From April 20th to 21st, the first stop of the Phoenix Legend "Auspicious Ruyi" 2024 Tour Concert was held at the Changzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. However, on the second day after the performance, some netizens broke the news that they bought "pillar tickets" on

entertainment 1638℃

From April 20th to 21st, the first stop of the Phoenix Legend "Auspicious Ruyi" 2024 Tour Concert was held at the Changzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. However, on the second day after the performance, some netizens broke the news that they bought "pillar tickets" on, but because the viewing effect was not good, their request for a refund was rejected.

html On the 23rd, a Red Star News reporter learned from the netizen involved that Damai offered a refund proposal, but was rejected. "I hope the platform will provide a refund plus compensation, and pay attention to the recurring issue of 'pillar tickets'." Damai Online customer service staff responded to Red Star News and said that special personnel have been arranged to communicate with consumers, but specific solutions need to wait for notification from special personnel.

From April 20th to 21st, the first stop of the Phoenix Legend 'Auspicious Ruyi' 2024 Tour Concert was held at the Changzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. However, on the second day after the performance, some netizens broke the news that they bought 'pillar tickets' on - Lujuba

▲ Screenshots of the live video taken by netizens

It is understood that in recent years, ticket refunds have occurred frequently due to obstructions in the viewing position of concerts. Regarding the rights protection issue for purchasing "pillar tickets", relevant lawyers said that if the operator does not fully inform in advance, consumers can request a refund or appropriate compensation from the operator; if the other party refuses to refund, the consumer can report the situation to the market supervision department , or report the complaint to a consumer association.

Netizen bought the "pillar ticket"

"I grabbed the tickets on in advance. There are two tickets in total, both priced at 480 yuan." Netizen Ms. Wang told Red Star News that at that time, had information about the seats in the venue. The information only provides a map of the area and does not show whether there are stone pillars and other structures on site.

▲Ms. Wang’s ticket purchase information

At around 7:20 pm on April 21, when Ms. Wang came to her seat, she found that there was a huge cement stone pillar in front of her seat. “I couldn’t see anything, let alone the stage. , you can’t even see the infield.”

According to the live video shot by Ms. Wang, a Red Star News reporter saw that there was a cement stone pillar in front of the seats with numbers 31 and 33, and the view of the seats facing the stage was blocked.

Ms. Wang told Red Star News that at that time, she and her boyfriend immediately reported the situation to the on-site staff. Then, the staff coordinated him to sit down in an unmanned area next to him. "But a few minutes later, someone in uniform came over and told us that this was a safe passage area and no one was allowed to sit."

Ms. Wang said, After they were forced to leave, they approached the previous staff again and asked for negotiation. "He took us back to the area where we were not allowed to sit, but we were sitting in the last few rows." Ms. Wang told Red Star News that about half an hour later , they were once again asked by relevant personnel to return to their original positions.

"The concert had already started for more than an hour, and the previous staff had to take us to communicate with other staff, and finally let us sit on the stage in the last row of the area." Ms. Wang said that when they finally After settling down and listening to the music, it was less than half an hour before the show ended.

"At that time, the staff at the venue said that there was also a situation of 'pillar tickets' on the 20th, and asked us to negotiate with the platform ourselves." Ms. Wang said that she contacted Damai Platform the next day and told about the "pillar ticket" situation she encountered while watching the concert. "Pillar Ticket", it didn't take long for me to receive a text message from the platform saying, "We have confirmed your feedback. The performance ticket is a valuable voucher for watching the performance. It is not an ordinary commodity. It carries cultural services and is timely and scarce. Sexual and other characteristics, this order does not support return or exchange. "

▲The reply Ms. Wang received from

According to Ms. Wang, she repeatedly communicated with Damai after the incident; on the morning of April 23, Damai said that a refund could be made. But there is no compensation. "The issue of 'pillar tickets' is not the first time. If it is just a refund, the platform will not take it seriously. I hope the platform can take it seriously and give practical solutions to this type of problem." Ms. Wang said that she did not accept the refund. Instead of asking for a refund and compensation (one refund and three compensation), we hope that this will draw the platform’s attention to the issue.

