Dialects, hot pot, mahjong, Sichuan opera, Sichuan cuisine... regional style and national quintessence are integrated into the narrative. The first May Day film to meet the audience on a large scale is here. The suspense comedy "Nothing Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" held its Shan

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Dialects, hot pot, mahjong, Sichuan opera, Sichuan cuisine... regional style and national quintessence are integrated into the narrative. The first May Day film to meet the audience on a large scale is here. The suspense comedy 'Nothing Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' held its Shan - Lujuba

Dialect, hot pot, mahjong, Sichuan opera, Sichuan cuisine... Regional style and national quintessence are integrated into the narrative. The first May Day film to meet the audience on a large scale is here. The

suspense comedy " Nothing Can't Be Solved by a Hotpot " held its premiere in Shanghai on April 23. The film is directed by Ding Sheng, starring Yang Mi, Yu Qian, Tian Yu, Yu Ailei, and Li Jiuxiao, with Huang Xiaolei making a special appearance. Previously, the film had held more than 2,700 screenings nationwide and was called a "social movie."

"The official who dismantles the official has a huge wealth; the hidden drama is hard to explain." The movie "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" leads to the story with a hidden secret "password". "Seventy Thousand" played by Li Jiuxiao, Yu Ailei "Fa Cai" played by Yang Mi and "Yao Ji" played by Yang Mi gathered in the Sichuan Opera theater of "Nine Pancakes" played by Yu Qian. They formed an alliance over a table of mahjong and transformed into a "male and female gang of four thieves" to search for "millions of wealth" at the home of Director Fu played by Tian Yu. Unexpectedly, they were accidentally involved in a murder case.

In fact, there are only five main characters in the film, and most of the story takes place in the same main scene. But like the popular script killer nowadays, "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" lurks complex clues in a seemingly brief setting. In the sharp rhythm, the main creator uses human greed and deception to hide his cleverness, triggering the story layer. Layer inversion. At the Shanghai premiere of

Dialects, hot pot, mahjong, Sichuan opera, Sichuan cuisine... regional style and national quintessence are integrated into the narrative. The first May Day film to meet the audience on a large scale is here. The suspense comedy 'Nothing Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' held its Shan - Lujuba

, director Ding Sheng said that this is a movie based on characters. Each character has a different personality, but "they interlock with each other and are constantly interspersed. Both have rival scenes and one is indispensable." When Yu Qian was asked about his cooperation with Yang Mi, he said that the two had known each other for a long time. He said that Yang Mi was "very straightforward and easy to communicate with, and the cooperation was very pleasant." Li Jiuxiao revealed that he likes the life-like design in the movie, including eating hot pot and playing mahjong, which can enhance mutual affection. "It especially fits the foreshadowing of what we are going to do in the film, which leads to the following story."

Dialects, hot pot, mahjong, Sichuan opera, Sichuan cuisine... regional style and national quintessence are integrated into the narrative. The first May Day film to meet the audience on a large scale is here. The suspense comedy 'Nothing Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' held its Shan - Lujuba

When talking about the origin of the film's title, Ding Sheng said that it was an inspiration, "I wanted to choose a name that is both easy to remember and funny." The director said that he and the other two screenwriters Xiu Xiaonan and Wang Hang went through several discussions on the script. After polishing, the film finally has the story characteristics of "refined rhythm" and "quick reversal". Especially in the fighting scenes, hot pot scenes, and literary dramas, it will be difficult to shoot because "people appear gentle on the surface, but actually have ups and downs on the inside." Therefore, Ding Sheng did not hesitate to be "cruel" to the actors, just to "extort" more of their talents as much as possible. At the premiere of

, the creators also invited relatives and friends to help out. Actor Chen Ruoxuan wrote a short film review on the spot, calling the film a "house drama". "To complete a film in a single space requires extremely careful narrative and plot. The most terrifying thing is what is said in the house." The audience is not interested in half of the story, but this movie can hold the audience's heart tightly. The protagonist constantly reveals new secrets, making people unable to guess the ending. "Tong Chenjie praised that "the movie is very fast-paced." Therefore, this hot pot meal was "very sour and refreshing"; actor Xu Jiaqi lamented that "every detail and every twist" in the movie was unexpected and reasonable. In addition to the support from

insiders, the film also received positive feedback from the audience from different dimensions. For example, a medical student audience put forward his own opinions on a scene in the film where everyone was discussing the "dismemberment" of Director Fu, and took out an anatomical diagram to give "advice" to everyone on the spot; and a A third-grade student who is learning cross talk asked Yu Qian if he should continue to learn the art. Yu Qian encouraged the children to "absorb more traditional culture and inherit the art of cross talk" as long as they have enough ability to learn.

Dialects, hot pot, mahjong, Sichuan opera, Sichuan cuisine... regional style and national quintessence are integrated into the narrative. The first May Day film to meet the audience on a large scale is here. The suspense comedy 'Nothing Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot' held its Shan - Lujuba

In the eyes of many viewers, the clever integration of traditional cultural elements such as Sichuan opera and Sichuan cuisine into the story is a highlight of the film. An Iranian audience member who is engaged in film and cultural exchanges said that the film combines Chinese opera with hot pot and life, and has a good presentation. After watching it, he has a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese culture.

Author: Wang Yan

Text: Wang Yan Pictures: posters, stills, event scene Editor: Jiang Fang Editor: Li Ting

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