Recently, Ctrip released the "2024 May Day Tourism Trend Insight Report". Judging from the current booking situation, this year's May Day tourism popularity has increased steadily based on last year's high level, and the growth in outbound and inbound travel orders has been more

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Recently, Ctrip released the "2024 May Day Tourism Trend Insight Report". Judging from the current booking situation, this year's May Day tourism popularity has increased steadily based on last year's high level, and the growth in outbound and inbound travel orders has been more obvious. . Unlike short-distance travel during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, medium- and long-distance travel became the protagonist during the May Day holiday, with domestic long-distance travel orders accounting for 56%.

New increase in county tourism contribution

The popularity of outbound air tickets soared by 56%

Recently, Ctrip released the '2024 May Day Tourism Trend Insight Report'. Judging from the current booking situation, this year's May Day tourism popularity has increased steadily based on last year's high level, and the growth in outbound and inbound travel orders has been more  - Lujuba

Judging from the overall booking situation, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Xi'an, Wuhan, Guangzhou and Changsha are the top ten cities during the May Day holiday Popular tourist destination. With the improvement of infrastructure and the improvement of tourism reception capabilities in various places, more and more tourist destinations in sinking markets are becoming popular. Tianshui, Xuzhou, Zibo, Hefei, Nanchang, Diqing, Jingdezhen, Shijiazhuang, Yantai, Huangshan and other cities have become the cities with the fastest growth in hotel bookings during the May Day holiday. Searches for places such as "Semporna Flat" Weihai and "Southeast Asia Flat" Xishuangbanna have also grown significantly on Ctrip.

The tourism market in fourth-tier cities and below, especially in counties (county towns and county-level cities), has grown significantly, bringing new growth. Ctrip data shows that hotel reservation orders in the county market during the May Day holiday increased by 68% year-on-year, and scenic spot ticket orders increased by 151% year-on-year, with a growth rate higher than that of the national market. Cities such as Tumushuk, Baoshan, Huaihua, Chifeng, Hotan, and Heze that have regional airports have seen significant year-on-year growth in air ticket bookings, with most of them exceeding 50%.

Pingtan in Fujian, Yangshuo in Guangxi, Anji in Zhejiang, Wuyuan in Jiangxi, Chun'an in Zhejiang, Zhengding in Hebei, Jinghong in Yunnan, Deqing in Zhejiang, Shangri-La in Yunnan, and Dunhuang in Gansu are popular county tourist destinations. Among them, Pingtan, Fujian Province will usher in the dream scene of "Blue Tears" from April to June, and many tourists will go to "Chase Tears".

While attracting foreign tourists, local residents’ tourism consumption is also growing rapidly. During the May Day holiday, travel booking orders in fourth-tier and below cities increased by 140% year-on-year, also outperforming the national market, and the growth rate was significantly higher than that in first- and second-tier cities.

In terms of outbound travel, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States, Indonesia, Australia, France, and Vietnam are popular outbound countries. Orders from countries along the “Belt and Road” such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan have seen higher year-on-year growth. As of now, the international cruise ships departing from Shanghai and Xiamen on May Day have been basically sold out, and the GMV of orders has reached more than 1.5 times that of the same period in 2019.

Family users who rent cars and drive by themselves account for 45%

The May Day holiday focuses on relaxation

htmlIn May, the climate in many places across the country is pleasant, suitable for parents and children and family travel. According to Ctrip’s car rental data, family travel accounted for 45% of the total. The main types of bookings were SUVs and commercial vehicles. The number of RV bookings increased significantly by nearly 7 times year-on-year.

Most tourists prefer more relaxed tours. Choose a countryside far away from the city to gaze at the stars and taste local seasonal delicacies. During the May Day holiday, rural travel booking orders increased by 42% year-on-year.

More and more people are starting to join the self-driving ranks to enjoy the scenery along the way. During the "May Day" period, Ctrip Car Rental's domestic car rental and self-driving orders increased by 40% year-on-year. Urumqi, Yining, Chengdu, Sanya, Kashgar, Shanghai, Xining, Lanzhou, Kunming and Haikou are popular destinations for self-driving travel during the May Day holiday. Yantai, Datong, Taiyuan, Ningbo, Hulunbuir and other places are dark horse destinations with rapid year-on-year growth in car rental orders. Key self-driving routes in the northwest, southwest, and Hainan are popular among tourists. Wuyishan National Park Scenic Route No. 1 was officially opened during the May Day holiday, driving car rental and self-driving orders in surrounding cities in Fujian and Jiangxi to increase by 60% year-on-year.

Even abroad, tourists no longer rush to buy, but make appointments with local guides to follow the footsteps of "locals" for immersive experiences: experience desert safari in Dubai, visit parks in Osaka, and go on a one-day food tour in Kuala Lumpur . In the first half of April, overseas local guide orders on Ctrip’s platform increased by 60% year-on-year, and are expected to increase by 90% year-on-year during the May Day holiday. Bangkok, Phuket, Dubai, Osaka, Kuala Lumpur, and Hong Kong are popular booking destinations for outbound guides, and some guides’ May Day holiday schedules are already fully booked.

Low-carbon orders increased by 50%

"Walking green" has become a new trend

During this year's May Day holiday, a significant change is the rapid growth of green travelers, making green not only in front of you but also around you. More and more travelers are choosing products with the "low-carbon hotel" label on Ctrip. According to hotel booking data, Ctrip's low-carbon hotel orders increased by 51% year-on-year, among which orders for those born in the 1990s increased by 77%, becoming the fastest growing group. customer base. Bringing your own toiletries has become a new trend among the post-90s generation. In addition to refusing to work overtime, migrant workers also actively refuse "disposable toiletries" and choose to bring their own toiletry bags. This reduces the use of disposable plastic products and ensures a comfortable stay. Peace of mind. Hebei, Anhui, and Fujian have become the top three provinces for low-carbon hotel order growth.

Airport pick-up and low-carbon vehicle orders for local drivers increased by 24% year-on-year, of which new energy orders accounted for nearly 90%, making the journey green. Among them, travelers in South China have become the spokesperson for "walking green", with new energy vehicle orders accounting for the highest proportion, reaching 97%; new energy vehicle orders in East China have grown the fastest, with a year-on-year increase of 48%. The concept of "sustainable travel" is being integrated into the consumption of more Chinese travelers, and more and more travelers are making low-carbon travel impact more people through personal practice and comments.

Source: Shanghai Changning

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