Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, "lip-syncing" has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of

entertainment 5584℃

breaks down various large-scale evening parties over the years. "Lip-synching" has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes for the sake of program effect, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of this. .

However, lip-syncing at a concert is really unjustifiable. After all, fans spent real money to listen to it live.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

On December 3, 2023, the well-known band Mayday was questioned for lip-syncing at a Shanghai concert. Not only one, but multiple concerts were suspected of lip-synching. After

, the incident intensified. B site up owner "Wheatfield Farmer" released a video saying that after his professional software identification, nearly half of the 12 songs at Mayday's Shanghai concert on November 16 were lip syncs.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

Some netizens said that lip-syncing at the party is okay, and lip-syncing even at the concert is too much. Mayday fans said that they believe their idols will never lip-sync.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

On the second day after the public opinion fermented, Mayday’s management company Believe Music posted an article inviting netizens to witness Mayday’s next concert and live broadcast the entire concert. The whistleblower

countered that he believed that music was evading important matters and taking things lightly. If he didn't lip-sync, why didn't he clarify it face to face?

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

The Shanghai Culture and Tourism Department also stated that the original video and audio of the Mayday Shanghai concert have been submitted to the local cultural market for inspection. After subsequent scientific evaluation, the investigation results will be announced later.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

After nearly half a year of investigation and evidence collection, on May 11, 2024, the Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau responded to the Mayday lip-synching controversy, saying that after investigation, the law enforcement authorities found no illegal activities involved in the report.

's simple sentence " found no illegal behavior " once again stirred up waves. Some people questioned how the entire process was verified? How to tell if you're not lip-syncing? What is the basis for this result?

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

None of the above was mentioned by law enforcement agencies, allowing negative voices to come again.

In this regard, a media reporter conducted an exclusive interview with the Law Enforcement Corps of the Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau on this matter. In the interview, the Law Enforcement Corps described the supervision, evidence collection, and identification of the concert. The interview is still on the fourth page. The question mentioned the whistleblower who accused Mayday of lip-synching.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

The first three questions are basically no problem. As for the fourth question, the official said that " private individuals, the identification results do not have legal effect ". At that time, the reporter caused controversy, and the video was later deleted by him.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

The whistleblower specifically responded to the fourth question, saying that the up owner of site B has not deleted the video so far. When he complained about what the Bureau of Culture and Tourism called "private individuals", he said that the Bureau of Culture and Tourism did not know enough information. Full and completely inconsistent with the truth.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

The whistleblower also deliberately released a video clip released by the B station up owner on March 9. The up owner said that he had never said that there was a problem with Mayday’s sound source identification before. In fact, every sound source identified by Mayday has been passed through After careful review, we even found 3-5 different direct shots of the same session for comparison and verification.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

received a lot of online violence. The up also made it clear in the video that he was ready to quit his business to avoid being quoted out of context. The

whistleblower was also criticized by netizens for being a tough talker. He posted a message to counter Mayday fans: "Why don't leave Weibo, leave the fan circle, and see the world's most popular ."

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

Faced with the powerful Mayday fan group, the whistleblower just opened his mouth and felt tired. After all, he was outnumbered and could only be defeated.

What's more, the official results have now been released, confirming that there was no illegal behavior at the Mayday concert. Everything should be subject to the official results.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

Of course, this exclusive interview response from the Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau has not completely eliminated the doubts from the outside world. Does half-opening the mic count count as lip-synching? It is difficult to determine the criteria and can only rely on the singer’s self-awareness.

Looking at various large-scale evening parties over the years, 'lip-syncing' has always been an unavoidable topic. Sometimes, for the sake of program effectiveness, some pad sounds have to be added to prevent singing accidents. The program team and singers are basically aware of  - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment