Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi Intern Jiang Xinyi Mrs. Xian was once praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as "the first female hero in China". She was determined to oppose separatism and separatism, safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, and was honored as the "Mother of Lingnan" and

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Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi Intern Jiang Xinyi Mrs. Xian was once praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as "the first female hero in China". She was determined to oppose separatism and separatism, safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, and was honored as the "Mother of Lingnan" and "China." Holy Mother”. Directed by Chen Jian, the historical legendary drama "Mrs. Qiao Guo" starring Michelle Ye, , Jia Yuanyuan, Miao Qing, Li Ruoqiao, Yang Qingwen and other powerful actors will be broadcast in Guangdong at 19:30 every night from May 5 Satellite TV's "Vibrant Theater" is launched. With the launch of the play, the legendary story of Mrs. Xian will also come to the screen from documentary records and folklore.

"Mrs. Qiao Guo" is produced by Guangdong Radio and Television Station, Maoming Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Beijing Guangzhao Dadi Media Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Guangdong Satellite TV Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Southern Linghang Film and Television Communication Co., Ltd. The drama's strong Lingnan flavor and cultural elements, including the customs and customs of Maoming, the main filming location, are bound to resonate with Guangdong audiences during the broadcast. Earlier, the play's director Chen Jian, producer Yu Chengyan and starring actors Ren Zhong, Chang Rong, Wang Luxi and Liu Yutong once again visited the Madame Xian filming base in Maoming to revisit their old places and experience the unique charm of Lingnan. When they were interviewed by Nandu reporters, they also shared more experiences and feelings behind the filming of the series.


The main creator was deeply influenced by Mrs. Xian's "good-hearted spirit"

Mrs. She was named "Mrs. Qiao Guo". The TV series "Mrs. Qiao" is based on the legendary life of Mrs. Xian. It tells the touching story of her being born in a war, integrating various tribes in Lingnan amidst complex and dangerous conflicts and struggles, promoting social progress and national harmony, and dedicating her life to national unification.

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi Intern Jiang Xinyi Mrs. Xian was once praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as 'the first female hero in China'. She was determined to oppose separatism and separatism, safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, and was honored as the 'Mother of Lingnan' and  - Lujuba

Michelle Ye plays Mrs. Xian.

"Director Chen Jian's masterpiece is "Bright Sword". He also filmed two heroines, one is Mrs. Shexiang and the other is Mrs. Xian. Mrs. Shexiang is a female leader of the Yi people in Guizhou, and Mrs. Xian is our A female leader of the Li clan in Guangdong. "The producer of "Mrs. Qiao" Yu Chengyan shared the interesting story behind the show with reporters. Director Chen Jian said that he was very surprised and lucky to be able to film the stories and experiences of these two heroines. He said: "All our cast and crew want to use this play to let more people know about Mrs. Xian, know Mrs. Xian, and know that we have such a great woman in China."

The expressions of the protagonists when talking about Mrs. Xian Everyone was in awe. “Mrs. She has made an indelible contribution to the great national integration." Chang Rong said.

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi Intern Jiang Xinyi Mrs. Xian was once praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as 'the first female hero in China'. She was determined to oppose separatism and separatism, safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, and was honored as the 'Mother of Lingnan' and  - Lujuba

Ren Zhong plays Mrs. Xian’s husband "Feng Bao".

