Recently, some netizens discovered that the well-known female singer Jolin Tsai's concert ticket sales page directly sold tickets marked with "poor view." Some netizens questioned whether these were Phoenix Legend pillar tickets. After that, Damai was worried that consumers would

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Recently, some netizens found that

well-known female singer Jolin Tsai's concert

ticket sales page directly sold

tickets marked with "poor view"

Recently, some netizens discovered that the well-known female singer Jolin Tsai's concert ticket sales page directly sold tickets marked with 'poor view.' Some netizens questioned whether these were Phoenix Legend pillar tickets. After that, Damai was worried that consumers would - Lujuba

After some netizens questioned that these were Phoenix Legend pillar tickets, Damai was worried that consumers would buy them and refund them. three.

Yesterday (April 26), Damai’s official customer service responded: The 690 yuan grandstand ticket marked with “poor view” may be the original 890 yuan grandstand ticket or a ticket close to the stage. Due to the view, If it is blocked, the ticket price will be reduced. It is also based on feedback from users, and may have been marked this way recently.

"Pillar Tickets" for the Phoenix Legend Concert

All tickets have been refunded

At the Phoenix Legend Concert in Changzhou, Jiangsu not long ago, some netizens said that they bought "pillar tickets" because the viewing effect was not good, but they asked for a refund but were refused Refuse. The video shot by this netizen showed that there was a concrete pillar in front of the seat he bought, blocking his view.

Recently, some netizens discovered that the well-known female singer Jolin Tsai's concert ticket sales page directly sold tickets marked with 'poor view.' Some netizens questioned whether these were Phoenix Legend pillar tickets. After that, Damai was worried that consumers would - Lujuba

html On April 24, responded that the problems reported by users did exist, and all refunds had been completed on the 24th, and apologized for the sight-obstructing problem.

Recently, some netizens discovered that the well-known female singer Jolin Tsai's concert ticket sales page directly sold tickets marked with 'poor view.' Some netizens questioned whether these were Phoenix Legend pillar tickets. After that, Damai was worried that consumers would - Lujuba

html On April 24, @phoenix legend delinghua posted on Weibo to support the rights protection of the girls involved.

Linghua also promised the girl, "On May 4th and 5th, if you have time, I will leave you tickets to the Bird's Nest. I hope I can help you get the happiness back that weekend."

Recently, some netizens discovered that the well-known female singer Jolin Tsai's concert ticket sales page directly sold tickets marked with 'poor view.' Some netizens questioned whether these were Phoenix Legend pillar tickets. After that, Damai was worried that consumers would - Lujuba

Can you accept this? "Poor view" ticket?

Xinmin Evening News (xmwb1929) integrated Xiaoxiang Morning News, Red Star News

Editor: Shi Yu

Tags: entertainment