Cover news reporter Xun Chao's photo shows the interviewees: host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk artist... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, loves nothing more than "youth comedy" Inheritor" label. As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first a

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cover news reporter Xun Chao According to the interviewees

host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk art worker... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, is most fond of "youth" The label "Heir of Comedy".

Cover news reporter Xun Chao's photo shows the interviewees: host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk artist... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, loves nothing more than 'youth comedy' Inheritor' label. As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first a - Lujuba

Wu Dan

As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first Sichuan comedy actress, Wu Dan shines on the comedy stage. He has participated in the four-act comedy "Love You Forever", the comedy "Our Power" and " "Bitter Wormwood Sister" and so on, which have received many praises. She has also crossed over into the field of sketches, film and television, and has appeared on the Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala many times. She has won widespread praise for her role as "Xia Hua" in the online drama "Li Ge".

Cover news reporter Xun Chao's photo shows the interviewees: host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk artist... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, loves nothing more than 'youth comedy' Inheritor' label. As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first a - Lujuba

The image of Wu Dan and his master Zhang Tingyu (Part 1) in two versions of the comedy "Crying Sister"

"Xia Hua, who dares to love and hate, is very similar to me"

"Li Ge" is adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous writer Rao Xueman and tells the story of a Sichuan girl It tells the story of childhood sweethearts Ma Zhuo (played by Li Tingting) and boy Xia Ze (played by Zhou Chengao), who redeem each other amidst the great changes in reality and entangled emotions. In the play, Wu Dan plays Xia Ze's sister "Xia Hua", a fierce and public girl who works hard in a hard life and believes that only money can pursue true happiness.

"Xia Hua's character is very similar to mine. She is a straightforward girl who dares to love and hate. She will never hide anything, but must explode it." When she first encountered the script, she was deeply attracted by the role, " When playing this role, the subtext in my heart was 'I have long forgotten what happiness is'. She had a hard life, but she was kind-hearted. In the early days, she seemed not so obedient due to the pressure of life, and she felt that her father was more favored. The younger brother has never felt the love of his father and mother, and in the end he can only pretend to be like a boy, and it seems that he can protect his younger brother from the wind and rain.” Wu Dan became more and more distressed as he devoted himself to feeling the emotions and inner world of "Xia Hua": "Xia Hua longs to be loved. Her only happiness is watching her brother slowly get better, and she has basically never lived for herself." In an interview with a cover news reporter, Wu Dan reviewed two impressive scenes, "One was when Xia Ze fought for her, and ended up stabbing someone else and was arrested and jailed. At that moment, I deeply felt Xia Hua's helplessness. Help, despair, regret, feeling that he killed his brother."

Another scene is when "Xia Hua" learned the news that her father had been killed. "Xia Hua has always been a person who lacks love and has no communication with her father. She wants to start a business and make money, not for herself, but to prove to her father and to make her brother live a better life." To release the inner pain of the character, Wu Thant constantly tried to figure out the emotional changes of the character, trying to find the most suitable performance method.

"Xia Hua was either fighting or crying. During the nearly two months of filming, I often ran back and forth. My eyes were swollen in the camera and I cried every day. I am such a happy person and I cry at any time. I almost cried and was depressed. And the fight scene was real, and I almost fainted with a few slaps." However, when the word "action" came on, Wu Dan immediately got into the mood and let the emotions of the character flow through his body, "I tried my best. To restore her emotional state so that the audience can feel her pain and struggle. "In her eyes, "Xia Hua" is a person who can burn her life for love. "Stepping out of the role, I think Xia Hua said, 'If there is another life, live a good life for yourself!'"

Cover news reporter Xun Chao's photo shows the interviewees: host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk artist... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, loves nothing more than 'youth comedy' Inheritor' label. As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first a - Lujuba

Wu Dan participated in the offline road show of "Li Ge"

Comedy experience broke through the "barriers" of film and television

From the folk art stage to In the cross-border journey of film and television performances, Wu Thant also faced many challenges. "On the stage, we are 'people crazy'. We get excited when we see the audience and have that sense of interaction. As for film and television, although we have participated in it before, this is the first time we have received such an important role, and we just started talking to the camera. She's still a little uncomfortable with it. "Fortunately, the performance experience she accumulated on the comedy stage helped her quickly break down the barriers between stage performances and film and television performances, allowing her to quickly adapt to the rhythm and requirements of film and television performances."Comedy is the art of 'one person acting alone, acting alone'. We always talk to the air, so we have become more comfortable with the camera. Moreover, comedy is about shaping characters. On the stage, it is always the first person, including the virtual counterpart. The rhythm is all set by the actor alone; film and television also create characters, and they also have to act in conjunction with their opponents. "