Ren Zhong, who plays Mrs. Xian's husband "Feng Bao", has a more in-depth and detailed understanding of Mrs. Xian's story. Ren Zhong said: "Mrs. Xian's spirit is passed down from generation to generation. I came to (Maoming) to visit and study this time I learned that there are more than 3,000 Xian temples in the world. People around the world worship a real person in the history of Lingnan area. You can imagine how influential she is when you arrive in Maoming. Maoming is a city. The slogan is - 'Good Heart Maoming' because Mrs. Someone did something bad, but I couldn't find out who did it. When I asked him about it, the bad guy immediately took action as soon as he saw Mrs. Mrs. Xian's relationship has also always attracted much attention. This couple has been known as the "Two Immortals of Harmony" for more than a thousand years, and their family harmony has been passed down by local people. Mrs. Xian's family is not like the traditional Chinese family structure in which "men take charge of the outside and women take charge of the house", but quite the opposite.Ren Zhong also has his own unique thoughts on this: "Feng Bao, according to modern terms, married into the Xian family. He is actually a very good wife. In a story about a female character like this, there must be a male supporting her." She. I am very happy to be able to take the role of Feng Bao. I think it is also a very good thing whether he takes the lead or not." Wang Luxi and Liu Yutong, two young actors who have been accompanying Mrs. Xian in the play, also mentioned. They were deeply influenced by Mrs. Xian's "good-hearted spirit".

As an outstanding woman in Chinese history, Mrs. Xian is famous both at home and abroad for her tenacity, wisdom, loyalty and patriotism. Her kindness and deep affection for the people have been passed down from generation to generation. Not only are they deeply rooted in the local culture and social value system, they have also become the pride and symbol of Maoming City. They have even transcended national boundaries and become the belief and spiritual totem of many overseas Chinese. "The Lady of Qiao" tells the story of the characters on the basis of fully digesting historical materials. At the same time, it consciously and effectively integrates local folk customs, regional specialties, and natural scenery to reflect the cultural customs and humanistic history of the Lingnan region, allowing more audiences to understand Lingnan culture. Continuously stimulate the vitality of the times of Lingnan culture.


A new and interesting attempt

The personal growth of actors

The role played in the play this time is a new and interesting experience for the actors. Since Ren Zhong participated in " That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full" in 2017, he once again appeared in a costume drama after many years. He admitted that the shooting experience this time was completely different from before. "Because the era and background are different. When I was filming "The Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full", the costumes were all clean, and all the male actors had to shave their heads. But ours is a full-faced drama, which is different in terms of makeup, hair, and costumes. The real difference is that the behavior of the people in the play is different from that of modern people. During the filming of the story of Mrs. ."

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi Intern Jiang Xinyi Mrs. Xian was once praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as 'the first female hero in China'. She was determined to oppose separatism and separatism, safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, and was honored as the 'Mother of Lingnan' and  - Lujuba

Chang Rong plays Feng Bao's father.

Chang Rong plays the important role of Feng Bao's father Feng Rong in the play. Many interesting things happened during the cooperation between the two powerful actors. "Ren Zhong and I play the role of father and son. Our cooperation in the play is very pleasant because we have known each other many years ago. My lover and Ren Zhong are classmates in the play, so although this cooperation is ours, It’s my first time, but it feels like I have worked together on many dramas, and the cooperation is very tacit and smooth,” Chang Rong said with a smile.

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi Intern Jiang Xinyi Mrs. Xian was once praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as 'the first female hero in China'. She was determined to oppose separatism and separatism, safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, and was honored as the 'Mother of Lingnan' and  - Lujuba

"Dowa" Wang Luxi.

Two new actors, Wang Luxi and Liu Yutong, who were filming a TV series for the first time, both said that they benefited a lot from this drama. Wang Luxi, who plays the role of Dowa, the right-hand female general next to Mrs. I remember that the producer Yu Chenghuan said at the time: You can completely act as yourself, just play yourself; Director Chen Jian is also a very gentle and patient director, and he will give the actors a lot of creativity. With their encouragement and support, I gradually gained confidence. Although I was not very satisfied with my performance, I tried my best to complete the creation of this character. . There are always regrets in art, and I hope it will get better and better in the future." Liu Yutong, who plays Madam Xian's niece Xian Ailian and has many opposite roles with Michelle Ye, said: "She (Xuan Ye) is very strict on the surface. People, but I will tell you in private how you should feel and how you should act here. We get along very well with each other in private. "

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi Intern Jiang Xinyi Mrs. Xian was once praised by Premier Zhou Enlai as 'the first female hero in China'. She was determined to oppose separatism and separatism, safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, and was honored as the 'Mother of Lingnan' and  - Lujuba

"Mrs. Xian" Michelle Ye.

