His hands are deformed, he cannot speak, and even walking normally is awkward, but he loves running and can still run 21 kilometers. In March this year, this newspaper reported the story of Song Qiangqiang setting a personal best time in the Lishui Marathon with the help of five

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has deformed hands, is unable to speak, and even walks awkwardly, but he loves running and can still run 21 kilometers. In March this year, this newspaper reported the story of Song Qiangqiang setting a personal best time in the Lishui Marathon with the help of five accompanying runners. In the Nanjing Xianlin Marathon on April 21, Song Qiangqiang created another "personal best" - he participated in the half marathon alone without a runner. Although he stumbled along the way, he finally won It was still successful, and the time was only 4 minutes slower than the time in Lishui.

You have to fight hard when you are in the competition.

No matter how hard and tired you are, you must persevere.

Song Qiangqiang and the Dark Running Group he is a member of have been reported many times by this newspaper. The member who impressed Wang Yong the most about the Nanjing Station of the running group is Song Qiangqiang. Speaking of this strong man Captain Wang is always full of praise for this Nanjing boy. During the Lishui Half Marathon, our reporter saw Song Qiangqiang at the scene. He could not speak, his waist and neck could not stand upright like a normal person, and he even walked a little awkwardly, but his eyes were bright and clear. In this Xianlin Half Marathon, reporters also saw Song Qiangqiang during the race, but because there was no accompanying runner around him, his identity could not be confirmed. It wasn't until Team Leader Wang mentioned it after the race that he realized that Song Qiangqiang had completed the 21 kilometers alone.

His hands are deformed, he cannot speak, and even walking normally is awkward, but he loves running and can still run 21 kilometers. In March this year, this newspaper reported the story of Song Qiangqiang setting a personal best time in the Lishui Marathon with the help of five  - Lujuba

After the game, Song Qiangqiang told reporters in writing that this was the fourth marathon he had participated in this year. After the previous Lishui Half Marathon, he participated in the Pukou Half Marathon and the Nanjing Half Marathon. In the Pukou Half Marathon, Song Qiangqiang was in good condition. With the help of his accompanying runners, he once again set a new personal half marathon record with a time of 2 hours and 34 minutes.

At the Xianlin Half Marathon this time, many people asked Song Qiangqiang, thinking that the running group did not organize accompanying running activities. But in fact, it is Song Qiangqiang's own choice to run alone. He hopes that the accompanying runners will be free to help the visually impaired in the group who are in greater need. In his first solo race, Song Qiangqiang still encountered trouble. Because he forgot to take salt pills before starting the race, he cramped at the 18th kilometer mark and walked more than a kilometer. He wanted to rush before the finish line, but almost fell down. During the race, some runners from a passing running group cheered Song Qiangqiang on. They respected Song Qiangqiang’s own choice and did not choose to help. After crossing the line, Song Qiangqiang collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. It was not until volunteers came up to stretch for a while that he reluctantly stood up. "I thought it must have been three hours this time, but I didn't expect the result to be 2 hours and 56 minutes. For me, I have to fight hard when I go to the competition, and I have to persevere no matter how hard or tired I am."

usually trains on his own.

There are many people who are equally strong

Song Qiangqiang lives in Gaochun, Nanjing. Due to the distance, he rarely participates in running group training. He relies on himself for training and improvement. On weekdays, he records his training process on Douyin. Reporter I also learned from Song Qiangqiang’s account that he has won the title of third-level mass athlete of the Chinese Athletics Association, won the 200-meter silver medal at the Municipal Paralympic Games, and the 800-meter bronze medal at the Provincial Paralympic Games...

can leave the running company It is not an easy task for Song Qiangqiang to be a runner. In previous competitions, the accompanying runners were responsible for supporting him throughout the process, adjusting his pace, and guiding his mental state, etc. Because Song Qiangqiang’s hands were weak, he had to drink water, provide supplies, and organize himself. Clothes, etc. needed help from the runners. In addition, the runners had to borrow passages from the runners in front and behind, so that Song Qiangqiang could run with peace of mind. This time, he had to complete everything by himself, and he did not let himself down. .

In the dark running group, there are many people like Song Qiangqiang. For example, Xu Xinfei, a visually impaired boy who cannot see both eyes in this fairy horse and can only train once a week, with the help of the accompanying running group and the Yangtze Evening News/Purple Witnessed by Niu News reporters, he set a personal best half-marathon time of 2 hours, 9 minutes and 27 seconds. He admitted that he had never dared to think about it; Chen Qian, a visually impaired runner from the Jiangsu Provincial Disability Swimming Team, did not start well. She dared not run, but with the encouragement of Wang Yong and others, she dared to take a step forward and completed the Nanjing Full Marathon last year; the team leader Wang Yong is a hearing-impaired person. In 2021, he joined the Dark Running Group as a visual As the "eyes" of obstacle runners, he took the lead in establishing the Nanjing Station of the Dark Running Group and became the webmaster of the Nanjing Station. Over the past few years, he has helped dozens of disabled runners complete their marathon dreams...

The Dark Running Group is a national charity for the visually impaired. The accompanying running project aims to encourage and help visually impaired and disabled people to get out of their homes and participate in running and other sports. There are also some able-bodied runners in the group. They need to run at the pace of their companions, which is equivalent to giving up their own results and using them to achieve the other person's results. Wang Yong said, "Our running group welcomes people with disabilities who like running and sports, and also welcomes caring running volunteers to join this big family."

Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News Reporter Jiang Tiansheng

Proofreading Faye Wong

Tags: entertainment