How to safeguard rights if the viewing experience is poor?

Lawyer’s Interpretation

html On the afternoon of April 23, Red Star News reporters repeatedly called Beijing Luopan Culture and Arts Co., Ltd., the organizer of the Phoenix Legend Concert, regarding this matter, but no one answered the phone.Subsequently, the reporter contacted, and the customer service staff said that a special person had been arranged to communicate with Ms. Wang, and the specific solution needed to be notified by the special person.

In addition, according to Western Decision, the Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism responded to the matter and stated that it would verify with the organizer and coordinate with the organizer if this situation does exist.

It is understood that in recent years, with the popularity of the performance market in various places, many problems have also arisen, among which "pillar tickets" are particularly prominent. In May last year, Jingru Leung's Shanghai concert caused dissatisfaction among the audience due to the issue of "pillar tickets". Some audience requests for refunds were rejected. Later, many consumers took the concert organizer to court, demanding refunds of ticket prices and punitive damages.

In November last year, at the Wu Bai concert in Hefei, Anhui, a large number of fans shouted for refunds, suspected to be due to poor venue. Some viewers said that they purchased the VIP area for 1,280 yuan, but the location was blocked in front and the view was very poor.

According to the Workers' Daily report, in August 2023, the "Analysis of Complaints Accepted by National Consumers Association Organizations in the First Half of 2023" released by the China Consumers Association pointed out the "pillar ticket" problem in the online purchase of performance ticketing: Consumers purchase performances online Tickets encountered "blind selection" of seats. Some performance venues did not allow consumers to select seats when purchasing tickets. When they arrived at the venue, they learned that they had purchased "pillar tickets" and "wall tickets" with blind spots. "Only the sound was heard throughout the concert." No one in sight."

In response to Ms. Wang’s request for the platform to refund one indemnity and compensate three indemnity, lawyer Feng Jun, a member of the Rights Protection Committee of the Sichuan Lawyers Association, said it was reasonable, “Based on the current situation and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, operators should In addition to the relevant responsibilities that operators should bear, the refund of one ticket and three penalties also takes into account the time cost, energy cost and money incurred by consumers when purchasing tickets. "

Feng Jun suggested that when dealing with similar situations, operators should operate with integrity and self-discipline, remove seats such as "pillar tickets" in advance, and resolutely not sell tickets to outsiders; consumers should also be careful when purchasing Please make relevant requirements when voting to avoid purchasing such so-called "pillar tickets", which will affect your mood when watching the program.

Yang Min, a lawyer from Beijing Yingke Law Firm, also said in an interview with the media that the performance company failed to inform moviegoers in advance of the possible effects of watching the movie, which has violated relevant contractual obligations and violated consumers’ right to know and choose. right. Before selling tickets, the organizer should confirm the number of seats in advance and check whether the location meets the viewing conditions. If there are obvious obstacles in front of the location that affect the viewing experience, the organizer should provide necessary tips and explanations when selling tickets. Otherwise, it will be a violation of consumers' rights to know and fair trade.

Yang Min said that some viewers purchased tickets at higher prices, but the actual viewing effect was affected, and their line of sight was blocked, making them unable to watch the concert normally. In this regard, consumers can lodge rights protection claims with the organizer. According to the provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, consumers have the right to know the true situation of the goods they purchase and use or the services they receive. When purchasing goods or receiving services, consumers have the right to obtain fair transaction conditions such as quality assurance, reasonable prices, and correct measurement, and have the right to refuse forced transactions by operators. If the organizer refuses to refund, it can report the situation to the market supervision department or report the complaint to the consumer association.

Red Star News reporter Luo Mengjie intern Qiao Heng

editor Zhang Li editor-in-chief Wei Kongming

Tags: entertainment