When talking about Michelle Ye, who plays "Mrs. Xian", many actors commented on her as "rigorous, serious and responsible". Ren Zhong said: "Xuan Ye is a very serious and dedicated actor. I feel that I have been working very hard during the more than a month of filming, shooting for more than ten hours every day. Teacher Ye has been working hard here for three years. For more than a month, she worked hard every day. She was very strict with her makeup, hair, and clothing. She had to discuss every small detail with the producer for a long time.She also discusses with the producers every day about the development of the script. I think this is very rare.

Although Michelle Ye herself was not able to attend the interview, she also brought her acting experience through the crew. She said: "It is an honor to receive such a challenging role." I have been preparing to play a female politician, so I have been "living" in this role for a long time, and I hope that the final presentation will make the audience feel the homework we have done. ”


Real scenes and exquisite art

Mrs. We use historical materials to strive for excellence in the art and scenery, trying to restore and create the style and characteristics of Lingnan characters and Lingnan architecture as much as possible.

"Mrs. Very little of the building itself remains. We restored Mrs. Xian’s home, Li Village, in Mrs. Xian’s hometown in Guangdong. "Producer Yu Chengyan told reporters. Since Mrs. Xian's former residence has long disappeared in the long river of history, in order to let Mrs. Xian "come home" and to better inherit and carry forward Mrs. Xian's spirit, the producer Under the leadership of , the creative team not only consulted a large amount of historical materials to vividly restore Madam Xian's former residence step by step, but also further transformed the filming location into Madam Xian's film and television base, and promoted it to become one of Maoming's new cultural landmarks, promoting the The development of the local cultural tourism industry in Maoming.

In addition to creating realistic scenes, the creative team also spent a lot of effort on art. Producer Yu Chenghuan said: "Our art team came to Guangdong a year and a half in advance to bring the film to life. All museums in Guangdong have compiled all the information about Li Zhai, whether published or unpublished, including porcelain, incense burners, and utensils from the Southern and Northern Dynasties. We all make 1:1 copies of the utensils unearthed in the museum. "The decorations that may flash by the camera are actually cultural symbols that the creative team has spent a lot of time creating and are unique to the Slang people. "It is difficult to find craftsmen who make bambooware and screens on the market now. We are in Maoming. We went to find these old craftsmen in the countryside and restored and made many bamboo utensils, incense burners, and bowls according to the drawings of cultural relics unearthed at that time. The decoration of the entire village may have passed by in a flash and you would not have noticed the bronze drum behind the actor. , Frog God, and various natural totems in Li Village. Each symbol in them actually has a (historical) origin. "We found in the museum that the Li tribe had many auspicious totem symbols at that time, such as peacock feathers, snake patterns, thunder god patterns, etc., so we made some multi-angle reflections of the Li tribe symbols on the actors' headdresses and costumes. "

Chang Rong also has a deep understanding of the drama's pursuit of excellence in art. "We went to Lady Xian Temple yesterday and saw two details. I mentioned it to the staff of the exhibition hall. I said that there were no thread-bound books in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. It is either a wooden slip or a bamboo slip, but the statue of Mrs. Xian in the exhibition hall holds a clay sculpture thread-bound book in her left hand. When I brought it up, the staff said they never expected it. At this point, the prop master of our crew carefully checked the historical data. All the books in the play, including the books I read and the books Feng Bao read, are either wooden slips or bamboo slips.

As a director, Chen Jian said that he was very lucky to be able to create in such an exquisite film and television base. When he retraced his steps and visited Madam Xian's film and television base where he had worked, Director Chen also felt a lot: "We The filming location at that time was originally just a river pond, but now it has truly become a film and television base. The scenes we spent so much manpower and material resources to build remain in Maoming and have benefited many people. Because the living environment of Mrs. Xian, including the Li people, is now gone, we have realized a dream: let Mrs. Xian go home and let our descendants know what the former Li village and the place where Mrs. Xian lived were like. This is a very happy thing. "

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