Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include "Nine Gates", "Detective Detective Dee", "Dragon Search", "Meet You at the Center of the World", "War of the Gods", etc. Currently, the TV series "Xi Huazhi" starring him i

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Cover News Reporter Xun Chao

[Character Profile]

Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include "Nine Gates", "Detective Detective Dee", "Dragon Search", "Meet You at the Center of the World", "War of the Gods", etc. Currently, the TV series "Xi Huazhi" starring him is currently on the air.

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include 'Nine Gates', 'Detective Detective Dee', 'Dragon Search', 'Meet You at the Center of the World', 'War of the Gods', etc. Currently, the TV series 'Xi Huazhi' starring him i - Lujuba

In "Cherishing Flowers", Zhang Zixuan plays "Hua Jing".

"This role is the biggest challenge in so many years of filming. In fact, I didn't dare to take it when I saw the script at the beginning. I had many concerns. One was that I felt that my age might not be so suitable for the role, and the other was that I was worried about this role. Will I be scolded if I am too crazy? (It seems that I am right to worry)...For the role of Hua Jing, your hatred is the biggest encouragement to me." In the recently popular TV series "Xi Huazhi". "In addition to the growth and mutual pursuit of the male and female protagonists that are eye-catching, the group portrait scenes of the female family members of the Huafu also attracted the attention of a large number of audiences. Among them, the villain character "Hua Jing" played by young actor Zhang Zixuan has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. In an exclusive interview with a cover news reporter, Zhang Zixuan said frankly: "I also think this character is really annoying. I really can't make friends with such a person."

"I also open barrage to follow the drama"

In the drama, Hua Jingben She is the eldest daughter of the Hua family who grew up in a pampered family. Her life surrounded by stars has developed her arrogant, domineering and selfish character. After marrying into the Song family, she became more willful and did not know how to restrain herself. However, with the decline of the Hua family, Hua Jing's situation in the Song family took a turn for the worse. Even in order to please her husband, Hua Jing, who had been indifferent to her parents' family's accidents, took the initiative to come to her mother's house and ask for her niece Huazhi, the eldest maid next to the heroine, to be her husband's concubine. After being rejected by his mother, he still came to her home several times and made rude remarks. Eventually, his mother became so angry that she fell ill and died.

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include 'Nine Gates', 'Detective Detective Dee', 'Dragon Search', 'Meet You at the Center of the World', 'War of the Gods', etc. Currently, the TV series 'Xi Huazhi' starring him i - Lujuba


Hua Jing’s actions were evaluated by netizens as “stupid and evil”. Even when the character was offline, the audience said: “You can forgive God’s sins, but you can’t live with your own sins.” Even Hua Jing, who plays Hua Jing, said: Zhang Zixuan couldn't help but post on social platforms: "Hua Jing, I advise you not to be too Hua Jing!"

Zhang Zixuan told the cover news reporter that when she first took the role, she also felt pressured by the role. "I hesitated at the time. I thought the role of Hua Jing was too exaggerated. How could I make my own mother so angry?!" After hesitation, Zhang Zixuan, who always likes to challenge himself, believed that this was a breakthrough and breakthrough for his acting skills. exercise. "So I started thinking about how to make a villain memorable without appearing so hateful. It's really difficult." Zhang Zixuan, who is a professional host at

, finally decided to adjust the lines and accents to create the villain. "Hua Jing" is a villain who is both impressive and not so hateful.

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include 'Nine Gates', 'Detective Detective Dee', 'Dragon Search', 'Meet You at the Center of the World', 'War of the Gods', etc. Currently, the TV series 'Xi Huazhi' starring him i - Lujuba


After "Xi Huazhi" started airing, Zhang Zixuan also followed the show and paid attention to the audience's feedback. "I also open barrage to follow the drama. This can help me understand the audience's most real thoughts and feelings, and it will also be helpful for my future performances." I saw the comment on the barrage about "I want to enter the screen and hit her (character)" In the message, Zhang Zixuan said with a smile: "Actually, I am also a melon-eater. Seeing that everyone pays so much attention to this character, I feel a sense of accomplishment."

The audience's dislike of the character is also why Zhang Zixuan wrote "Don't be too quiet in life." One of the reasons. She said that this was not only an alleviation of the audience's resentment, but also her true feelings when watching the show from the audience's perspective. "The character Hua Jing does have a lot of irritating and dissatisfying aspects. An audience member commented to me, 'Hua Jing, be careful when you go out in the future, don't get beaten.' I am also really worried that I will be beaten when I go out; in addition, When I watch Hua Jing’s scenes, I also bring it into the audience’s perspective. I also think this character is really annoying, and I really can’t make friends with such a person.”

“I like challenging characters with layers”

in the TV series "Cherishing Flowers". "Zhi", Zhang Zixuan successfully portrayed "Hua Jing" with her excellent acting skills, making the audience hate and hate this villain character.Her performance not only added a lot of excitement to the series, but also won herself more attention and recognition. "The character Hua Jing has a flamboyant personality. She has been loved and respected by the old lady since she was a child. As the eldest daughter, she has a very high sense of superiority. All of this is given by her native family." However, as the plot progresses, , Hua Jing's environment has undergone tremendous changes. This gap and the snobbery of the people around her have made her sensitive and extreme. Especially the misfortune in her marriage made her embark on the path of revenge and madness. "Hua Jing eventually became the villain in the play, mainly due to her own reasons."

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include 'Nine Gates', 'Detective Detective Dee', 'Dragon Search', 'Meet You at the Center of the World', 'War of the Gods', etc. Currently, the TV series 'Xi Huazhi' starring him i - Lujuba


talked about how to interpret such a complex and extreme story Zhang Zixuan said bluntly: "The biggest difficulty is that every scene of Hua Jing is very important, and the emotional performance requirements are extremely high." In order to better present the character, she put a lot of effort into handling her lines and changing her tone. and accents, allowing the character to retain the characteristics of a villain without losing realism. In addition, she also watched a large number of villain performance clips, drew inspiration from them, and combined her own understanding of the characters into interpretations.

"Many people have some thoughts about marriage because of Hua Jing. I feel that if Hua Jing could choose to divorce her husband, everything might be different." During the interview, Zhang Zixuan also expressed his thoughts on the fate of ancient women. She believes, "The reason why Hua Jing chose to stick to her marriage even when she suffered unfair treatment from her husband was largely because she was imprisoned by the ideology of the times. When you marry, you will follow your husband. You can only be with this one man in this life. What does your husband want?" It must be completely satisfied. Modern women already have more autonomy and choice, and Hua Jing represents the helplessness and compromise of women in that era. , is also the collision of two eras."

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include 'Nine Gates', 'Detective Detective Dee', 'Dragon Search', 'Meet You at the Center of the World', 'War of the Gods', etc. Currently, the TV series 'Xi Huazhi' starring him i - Lujuba


Zhang Zixuan has played many roles, from Feng Ruyue in "Nine Gates", Li Luoyu in "Detective Detective Dee", and Qian Xun in "The Story of the Dragon". , to Mi Lu in "Meet You at the Center of the World", Daji in "The Legend of the Gods", etc., in the creation of every character, she needs to abandon herself and completely immerse herself in the role. She took "Hua Jing" in "Xi Huazhi" as an example, "I am a relatively introverted person in daily life, while the character Hua Jing is a person with an outgoing personality. In order to play this role well, I need to constantly Think about the behavior of the character, and even try to minimize communication with others during filming, so as not to affect your understanding and shaping of the character."

Zhang Zixuan has his own method of figuring out the psychology of the character. She believes that "simplifying a complex character's personality is the key to understanding the character." For example, when performing a wronged character, she will grasp the core trait of the character - the grievance, and amplify it to the extreme, thereby succeeding created this character. Regarding the role of "Hua Jing", she believes that grasping its crazy characteristics is the key to shaping this character well. "I especially like to challenge characters with a sense of layering and richness. In fact, every character is a living person with multi-faceted personalities and complex emotions." Therefore, when she creates characters, she always strives to make them The character's personality is more full-bodied and three-dimensional. "I hope that my performance can allow the audience to see multiple sides of the character, rather than a single character image."

