The personnel of Taishin's "cabinet" are gradually in place. It was reported today (27th) that the deputy head of Taiwan's health and welfare department will be replaced by Lin Jingyi, an obstetrician and gynecologist and former representative of the Republic of China. In respons

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Taishin's "cabinet" personnel are in place one after another. It was reported today (27th) that the deputy head of Taiwan's health and welfare department will be replaced by Lin Jingyi, an obstetrician and gynecologist and former representative of the Republic of China. In response, Lin Jingyi only responded that the personnel department respects the prospective health and welfare director. Department head Qiu Taiyuan and quasi-administrative agency head Zhuo Rongtai. Media person Shan Houzhi exclaimed that the Ministry of Health and Welfare has a countermeasures office against the declining birthrate, and Lin Jingyi once proposed "limiting power supply after ten o'clock in the evening to solve the problem of declining birthrates." I would like to ask the DPP, will Lin Jingyi take office after taking office? Ready to implement?

The personnel of Taishin's 'cabinet' are gradually in place. It was reported today (27th) that the deputy head of Taiwan's health and welfare department will be replaced by Lin Jingyi, an obstetrician and gynecologist and former representative of the Republic of China. In respons - Lujuba

Regarding Lin Jingyi’s appointment as the deputy head of Taiwan’s health and welfare department, media person Shan Houjin said on the political commentary program "News Vernacular" on the 27th that although Lin is from the medical field, he cannot be the deputy head in one term. People can easily look up the top ten shocking quotes that Lin Jingyi said. It cannot be said that Lin Jingyi is not professional, but she is a person who cannot listen to what others say, is rather paranoid, and has strong subjective will.

Shan Houzhi specifically mentioned that Lin Jingyi once proposed "power rationing after ten o'clock in the evening to solve the problem of declining birth rate." She is now going to take over as the deputy head of the health and welfare department. The Office of Countermeasures for Teenagers is the business of the health and welfare department. "Then I have to ask the DPP, after Lin Jingyi takes office in the future, will she implement a ten o'clock power cut? She will We need to be in charge of these businesses. Should this be implemented? The DPP really needs to think clearly."

In 2018, when Lin Jingyi was serving as the Democratic Party, she questioned Li Yingyuan, the then head of Taiwan’s environmental protection department, about energy and power generation issues. At that time, Lin Jingyi said that from the perspective of an obstetrician and gynecologist, “It is best to limit power after ten o’clock in the evening and get off work early. , Go home early, go to bed early, and don't turn on the lights. On the one hand, we can solve the energy problem, and on the other hand, we can solve the problem of teenage girls."

After hearing this, Li Yingyuan laughed out loud and nodded in agreement. Lin Jingyi continued, "I think this is better and healthier. Get enough sleep and get up at five o'clock." Li Yingyuan replied, "I totally agree, my lifestyle has changed. "

Straits Herald reporter Zou Xuan and Xue Yang compiled the report

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