed in the same clip. There are obviously no precise lines and there are even interspersed scenes, but there is a lot of contrast and laughter.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

On the other hand, only Fan Xian cares about it. The seven-star ladybug struggling with all its strength to stand up also implies the ordinary people of Qing Kingdom. In this era, the upper class wears rich clothes and the lower class lives in humble existence.

A word from a superior person may result in a disaster for the inferior person.

obviously didn't do anything, but just because the superiors thought it was not 100% safe, they might lose their lives.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

To be a human being, you need to straighten your spine, but there are many people who have their spines stepped on all the time.

The seriousness and brain-burning story wrapped in a coat of humor is revealed bit by bit from these details. The most intuitive conflict at the beginning of the second season's story is Fan Xian's life and death situation.

Faking death is a crime of deceiving the emperor. How can he get out of trouble?

had to compete with the enemy's second prince, a group of "fathers" with 800 scheming minds, and also had to compete with other bosses hidden behind the scenes. Doubts were thrown away one by one and picked up one by one. live.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

The treacherous plot and the series of plots of people plotting against each other left the audience overwhelmed.

The humorous entertainment that light comedies can provide is the secret code of "Celebrating More Than Years". The exciting game of Machiavellian drama is the competitive strength of the "Celebrating More Than Years" series. Both highlights return with high scores, and the audience's first impression will be different. would be wrong. The only controversial thing about

is that some of the shots may seem to be made for laughs, but at the beginning of the work, in order to quickly get the audience into the atmosphere, it is acceptable.

The group portraits still have personality

"Celebrating More Than Years" is a drama with a male protagonist, but viewers who have watched this drama know that its core is the male protagonist and soul, but it is also a wonderful and unforgettable group portrait with many powerful characters. , together form a full and colorful picture.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

In the first season, we remembered the alliance between fathers and mothers, the sinister second prince of Yangtuo, and the five members of the Fan family with different personalities, as well as the court officials and their children. No matter how many roles each character played, they were all very interesting. resolution.

Of course, no one will forget Teng Zijing, who went offline not long after his appearance.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Their personalities are distinct, but this distinctness is not due to sharp edges and corners, but rather to maintaining a very human side while maintaining the dramatic persona, with their own unique core. In the second season of

, the charm of the character group portraits continues to attract fans.

Wang Qinian’s wife and daughter finally appeared. The audience immediately remembered that the little girl’s “king-like spirit” was named after Wang Qinian, and her cute interaction with Fan Xian was very cute.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Mrs. Wang's cold and strong character made the audience as stunned as Fan Xian. When the scheming "Miss Lin" became the head of the family, it turned out that she could be so beautiful.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

After seeing the excitement of these characters, I am looking forward to the turn of new characters such as the eldest prince in Chapter 7.

Of course, the excitement of the veteran group portraits continues. In the first episode of

Season 2, several "fathers" are very capable. Facing Fan Xian's "death", Emperor Qing loses his temper and screams, Chen Pingping declares domineeringly, Father Fan asks sadly, and there are double elders in and out of the play. The dramatic performance is full of tension.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

The old group portraits continue to be powerful, and the new group portraits add more bright colors. With the charm of the old group portraits and the new ones, the reputation of "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2" will obviously be more stable. However, Wang Juan’s sword arrived late.

Wang Juan's "old problem" has happened again

Audiences who are familiar with screenwriter Wang Juan know that he has a "cute as hell" law. If you think a fleeting supporting character in his works is cute, congratulations You, you might be crying over this character next.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Audiences who are not familiar with Wang Juan and are only familiar with "Celebrating More Than Years" should also have deep feelings after experiencing Teng Zijing's Big Sword.

If I had to pick one "striking point" from the beginning of "Qing Yu Nian Season 2", it would be that it is not "friendly" to viewers with low tear points. Wang Juan's old habit has happened again, and his lovable characters have been eliminated again. "That's so cute".

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

In the play, Fan Xian focuses on Baoyue Tower to trace the whereabouts of Teng Zijing’s wife and daughter, so he meets Lao Jin, a vegetable farmer.

Lao Jin was originally a vegetable farmer who contributed vegetables to the palace, but he owed a huge sum of 500 taels due to trouble from the eunuchs. In order to save her father, his only daughter sold herself to Baoyue Tower. She was separated from her family and suffered in the building. All torture.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

In order to redeem his daughter, Lao Jin tried his best, and finally with the help of Fan Xian, he successfully entered Baoyue Tower with 500 taels of redemption silver. However, two hours later, he walked out with a sad expression.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

His daughter sold herself for 500 taels, but entered the Baoyue Building. The 500 taels of silver could only buy him two hours to see his daughter. Her ransom money had risen to 10,000 taels, a figure that was beyond the reach of a vegetable farmer who had been poor all his life.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

In despair, Lao Jin still brought Fan Xian the news he wanted.

But after turning around, Lao Jin died tragically in front of the building.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

It turned out that he had been seriously injured in the building, and he was holding on for breath just to repay Fan Xian for helping him. However, his own life had already been marked by the King of Hell despite his serious injuries and despair.

The life of a common man at the bottom disappeared so quietly.

The person who killed them didn't even remember who Lao Jin was.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

But the audience and Fan Xian remember that we saw his efforts to see his daughter, saw his joy when he was about to redeem his daughter, watched him walk into Baoyue Tower with hope...

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

and watched him leave in despair. This painful world.

Wang Juan's "cute knife", even if one uses a supporting role, can still make the audience cry. While crying, he can't help but scold Wang Juan for being cruel, but he has to admit that his knife is very hairy. There is a deep meaning.

The death of Lao Jin is the core of the story that the "Celebrating More Than Years" series has been foreshadowing. Fan Xian, who comes from a world of equality, gradually feels the class cruelty of this era, oppression and injustice while laughing and cursing.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

Some people are aloof, and some people's lives are as small as a piece of grass.

Fan Xian is lucky, he has traveled through time to the group of people who can be superior, but with a modern soul, he sees not only himself, but also the millions of ordinary people who are regarded as "needless".

If you want to fight for them and bring order to chaos, you need to make enemies of many people.

Taking this path may make Fan Xian a loner in a world that he is not completely familiar with, but the audience should believe that Fan Xian will move forward no matter how many obstacles there are.

Hot searches dominate the screen. Lots of ads. Hotly discussed across the internet. Coupled with the rapid record-breaking popularity on the site and the beautiful data of platform members, 'Celebrating More Than Years Season 2' became a hit immediately after it aired, showing th - Lujuba

There are only 4 episodes. The drama that should be exciting and the core of the background are all highlighted by "Qing Yu Nian Season 2", and every aspect is not inferior to the first season, and some details are even more arresting.

This "sword" that has been sharpened for five years has not disappointed. After watching it, it seems that I can forgive Wang Juan and the "Celebrating More Than Years" crew for their "slowness". If the slow function can do fine work, it will be replaced by It's worth the slow pace.

is very grateful to the crew and writers for not perfunctory with the audience just because the first season was a big hit, and gave a solid and powerful start to the second season. I also hope that the quality of the second season's start can be maintained, so that the drama king can live up to its reputation from beginning to end.

Tags: entertainment