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include 'Nine Gates', 'Detective Detective Dee', 'Dragon Search', 'Meet You at the Center of the World', 'War of the Gods', etc. Currently, the TV series 'Xi Huazhi' starring him i - Lujuba

Zhang Zixuan


Zhang Zixuan: In fact, I also feel like a melon-eater, and I also open barrage to catch up. When watching a drama, especially when I see my own role, I will turn on all the barrages. Because I couldn't see the monitor myself during the performance, and I didn't see the feeling and results of my performance before the play was staged, so I was still a little nervous inside. Then I wanted to see what the audience said about me, which might also be helpful for my future acting. I'm quite happy to see someone say, "Although Hua Jing is annoying, she is beautiful." I feel quite happy and feel a sense of accomplishment.

cover news: What do you think of the character "Hua Jing"?

Zhang Zixuan: She is a person with a very flamboyant personality. She has received a lot of respect and love from the old lady since she was a child. Because she is the eldest daughter, all the superiority she has had since she was a child was given to her by her original family. of. But the gap between the current environment and the past is too big. She feels that everyone around her is very snobbish towards her. Of course, it may be that she is very sensitive, especially because she married the wrong person. When her natal family lost power, her husband treated her very badly. Her attitude plummeted, which led to a series of revengeful and crazy behaviors that made everyone hate her so much. Of course, the biggest reason why she became a villain was her own problems.

cover news: was rejected by the old lady for the first time, and she took the step of "disowning her relatives" when she left.

Zhang Zixuan: I walked through the steps of several times at the scene. Hua Jing walked in politely with gifts at first, but in the end when she found out that her mother didn't give her anything, her true nature was exposed, she stopped pretending, and showed her cards. She felt, "I am just such a person. We walked out peacefully like that."

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao [Character Profile] Zhang Zixuan, actor. His film and television works include 'Nine Gates', 'Detective Detective Dee', 'Dragon Search', 'Meet You at the Center of the World', 'War of the Gods', etc. Currently, the TV series 'Xi Huazhi' starring him i - Lujuba


cover news: What is the difficulty of playing this role?

Zhang Zixuan: The most difficult thing about lines is the lines. Because she is very emotional in every scene, shouting with her voice alone is definitely not enough. She needs to rely on her Dantian to exert strength and feel full of energy. This uses the method of exerting force in the Dantian when I am learning to broadcast. Then in terms of facial expressions, I will watch a lot of cuts of famous villain scenes to see how they act. Villains are also different. Some villains are purely bad, some are bad with a bit of comedy, and some are hateful. I try my best to combine the characters to learn these acting methods.

cover news: How to balance the relationship between the character and the person in ?

Zhang Zixuan: In fact, Hua Jing is completely different from myself. I may be a bit of an I-person and have a bit of social anxiety, so when I was acting in this play, I had to completely throw away my own personality and completely forget about it. I tried my best to I keep thinking about what this person should be like, including the way she walks and so on. Even on the set, I rarely communicated with everyone, for fear that I would not find the right feeling and the right role when acting. I tried to fully understand Hua Jing. Although she has relatively few roles, I tried to think clearly about every detail of every scene to make this character stand out.

Cover News: Although doesn’t have many roles in the drama, he plays opposite many actors. What impressed you most?

Zhang Zixuan: The first scene that filmed with Mrs. Liu Jia was the first scene that I filmed for this film. I remember that when I came in, I walked in happily. When I got to the back, there was someone who slapped the table and bounced. The action shocked Teacher Liu Jia at the time. She was supposed to take the lines, but she was a little confused at that time. I said, "I'm sorry for scaring you." She said, "It's okay. It's nice of you to do this. There's a contrast. It’s just that I didn’t expect your explosive power to be so strong. I felt that your image as the eldest daughter was established in one shot.” ​​The director also said that it was okay, so I just went ahead and acted.

Cover News: Behind there is a scene where no one helps Hua Jing after she falls. The audience said it was enjoyable to watch.

Zhang Zixuan: is right, everyone is very relieved to see it. This scene was also impromptu. It was an impromptu idea from teacher Myolie Wu. When she saw me walking around in the scene, she saw me falling to the ground and thought of how to relieve my anger. When I thought they would help me, they turned away and I sat alone on the ground feeling isolated. I also think it's a good performance. Every actor in this play is very professional. What they didn't reflect in the script, they added some of their own creations to make the character fuller. Therefore, the fact that my image as a "bad woman" has been so successful is also due to the help of all the actors.

cover news: What role does want to try in the future?

Zhang Zixuan: hopes to try some more gentle and cute characters. I think I am quite humorous and hope to challenge myself in comedy roles.

according to respondent

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