On April 24, the alarm page of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News published "Analysis of Serious Violations of Discipline and Laws by Jin Dong, Former Deputy Secretary-General of the Aba Prefecture People's Government of Sichuan Province". The details are as follows

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On April 24, the alarm page of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News published "Analysis of serious disciplinary and law violations case of Jin Dong, former deputy secretary-general of Aba Prefecture People's Government of Sichuan Province" with corrupt intentions and charming eyes. The details are as follows:

On April 24, the alarm page of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News published 'Analysis of Serious Violations of Discipline and Laws by Jin Dong, Former Deputy Secretary-General of the Aba Prefecture People's Government of Sichuan Province'. The details are as follows - Lujuba

Jin Dong, male, Born in July 1970, started working in July 1991, and joined the Communist Party of China in December 1994. He once served as the officer and deputy squadron leader of the Second Squadron of the Xinkang Asbestos Labor Rehabilitation and Correction Corps in Sichuan; the judicial assistant of the Malbang Township Public Security Bureau in Jinchuan County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture; the secretary, deputy director and chief officer of the Jinchuan County Party Committee Office; member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaojin County Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department; Member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaojin County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Magistrate; Deputy Secretary of the Ruoergai County Committee, Acting Magistrate and Magistrate of the County Government; Director of the Aba Prefecture Poverty Alleviation and Immigration Bureau; Deputy Secretary-General of the Aba Prefecture Government, Party Secretary and Director of the Prefectural Rural Revitalization Bureau.

In December 2021, the Aba Prefecture Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case review and investigation into Jin Dong’s suspected serious violations of discipline and law and took detention measures. In February 2022, Jin Dong was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office. In May 2022, Jin Dong was sentenced to four years and six months in prison and fined RMB 350,000 for accepting bribes.

In October 2021, when interviewed by the organization, Jin Dong denied the existence of any improper economic interest relationship with Li Moumou and other business owners, and repeatedly stated that what he said was true and that he was willing to bear all responsibilities and consequences. But dozens of days later, Jin Dong, who was detained, revealed all the facts about his serious violations of discipline and law. Due to the indiscriminate relationship between family and friends, Jin Dong eventually fell under the "sugar-coated bullets" of unscrupulous businessmen, became a prisoner of money, and headed for corruption.

Departing from the original intention, the "fire of greed" is getting stronger and stronger

In 1970, Jin Dong was born in an ordinary family in Jinchuan County. The family only relied on his father's salary and a few acres of land to survive, but the family still lived a warm and happy life. . Jin Dong's father is an old party member who was disabled in the line of duty to protect national property. His father has always taught the four Jin Dong siblings to be upright and magnanimous people, and has high hopes for Jin Dong, who studies harder. Under the influence of his father, Jin Dong became the first college student in his family.

"Never do anything that damages the image of the party..." In 1993, when 23-year-old Jin Dong was working in the former Malbang Township of Jinchuan County, he solemnly submitted an application for party membership to the party organization. 28 years later, when he saw the solemn oaths he had written in his hand again at the detention place, he burst into tears.

After struggling at the grassroots level for 11 years, Jin Dong began to serve as a county-level leading cadre at the age of 33. At the age of 40, he became the "top leader" of the county government and was the object of everyone's talk and envy.

However, with the promotion of his position and the increase of power in his hands, some unscrupulous businessmen and bosses began to find Jin Dong under various banners and ask for various matters. During the fight with the businessman boss, he gradually forgot his original oath and deviated from his original intention of joining the party. On the grounds of "for the sake of face and favor", he began to interfere in the construction of the project in violation of regulations, and "righteously" helped the businessman boss win the prize. Go to engineering projects and boldly charge "thank you fees". At this time, Jin Dong's life creed has completely changed, "I said hello when I shouldn't, took money I shouldn't have taken, went to places I shouldn't have gone to, and extended my hand when I shouldn't have." Jin Dong On reflection, the "circle of friends" and "view of human relations" at that time had become alienated and changed.

Jin Dong has worked in Ruoergai County for 6 years, and has served as deputy secretary of the county party committee, acting county magistrate and county magistrate. The average altitude of Ruoergai County is 3,500 meters, with high altitude and hypoxia, and a long period of severe cold. Under difficult conditions, instead of fulfilling his oath to join the party and carrying forward the spirit of hard work and working hard, he lost himself under the temptation of money.

According to the investigators, during his tenure in Ruoergai County, Jin Dong used his position to greet relevant departments and units, helped many businessmen and bosses to undertake local flood control projects, water supply pipeline procurement and other projects, and also worked in taxi passenger transport operations and hotel operations. Provide assistance to business owners and other aspects. During this period, Jin Dong received a total of 1.65 million yuan in "thank you fees".

Jin Dong lost his due principles and bottom line in the "hunting". After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he still "committed crimes against the wind", and the circumstances were serious and vile in nature.

Knowing the law and violating the law, getting into deeper troubles without distinguishing between relatives and friends

Jin Dong prides himself on knowing and understanding the law. This "confidence" stems from his early professional studies and work experience. I majored in law as an undergraduate, and my first job was as a police officer. The first job I was responsible for was the judiciary. As the deputy county magistrate, I was mainly in charge of public security and judicial work...

In normal times, Jin Dong has done enough on the surface. study. After becoming a leading cadre, he often talked about studying the law, knowing the law, understanding the law, and using it. At various meetings, he asked party members and cadres to regard the legal red line as an insurmountable bottom line. While serving as the county magistrate, Jin Dong also chaired a mobilization meeting for special rectification of illegal acceptance of gifts by party members and cadres, saying that special rectification should be carried out with a firm attitude and pragmatic measures, requiring every cadre and employee to make a commitment not to violate the rules. Written and oral integrity commitments for accepting gifts, and requiring serious handling of illegal acceptance of gifts in accordance with relevant regulations.

In November 2015, Jin Dong, as the county magistrate, participated in a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations of the Zoige County Party Committee Standing Committee. Jin Dong said that he was "magnanimous" during the discussion and speech. However, just six months ago, Jin Dong accepted a "small gift" from his boss Wang - a handbag containing 300,000 yuan in cash.

The "friendship" between Jin Dong and Wang has a long history. In the first half of 2009, Wang approached Jin Dong, who was then a member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaojin County Party Committee and executive deputy head of the county government, and wanted to undertake a construction project locally. After Jin Dong "said hello" to the relevant person in charge, Wang offered 4.58 million Yu Yuan's price successfully won the project; in 2010, while Jin Dong was serving as deputy secretary of the Zoige County Party Committee and county magistrate, he also asked Wang to undertake a local style renovation project. Therefore, when he learned that Jin Dong was going to renovate his house, in order to express his "thank you", Wang took the initiative to give him a "small gift" containing 300,000 yuan in cash.

After tasting the "sweetness" of "sugar-coated bullets" with anxiety, Jin Dong calmly accepted the "big gift packages" from businessmen and bosses every time, without the slightest thought that party discipline and state law were anything but "plasticine" and "scarecrows" ” cannot be despised or trampled upon by anyone.

The private use of public power violated the bottom line, illegal decision-making stepped on the red line, and accepting bribes touched the high-voltage line. Jin Dong was indiscriminate, willing to be "hunted", and turned the power in his hand into a tool for personal gain. The door to greed has opened, and corruption has taken a step forward. While causing serious impact on the local political ecology and business environment, Jin Dong himself is also in a muddy pursuit of "money."

Regret that he once managed prisoners and is now a "living teaching material"

In July 1991, Jin Dong, who graduated from university, came to work in the Second Squadron of Sichuan Xinkang Asbestos Labor Rehabilitation and Correction Corps. "In that big ravine, I dealt with many prisoners for two years. When I was engaged in correctional activities, I often thought in my heart: The criminal experience of each of them is a living teaching material. I can't be like them in the future! "When Jin Dong confessed, he thought of his determination when he first started working. The experience of managing prisoners was very touching for Jin Dong, who had just started working.

has worked in the Labor Reform and Discipline Corps for nearly two years. Strict and standardized management and regular daily routine have allowed Jin Dong to develop good living habits and work style.

However, 30 years later, when he was over fifty, he entered prison again. The difference from before was that this time he became a "living teaching material" for others.

Once upon a time, Jin Dong gave people the impression that he was conscientious and diligent, and he remained enterprising in the work of improving people's livelihood and promoting economic and social development in the area where he served. But behind the high spirits, there are staggering corruption and unhealthy trends.

Jin Dong is usually good at disguising. What people around him don’t know is that as early as the first half of 2009, Jin Dong, who was then a member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaojin County Party Committee and the executive deputy head of the county government, accepted a gift from the project contractor Jiang Moumou. Zhang Nei had a bankbook worth 200,000 yuan. This was the first time in his life that he had accepted a large bribe. Jiang Moumou was so "generous" mainly because with Jin Dong's help, Jiang Moumou successfully won a house construction project in Xiaojin County for more than 5.8 million yuan and made a lot of profits.

Since then, Jin Dong has repeatedly taken advantage of his position to seek and receive benefits for business owners in matters such as project contracting, project implementation, and state-owned resource management rights contracting. In the second half of 2012, Jin Dong, then deputy secretary of the Zoige County Party Committee and county magistrate, accepted the "fruit" - 1 million yuan in cash - 1 million yuan in cash from the project contractor Li Moumou in a black travel bag. The largest amount of bribe ever taken. He put this travel bag under the bed in his bedroom and used it for stock trading, car purchases and personal daily expenses.

After investigation, from March 2009 to May 2015, Jin Dong took advantage of his position to provide services to seven businessmen while serving as a member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaojin County Party Committee, executive deputy head of the county government, deputy secretary of the Ruoergai County Party Committee, and head of the county government. The boss provided help and received a total of 2.15 million yuan in property from the businessman boss.

In May 2022, as the gavel fell, Jin Dong was sentenced to four years and six months in prison. "The lesson is extremely painful, the price is extremely painful, and the ending is extremely sad." Jin Dong summed up his ending with three "extremes".

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News

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