On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... "" is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. "Dark Fire" is undou

entertainment 1313℃

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town...

is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. " faint fire " is undoubtedly one of the recent new dramas with a unique temperament. With the multi-line narrative technique, the series constantly creates suspense hooks. When the secrets of the characters in the drama are revealed, this redemption story about women breaking out of trouble and resisting domestic violence also arouses heated discussion and thinking among the audience. .

This is another collaboration between director Yao Xiaofeng and chief producer Zhang Shuwei after the success of "The Storm Chaser" at the beginning of the year. Judging from the response to the broadcast of the two works, this golden pair has already formed distinctive creative characteristics: they pay attention to the fate of small people in a big era, and can always use artistic lenses and unconventional narratives to present fascinating stories. The combination of young actors and powerful actors often produces incredible chemical reactions. When

accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from News Morning News·Zhou Zhou, the two main creators shared the creative concept and on-set stories of "Gloomy Fire". Director Yao Xiaofeng said with emotion that he was very happy that what he wanted to express was seen by the audience. "Today's audiences are very powerful. Not only can they see it, but they can also interpret a lot more."

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

Women who suffer from domestic violence have no way to seek help, " The "harmful victim theory" hurts people like a sharp knife. Rumors and prejudices in acquaintance society have become heavy shackles. However, the trapped people strive to pursue the light under pressure... During the broadcast of "Gloomy Fire", many dramas Collection-related topics sparked heated discussions. Heartbreak and anger, yearning and admiration have become the first feelings for many viewers when watching the drama.

This feeling of anger and emotion also runs through Yao Xiaofeng’s creations.

After the mixing and editing of "Gloomy Fire" was completed, he once watched the entire play again, and he really felt like he was "shooting the crime" in a trance. "This group of young children in the play bear such heavy shackles for the justice in their hearts. They are very courageous and valuable."

Yao Xiaofeng said frankly that what he wanted to shoot from the beginning was not just a suspense story, but a suspense story. The awakening of a beautiful soul in a closed environment. Until now, he will be repeatedly touched by the redeeming friendship between Nanya ( Tong Yao ) and Zhou Luo ( Zhang Xincheng ) in the play. "What impresses me most is the bravery of young people. Even though there are many difficulties, they still try to help and save someone. This is something that ordinary people cannot do. Only teenagers can have this kind of courage. This is also the most glorious thing in life. "

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

From this perspective, despite filming the grievances and unspoken rules of acquaintance society, Yao Xiaofeng does not want to just convey a "kill with a stick" solution, but hopes that the "dark fire" in the play can Give more good encouragement. In his eyes, the residents of Qingshui Town who are prejudiced and spread rumors in the play are actually just ordinary people who have been deceived. Their kindness needs to be opened up. "Nanya woke up very early, and Zhou Luo was attracted to Nanya. They gradually opened up a world and learned about the existence of beauty, so these two souls are awake. Others were blinded and did not realize it, so that they were dragged into the quagmire and made hurtful words."

At the same time, the series also sets up many interesting "control groups" so that different people can project and look back on themselves. For example, Zhou Luo (played by Zhang Xincheng) and Lin Fanglu (played by Ye Zuxin) both had a yearning for Nanya when they were teenagers. In the end, one chose to be brave and the other turned to escape, which is a typical mirror image relationship. During the investigation of the case, Lin Fanglu followed the evidence to find the truth on the one hand, and also tortured his own past on the other. "He didn't believe that there really was someone like Zhou Luo in the world, but this mirror finally showed him." "

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

Of course, choosing the fictional "Qingshui Town" to shoot in Wuyuan is also the result of Yao Xiaofeng and his team's careful location selection. In his vision, the environment of the town must be green mountains and green waters, with fragrant flowers and birds singing. "I hope it is a town that cannot be reached by train directly. You have to go to the county seat first and then take a bus back to the town."It must have a certain degree of closure in order to create an acquaintance society with a strong sense of kinship. "

On the night of the millennium, there was a murder of a husband. Different characters had different statements and memories. In "Dark Fire", the editing of multi-line narratives makes people full of curiosity: the truth of the murder may not be complicated. People The hidden secrets are more worth chewing.

"It was extremely difficult to operate. I revised and rewritten, and rewritten and rewritten. Our screenwriter Mao Yunfei was never discouraged. He collapsed several times, but he was still very resilient and stayed with us all the time. The script is ready." Yao Xiaofeng did not shy away from the difficulties in the early creation of "Gloomy Fire". The script was overturned many times and it took two years to be finalized.

Among them, the most difficult part is how to use the length of a TV series to tell a story with multiple characters. A suspenseful story. “A movie can tell this story from one person’s perspective in a few minutes or ten minutes, but a TV series may take one or two episodes. How can the audience follow it with such a length? "

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

When it came to officially filming the story of Millennium Night, the crew also spent nine full nights. Looking back now, Yao Xiaofeng lamented that the scheduling was extremely complicated and the process was "brain-burning". The actors may not be able to figure out what was shot on a certain day. Which part of the scene can only be performed on-site according to the guidance and arrangements?

The most typical example is the actor who plays Xu YiLiu Junxiao-because the scene where Xu Yi was killed was filmed many times. There are many kinds of fatal blows, and almost every time there are different causes and consequences, so much so that Liu Junxiao himself was a little confused about the real "cause of death" of the character. During a recent crew gathering, Liu Junxiao was still joking with Yao Xiaofeng: "What the hell am I doing?" How did you 'die'? "

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

In the eyes of chief producer Zhang Shuwei, in addition to Yao Xiaofeng's precise scheduling, the actors' concerted efforts are also indispensable. "Those days were like everyone staying up all night for the holidays. Everyone was very cooperative. No actor said anything "I'm sleepy and I need to leave early." Every day, we arrive at the scene happily, try to cheer up, and cheer each other up before leaving. She revealed that the filming covered a large area of ​​the town at that time, and almost all the actors played supporting roles and backgrounds for others. "There will never be a saying, 'If the camera can't take me, I won't go to the scene. 'situation, because everyone has a role in different backgrounds."

A beautiful but infamous woman in a small town, a young man from a small town who dropped out of a prestigious university, and a detective who is looking for clues... "The Darkness" Since the launch of "Fire", the performances of Tong Yao, Zhang Xincheng, Ye Zuxin and other actors have been well received. "Clear" has become the first comment on the "casting" of the show.

In Yao Xiaofeng's eyes, Tong Yao can complete the role of "Nanya". It is a leap and challenge in itself. "I respect her very much and admire her." And the genius temperament of Zhang Xincheng and "Zhou Luo" are also very consistent. "The newly grown one looks like a genius, very smart - he knows everything." , he can understand immediately what to do."

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

In addition to the male and female protagonists, Ye Zuxin also impressed the audience. He became famous for his role as the "Tenth Brother" in "Step by Step" and is recognized in the industry An actor with a "teenage feel"; but in "Gloomy Fire", the detective Lin Fanglu he played is sharp, restrained, sharp-edged, and obviously has a vicissitudes of temperament.

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

"Youthfulness sometimes also means weakness and immaturity. , Lin Fanglu has never found his true position in life, and has never been brave enough to say what he wants. He is an adult with a few flaws. Yao Xiaofeng said frankly that Ye Zuxin took the initiative after reading the script. His enthusiasm for the role infected him, "We have not worked together in the past, but I think his temperament is consistent." He is very studious and hard-working. When he first started filming, he and Lao Chen (played by Tian Xiaojie) were really getting better and better, and he was getting better and better."

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

On the set, Yao Xiaofeng often consciously gives the actors Watch the replays, or show the clips to the actors after quick editing. "Every time I watch it, all the actors are inspired, so everyone's condition is getting better and better."He did not shy away from admitting that he was very strict on the set, so he was even more excited when he saw the outstanding performances of the actors. "Every actor has done a great job."

It is worth mentioning that from the Wang Yibo and Li Qin of "The Storm Chaser" at the beginning of the year to the current Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng of "Dark Fire", Yao Xiaofeng can often "stick to the face" of the character. , to further explore the different faces of the actors. What is the "secret" behind this?

"She (Zhang Shuwei) is like a computer. She knows almost all actors, like an encyclopedia." Yao Xiaofeng said with a smile that his partner Zhang Shuwei was the man behind the casting. "Ask her what she has played, she knows it every time. They can make very appropriate choices."

On Millennium Eve at the turn of the century in 1999, Qingshui Town businessman Xu Yi was killed. This confusing murder soon revealed the secrets and past of a group of people in the town... '' is currently being broadcast on CCTV TV drama channels and Youku. 'Dark Fire' is undou - Lujuba

Zhang Shuwei believes that rather than having a "trick", it is better to say that their creative mentality is relatively pure. "We don't have to weigh any complicated relationships, or determine which character must be used. We just want to make the movie well." ideas, choose the most suitable person.” She revealed that whether it is "Storm Chaser" or "Dark Fire", the team starts from the script incubation, so everyone is close to and understands the characters, and they will be more accurate when recommending actors. "I think the director He is particularly good at guiding, and the performances of many actors indeed exceeded our expectations."

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