Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net

entertainment 8707℃

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law.

Even though Big S doesn’t like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, roast pig and roast duck were served together.

However, in the eyes of many netizens, this "show" looked like a joke from beginning to end.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

A marriage between two people is not just about love.

Since Gu Junye "married" Da S, in addition to moving into her mansion, he also signed his agency contract with Da S's company.

It can be seen from relevant information that , the company signed by Gu Junye, was opened in the name of Big S’s sister Xu Xixian, with a registered capital of 1 million.

What is worth guessing is that Gu Junye’s DJ show was probably put on by Big S.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Because a blogger in the industry broke the news a while ago that after Koo Junye arrived on stage, apart from making a small profit in the first performance, almost all other performances made him lose money.

Although Gu Junye's first performance was a huge success, the response was very poor. The songs played by

are either incomprehensible or outdated, and have been complained about.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

In the entertainment industry, it is neither small nor big. Word of mouth spread all of a sudden, and the whole circle was ventilated.

said that apart from Big S's own programs, there is basically no program reason to invite Gu Junye.

Gu Junye's performance fee has been reduced again and again. He said that his appearance fee is only 5,000 yuan converted into RMB. I don't know if it is true or false.

With the shrewdness of Big S, there is a high probability that he will not support an outsider who is doing nothing for nothing.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

No one invites Gu Junye to perform, what should I do?

If you want to "win your respect", you can only spend your own money to put on this DJ show for Gu Junye.

’s pre-show preparations have started as early as March. can range from doing an exclusive interview with Goo Junye to show off their affection, to putting his posters on buses.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

In order to support Gu Junye’s DJ show, Big S really spent a lot of money.

even did not hesitate to go out in person. On his social account, shouted "husband" one after another to increase the popularity of Gu Junye. The ticket price of

is not expensive, only 1,280 yuan. However, there were no chairs at the venue, so everyone had to stand.

has been shouting from March to the end of April. As the show starts, there are still tickets on sale.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Needless to say, Big S always has something to show for it, and such a shout will attract attention.

However, the performance venue was also "digged" out.

did not expect that the performance venue environment would be criticized: it looked like an abandoned large factory.

thought it was embarrassing, but I didn’t expect it to be true.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Whether the tickets can be sold out, this DJ show must be held as scheduled.

After all, Gu Junye really needs a performance to prove his popularity.

finally managed to put on a show, and the flower basket was definitely indispensable, and it didn’t cost much anyway. The words on the flower basket sent by

s's mother are quite easy to understand: I wish the coolest son-in-law a successful performance.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

There is no need to think about the big s flower basket. Although I don’t understand foreign languages, we can conclude from the 11 heart-shaped patterns: she is showing affection.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

I looked at Xiao S's flower basket again and thought about it for a long time. I don't know what she wanted to express...

Compared with the words on the flower basket, Xiao S's performance on the stage was even more explosive.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

The first thing that caught the eye was the figure of Xiao S’s husband, Xu Yajun.

However, there was no little S next to Xu Yajun. She would rather pay the driver to buy a ticket, and the couple did not want to enter the venue together. It was really strange.

Let’s look at the support pillars of the venue. It’s true at first glance. The iron sheets are turned outwards and stained with rust...

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

We can still analyze something about the separation of Mr. and Mrs. S from childhood.

Xiaos, Xu Yajun and his wife left separately, that is, both parties have their own tasks.

Or, each other should take good care of their friends and let them enter the game smoothly (don't let them escape).

However, judging from Xiao S's outfit, she should still go on stage for a show as usual. With such popularity, she must not miss it.

Then, let’s turn the perspective to their daughter.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Xiao S’s two children also appeared at the scene, especially the eldest daughter, who showed off her figure in a long black dress.

The two sisters also went their separate ways. The eldest daughter was surrounded by several girls of similar age, shouting that she was looking for friends.

It can be concluded from this that a large family will probably give away hundreds of tickets.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Except for Little S’s family, we didn’t see Big S at the scene. I guess they had to keep their dignity.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Xixian, the eldest sister of the S family who has always been low-key, also came to the scene and brought her old best friend with her.

The eldest sister Xu Xixian, in addition to being a family member, is also Gu Junye’s nominal boss. After all, the company is under her name.

is not so much Gu Junye’s DJ show as it is a large family party.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Judging from the pictures, these so-called celebrities are not as eye-catching as the amateurs next to them.

Look, the two old aunts next to this beautiful woman match the scene environment very well.

It would be even better if you give me two big bags of melon seeds.

Does this scene look like a large barbecue party in our village?

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Especially after the concert started, when ’s husband held up the beer in his hand, it looked more like a barbecue party.

But looking at the scene again, people are standing so far apart from each other. Is it because they have to perform football later?

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

I don’t know when, Xiao S was already standing on the stage, twisting and dancing in front of Gu Junye.

was wearing sunglasses, twisting hard and showing off her thighs from time to time.

As soon as Xiaos came on stage, the audience below raised their mobile phones one after another.

After a rough count, there were more than a dozen mobile phones taking pictures. Have other people's mobile phones been confiscated?

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

My sister-in-law came on stage to support her brother-in-law and performed a sexy dance.

The atmosphere at the scene was rarely ignited, but she didn't seem to be satisfied with that.

I don’t know when, Xiao S jumped from the stage to the audience again.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

I saw a group of people surrounding her, twisting and jumping, shaking and jumping...

However, this sparse crowd, coupled with the words "Hey fried", will make people feel It's a bit embarrassing to watch.

It is said that Big S did not show up when Gu Junye performed, and she was not seen until the celebration banquet after the end.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

The celebration banquet was enjoyable, after all, a lot of meat and dishes were served.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the huge roast duck.

I wonder if you will think of Wang Xiaofei in Beijing when you eat roast duck?

However, no one should care about the feelings of roast duck. What they care more about is whether this performance makes a profit or a loss?

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

It is said that the number of people present at this DJ show was less than a thousand.

Before it started, rumors leaked online that the venue could only accommodate 400 people.

I don’t know which one is true and which one is false, but there doesn’t seem to be much difference between four hundred people and less than a thousand people.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

If there are 400 people at the scene, then each of the dozen or so members of S’s family will send out 10 tickets. Based on the admission rate of 90%, the people brought by that family will account for three thirds of the people at the scene. one part.

If the number of people at the scene is less than a thousand, the people brought by this family will account for at least 20% of the number of people at the scene, because there cannot be a thousand people at the scene.

Below is a picture of the scene. has counted for everyone. The number of people in the first row is only about 30, not much less.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

If this is the case, the tickets sent out by the S family must have at least 100 tickets.

After deducting the venue rental fee, labor costs, and the equipment rental fee, which accounts for the majority, Gu Junye must not pay for this performance?

No wonder some netizens said after seeing their selfies that Big S was obviously smiling, but he looked like he was crying.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

In addition, a while ago, Big S and Gu Junye went out to eat and were met by netizens.

After eating, I saw Big S packing the uneaten food and praised her for being diligent and thrifty.

When she is with Wang Xiaofei, she is lavishly decorated, but when she is with Gu Junye, she becomes diligent and thrifty.

No, this change is too big, right?

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Based on the current situation, some netizens’ comments hit the nail on the head: This performance is full of embarrassment.

Gu Junye’s “shabby” DJ show completely destroyed the dignity of Big S.

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Gu Junye's DJ show ended successfully, and the S family held a grand celebration banquet for the foreign son-in-law. Even though Big S doesn't like to eat meat, in order to celebrate Gu Junye, he still served roast pig and roast duck on the table. However, in the eyes of many net - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment