Recently, Phoenix Legend must have a seat at one of the most discussed concerts. Map source@李小主. Recently, this well-known group has become the number one hot search. It’s funny that some people have questioned lip-synching, but the person being questioned is not the singer. The

entertainment 4735℃


is the most discussed concert,

The Phoenix Legend must have a place

Recently, Phoenix Legend must have a seat at one of the most discussed concerts. Map source@李小主. Recently, this well-known group has become the number one hot search. It’s funny that some people have questioned lip-synching, but the person being questioned is not the singer. The  - Lujuba

Picture source @ 张小主

Recently, this well-known group has become the top trending search

The reason is somewhat funny

Some people actually question lip-syncing

However, the object of questioning is not the singer

but the audience

Recently, Phoenix Legend must have a seat at one of the most discussed concerts. Map source@李小主. Recently, this well-known group has become the number one hot search. It’s funny that some people have questioned lip-synching, but the person being questioned is not the singer. The  - Lujuba

The reason is Phoenix Legend Beijing Bird's Nest Concert

Some netizens questioned,

singing along at other concerts was very loud

Why is it so quiet when everyone sings together at the Bird's Nest


Recently, Phoenix Legend must have a seat at one of the most discussed concerts. Map source@李小主. Recently, this well-known group has become the number one hot search. It’s funny that some people have questioned lip-synching, but the person being questioned is not the singer. The  - Lujuba

Regarding this, netizens in Beijing rushed to refute the rumors.

How can you say that the chorus is too loud?

Recently, Phoenix Legend must have a seat at one of the most discussed concerts. Map source@李小主. Recently, this well-known group has become the number one hot search. It’s funny that some people have questioned lip-synching, but the person being questioned is not the singer. The  - Lujuba

In this wave,

I can only say that Phoenix Legend is still too advanced.

Phoenix Legend viewers were questioned about lip-syncing.

The degree of funnyness is 100%.

The audience responded and was questioned about lip-syncing:

The degree of funnyness is 1000000%!

Not only is he touring various places in Beijing

Phoenix Legend,

is also a meme everywhere. I often watch Chang Xin

Changzhou concerts where someone sings along with "It's All Love"

The more he sings, the more angry he gets and the more he sings, the better he sings.

Netizen comments: The audience lip-synched the first Once I heard about

, netizens were also talking about it. Some people said that they could not understand this niche text. This was the first time that the audience had heard of lip-syncing.

Chunyu Lingyu: It’s so funny, such a niche text, the audience lip-synced.

Junzhisuosi: The voice is not loud enough for this audience.

Some netizens who have attended the concert tried their best to prove that the audience did not lip-sync!

Ayao works very hard: I really sing! Few of the videos I recorded are listenable, they are all my own voice.

Aliens on Earth: Damn, just sing loudly the whole time, but the sound is relatively quiet in the video.

alan_bin: It’s been a day to explain! ! Yesterday there was smoke in my throat, and today my fingers are smoking while typing.

sounds great: Oh my god, the people next to me are singing in various tones, and I even open my mouth without making a sound. How can this be discovered? I admit that I am an audience member and I lip-synched, but you won’t ban me, right? I also want to see the Phoenix Legend concert!

Phoenix Legend, recognized by parents,

makes young people "really fragrant"

For the young generation who are stressed out and intermittently exhausted, Phoenix Legend has now become the "musical dopamine" they use to replenish their spirit.

used to question his parents’ taste in music as being rustic, but now he realizes that his parents’ taste in music was so advanced back then. Time has allowed young people to finally understand the goodness of Phoenix Legend and exclaim, “It smells really good.”

According to Sino-Singapore Entertainment, Linghua and Zeng Yi also set 13 group rules in their early years, which represent their sincerity to the performing arts career. These rules are also engraved into the DNA of Phoenix Legend and the audience!

① If you can really sing, don’t return the sound. This is persistence.

②To be able to hear applause and bear grievance is tolerance.

③Don’t think about being lazy, think about having fun.

④ Don’t waste money and don’t hit the rankings.

⑤Don’t belittle anyone and elevate yourself.

⑥You can socialize, but don't be a social butterfly. This is the bottom line.

⑦The songs are not shoddy.


Who wouldn't love Phoenix Legend

after watching it?

Source: Chao News Comprehensive News Morning News, Sina Hot Search, Netizen Comments, China-Singapore Entertainment, Phoenix weekly

Tags: entertainment