A few days ago, many netizens continued to report that Li Mouxuan, an Internet celebrity with more than 5 million fans on a short video platform, cheated when taking the Beijing Film Academy art exam. On April 23, netizens who claimed to have reported the incident posted one afte

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A few days ago, many netizens continued to report that Li Mouxuan, an Internet celebrity with more than 5 million fans on a short video platform, cheated when taking the Beijing Film Academy art exam.

html On April 23, netizens who claimed to be reporting the incident posted one after another saying that they had received the investigation results from the Beijing Film Academy. A blogger broke the news that the school said: After investigating the live examination video, it was indeed found that Li Mouxuan had cheated in the examination, and Nortel would cancel his examination qualification.

A few days ago, many netizens continued to report that Li Mouxuan, an Internet celebrity with more than 5 million fans on a short video platform, cheated when taking the Beijing Film Academy art exam. On April 23, netizens who claimed to have reported the incident posted one afte - Lujuba

According to Red Star News, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission responded that it was paying attention to the issue in response to the leaks being circulated online. According to Lengnuan Video, a staff member of the above-mentioned department said that there have been complaints and feedback (related situations) from candidates, which will be recorded and forwarded to the relevant departments.

A reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News noticed that after related incidents sparked heated discussions on online platforms, some netizens raised questions: As far as the college entrance examination process is concerned, will cheating in the unified recruitment and art examinations face different penalties?

In this regard, Zhao Liangshan, a lawyer at Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, told reporters that there is no difference between the two, and both need to be dealt with according to the seriousness of the examinee’s cheating.

He said that cheating by candidates and violating examination management regulations and disciplines will directly affect the fairness and impartiality of the entire examination. In accordance with relevant regulations, it can be handled in accordance with the "Measures for Handling Violations in National Educational Examinations". Among them, candidates who are found to be cheating may have their college entrance examination registration and test results of all stages and subjects (including the college entrance examination cultural test scores and all art professional examination scores) canceled, and the violation will be recorded in their college entrance examination integrity Electronic archives.

He further told reporters that if there are illegal activities such as organizing cheating or taking exams for others during the exam, the relevant personnel may be suspected of violating the Criminal Law. According to Article 284 of the Criminal Law, criminal liability may be pursued. In serious cases, those who organize cheating will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and fined.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Sun Qingyun

Tags: entertainment