Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into a river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out! On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an updat

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Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into the river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out!

html On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an update on social platforms. She uploaded a video to talk about her views on the fat cat incident, which quickly aroused heated discussion!

Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into a river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out! On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an updat - Lujuba

Zhao Yingzi herself appeared in the video. She was wearing a white cotton jacket and exquisite makeup, looking glamorous. At the beginning of the

video, Zhao Yingzi looked sad. She said to the camera, "I'm sorry, I have to occupy some public resources today. This matter must be known to more people, instead of being silent like the cold river." Her eyes were determined , with a real look on her face, the audience's emotions were suddenly aroused by her.

Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into a river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out! On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an updat - Lujuba

Zhao Yingzi commented that Fat Cat is "an excellent boy, a boy who exudes love." She advised netizens: before loving others, you must first learn to love yourself, and you must love soberly, and you can be selfish without going against your true heart and mind. Be real and don't let your spirit be controlled by other people's goals.

Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into a river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out! On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an updat - Lujuba

At the same time, she also said: "The person who truly loves you always wants to give you the best of everything, and will never be reluctant to give you, just for fear of not giving enough. If it is really wrong, don't get deeper into it. Only by loving yourself can you It is the beginning of a lifelong romance."

Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into a river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out! On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an updat - Lujuba

At the end of the video, she also left the text "I wish the pure love warrior a good journey."

Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into a river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out! On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an updat - Lujuba

Judging from Zhao Yingzi's words, she was on Fat Cat's side, sympathizing with his plight and feeling sad for his death.

However, after Zhao Yingzi spoke out, she did not receive recognition from many netizens. Instead, many netizens condemned her for enjoying the popularity.

Recently, the incident of a 21-year-old Chongqing man whose fat cat jumped into a river has become very popular on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions on this matter, and entertainment stars have also spoken out! On May 5, female star Zhao Yingzi updated an updat - Lujuba

The fat cat incident has been making waves for several days. It’s time to return to normal discussions. The current heat is not a good thing for the deceased.

These celebrities are also quite strange. They usually don't speak out about national affairs, but they come to comment on social events like this. It's not unfair to be scolded for being popular.

really sympathizes with Fat Cat and hopes he rests in peace, then let everything return to peace!

"Original article, plagiarism is prohibited; pictures come from the Internet and will be deleted! 》

Tags: entertainment