Speaking of this, Wu Dan was particularly grateful to the crew for their help, especially for playing the role of his younger brother in the play. Actor Zhou Chengao, "Every time he shoots a close-up of me, he will help me set up the scene and use real emotions to help me get into the scene. We will also talk about the script to be shot the next day and discuss how to perform better. Xueman Sister and director Wen Ye also gave us room to give full play and taught us many key points of performance. My senior sister Zhong Yanping and senior brother Wang Lei also gave me a lot of help. Special thanks to everyone."

Cover news reporter Xun Chao's photo shows the interviewees: host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk artist... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, loves nothing more than 'youth comedy' Inheritor' label. As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first a - Lujuba

Wu Dan and Zhou Cheng'ao were there. Played the role of brother and sister in "Li Ge"

Recently, Wu Dan also guest-starred in Stephen Chow's first short drama "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf". Working with different directors and trying a variety of roles gave her a deeper understanding of film and television acting. .

Although opportunities for film and television performances have increased, U Thant still sticks to the comedy stage. She said affectionately: "Actually, I first started learning comedy because I admired my master Zhang Tingyu. But as time went by, I found that comedy has benefited me a lot. All my achievements, including being able to participate in movies and TV shows The filming of the drama and being able to be so comfortable in the performance are all brought to me by comedy. "

Cover news reporter Xun Chao's photo shows the interviewees: host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk artist... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, loves nothing more than 'youth comedy' Inheritor' label. As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first a - Lujuba

Wu Dan and his master Zhang Tingyu (middle) and senior sister Zhong Yanping (left)

Wu Dan expressed his humor with a series of "I do". Love of drama. "I am willing to pay for comedies. I am willing to publicize and promote comedies on different platforms and fields. It is not limited to filming movies, attending Spring Festival Gala, participating in variety shows, etc. As long as more people can see me and get to know me, mention 'U Thant' is a comedian who can give comedies a chance to break out of the circle, and I am willing to try it."

Multi-field cross-border support for comedies to "break out of the circle"

In order to promote comedies, U Thant also crosses borders. In the field of sketches, the sketches "Warm Snow", "Fraud Huohu", "True Love in the Workplace", "I'm New Here", "Hello Son-in-law" and "Love", etc., co-operated with actors such as Jia Bing and Han Xue, have appeared on major Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala. His humorous yet sincere performance style is eye-catching. "Actually, it's a bit difficult to act in sketches after having performed in a comedy, because we are not good at listening to other people's speech, and we all talk alone. When I first started working with teacher Jia Bing, he would always remind me, 'You are acting in a comedy. "Can you please listen to me and say a few words? '"

In Wu Dan's view, "As a literary and artistic worker, whether a folk actor or a film and television actor, we must speak for us people through our works." A sense of responsibility requires us to think about and feel the role when we create it. Whether it is a "player" or a "people supporter", as an actor, we must play every role well and truly speak for the role we play. Live in her world to feel her heart, and then step out of this world to see and think, 'If I were really such a person, would I do what she did? '"

Cover news reporter Xun Chao's photo shows the interviewees: host, graphic model, film and television actor, folk artist... Wu Dan, this slash youth with multiple identity labels, loves nothing more than 'youth comedy' Inheritor' label. As the protégé of Zhang Tingyu, the first a - Lujuba

Wu Dan performed in the comedy " Our Power》

Wu Dan, who is self-deprecating and "understands everything, takes his time", is very clear about his career plan: to help comedy "get out of the circle" through film, television, variety shows, sketches, etc., "When more people know me When I do this, I will have more opportunities to show comedy. These experiences and experiences also provide me with good help in shaping characters in my comedy works." Wu Dan hopes to inject comedy art through his own efforts. New vitality allows more people to understand and love this unique performance form.

What makes her happy is: "Now more and more teenagers are learning comedy. Two days ago, I was giving lessons and rehearsing plays to young actors in Chongqing. I hope that more and more comedians will be active on major stages in the future." ”

On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, Wu Dan also sent a message to young people: “Do what you want to do, like a summer flower."She encouraged everyone to bravely pursue their dreams, not be afraid of difficulties and challenges, and live out their own splendor and value.

Tags: entertainment