At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was "anticipated by thousands of people", was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. . According to online reports a

entertainment 3284℃

At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was "anticipated by thousands of people", was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. ah.

At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was 'anticipated by thousands of people', was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. . According to online reports a - Lujuba

According to the Internet at that time, there were no less than 900 people, but I saw a lot of acquaintances at the scene. In fact, every relative and friend of Big S helped bring them here to cheer. What made people laugh was that it was a concert after all. I only saw 4 flower baskets. The most important thing is that three of them were sent by my family, and the other flower basket was sent by a cooperative medical institution. It was really shabby.

The most exciting moment in the entire Gu Junye concert was obviously the moment when sister-in-law Xiao S danced to support the performance. I must say that Xiao S’s ability to adjust the atmosphere was very good. I think Xiao S was also very speechless at that time. I guess it was true. I don’t want to lose such a person on stage, but I have no choice. Who makes this bald man my brother-in-law?

At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was 'anticipated by thousands of people', was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. . According to online reports a - Lujuba

And it was also rumored that friends from the big S circle would come to support her, but the fact is that there were really not many people in the circle at the scene. In addition to Xiao S, there were also artist Xu Lanfang and producer Zhan Renxiong. , have you seen anyone else?

But after all, this was transmitted online. After all, no one has been to see it live, so it is impossible to confirm the facts. I don’t know if it’s because of Big S’s behavior during this period that even the Taiwanese media can’t bear to stand it. As expected, the Taiwanese media revealed a big news, saying that Gu Junye’s income from this concert is about 250,000, which is still Taiwan dollars. , converted into RMB, it is 55,700 yuan.

At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was 'anticipated by thousands of people', was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. . According to online reports a - Lujuba

This 55,700 yuan should always be a net income. Anyway, after this number was revealed, it undoubtedly became a joke on the Internet again, and even Big S himself became a laughing stock, right?

You must know that at that time, it was reported that there were about 900 people at Gu Junye's concert. No matter how you calculate it, it is impossible to only have such a small amount of income. No wonder many netizens began to ridicule that Big S and Gu Junye probably lost their underwear this time. .

So at that time, it was said on the Internet that there were more than 900 people at Gu Junye's concert and the atmosphere was explosive. Who was it that broke the news?

At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was 'anticipated by thousands of people', was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. . According to online reports a - Lujuba

is obviously the brokerage company where Big S and Gu Junye work. It is reported that since Gu Junye came to Taipei, he signed with the brokerage company where Big S works, and Big S is directly responsible. Once one person has a As for the brokerage company, publicity and promotion are obviously necessary, but presumably after the brokerage company saw Gu Junye's popularity, they would have cried and fainted in the toilet all night long. This is a complete loser.

said that the number of people who came to the scene was more than 900. It is estimated that the real number of people was not even 200. It is said that Big S’s mother alone bought half of the tickets, and then added some relatives and friends who came over. Based on this estimate, there are only a handful of fans who actually spent money to buy tickets.

At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was 'anticipated by thousands of people', was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. . According to online reports a - Lujuba

Moreover, the promotion was very grand at that time, and many friends in the industry would come out to support it, but how many people in the industry were really caught by everyone? It was rumored that Leehom Wang also came. At that time, the fact was that there was not even a shadow of Leehom Wang at the scene. Even if he sent a flower basket, the problem was that there were none. We know that there were only 4 flower baskets in total.

In other words, these media are paid by the big S to find people to promote it, but this nonsense is too great. It is simply a rumor. I don’t know how the fans who bought tickets to watch the concert felt at the time. I guess they felt in their hearts. I must have scolded this couple all over. After all, many fans only bought tickets to see other artists. Otherwise, why would they pay to watch an old man play DJ there if they were sick?

At the beginning of May, Gu Junye's concert, which was 'anticipated by thousands of people', was held smoothly as scheduled. Indeed, judging from the pictures exposed at the scene, it seems that not many people came to Gu Junye's concert this time. . According to online reports a - Lujuba

Think about it, Big S is quite unlucky. The concert was completely lost, the court was not on his side, and public opinion criticized him to pieces. What should he do next with his bald head? Or be more sincere, put down your dignity, and beg Wang Xiaofei to give him more money!

Tags: entertainment