Chinese driver Zhou Guanyu's F1 journey created a precedent for Chinese motorsports. Before him, Cheng Congfu, Dong Hebin, and Ma Qinghua all tried their best, but they all failed to reach the finish line because they lacked key elements. Therefore, for Zhou Guanyu, this is also

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Chinese driver Zhou Guanyu's F1 journey created a precedent for Chinese motorsports. Before him, Cheng Congfu, Dong Hebin, and Ma Qinghua all tried their best, but they all failed to reach the finish line because they lacked key elements. Therefore, for Zhou Guanyu, this is also a road that no one has traveled. He went from being the first Chinese driver to win the annual championship in European kart racing, to the first Chinese driver to stand on the podium of the junior formula championship, and finally to the first Chinese driver to stand on the starting line of the F1 Grand Prix. Breaking all the impossibilities, it proved that Chinese athletes are also capable of ascending to sports stages that are not favored.

Chinese driver Zhou Guanyu's F1 journey created a precedent for Chinese motorsports. Before him, Cheng Congfu, Dong Hebin, and Ma Qinghua all tried their best, but they all failed to reach the finish line because they lacked key elements. Therefore, for Zhou Guanyu, this is also  - Lujuba

In addition to realizing the dream of playing at home, Zhou Guanyu also hopes to promote the development of this project in China. Not long ago, his personal documentary film "Chinese Driver Zhou Guanyu" was released in theaters nationwide. He hopes to help Chinese audiences have a deeper understanding of F1 and motorsports through some behind-the-scenes stories, and inspire the younger generation to dare to chase big dreams.

Zhou Guanyu explained the idea behind this documentary film to reporters: "When I was a child in the beginning, I had no role models to look up to and follow as I grew up; I tried to understand which path I wanted to take and which path I wanted to participate in. Championship, which country to study abroad in order to improve your driving ability. F1 is a tough competition. With the Chinese Grand Prix being held, my own documentary can be released, which is the second time we have participated. It's something we started planning in 2016. It's a good time to launch this documentary during the race. It would be weird if there was no Grand Prix and there was only one documentary, and people still wouldn't be able to understand racing. So we want new fans. After watching Grand Prix for the first time, I went to the theater to watch my documentary. Some parts had Chinese subtitles, and some parts were originally spoken in Chinese, so they could understand more details. So for me, just put yourself there. , let a lot of people watch this documentary, I think the development of motorsport in the next five to ten years will be amazing for our country. But I feel that my F1 journey is just beginning. I will strive for it as much as possible. Stay here for a long time and hope to retire until the next generation of Chinese riders take over.”

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