What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is "live broadcast room shopping". Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble

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What kind of shopping method is the most popular right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is "live broadcast room shopping".

Compared with traditional offline store shopping, online ordering and payment in the live broadcast room saves you the trouble of running around to bargain.

Compared with shopping on e-commerce platforms, the question-and-answer method in the live broadcast room makes it easier to communicate, and it is very convenient to ask for product details.

so, it’s not surprising that “live broadcast rooms” have become popular again and again in recent years.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Not to mention top anchors such as Li Jiaqi and Dong Yuhui, many merchants around Xiaolei have launched live broadcasts to sell goods. Needless to say, the big anchors of

, even if there is no marketing promotion, they will not worry about losing popularity with their own huge traffic.

But the small anchors have to be busy, decorating the live broadcast room and paying attention to their speaking skills, but they may not be able to actually be watched.

so, some people are using their brains to make money by increasing the popularity of the live broadcast room for others.

This morning, Xiaolei saw the topic # Man bought 4,600 mobile phones and earned 3 million in 4 months due to good reviews # in the hot search.

Not much beeping, Xiao Lei will lead everyone right away to have a good chat about what is going on!

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Weibo

Earn 3 million yuan in April by using mobile phone to get good reviews

Everyone has heard of using mobile phone to get good reviews, right?

But if you say that you can earn 3 million in 4 months just by getting good reviews, you probably won’t believe it, but it’s actually true.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

According to media reports, two years ago when live broadcasting was still on the rise, Wang accidentally learned that it was very profitable to increase traffic in the live streaming room.

After learning about this way to make money, Wang was very excited, so he prepared to make a lot of money.

so, he quickly purchased a large number of mobile phones, switches, routers and other equipment from a technology company in Changsha.

In addition to hardware, he also bought circumvention tools and cloud control software, focusing on doing "business" and making a complete set.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Weibo @九painews

After the software and hardware were integrated, Wang set up group control computer rooms in many places and generously invited friends to "have a big fight" with him.

Wang can control a large number of mobile phones on his computer by using cloud control software, allowing them to enter the live broadcast room in a short time.

Well, after these mobile phones enter the live broadcast room, they can like, leave messages and follow an account.

Such a sudden influx of traffic into the live broadcast room will be noticed by the platform and give additional traffic bonuses.

In other words, the original "fake" traffic becomes "real" traffic after being mixed up by the Internet trolls.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Then the question is, how does Wang make money through these operations?

The key lies in the length of time the mobile phone enters the live broadcast room to act as a troll, and the number of mobile phones used. The two are superimposed and calculated.

According to Wang, a mobile phone charges 6.65 yuan per day, and the two studios have about 4,600 mobile phones. Calculating this, the revenue from November 2022 to March 2023 will be nearly 3 million yuan!

Hey guys, you can make so much money by just recruiting some "zombie fans" into the live broadcast room to increase your popularity. This is a huge profit!

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Weibo @九painews

Fortunately, Tianwang did not miss any details, and Wang’s studio was eventually taken over by one pot.

17 people involved in this case were examined and prosecuted by the procuratorate, and the court made guilty verdicts on 10 of them.

Wang, the leader, was eventually sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison for illegal business, suspended for 1 year and 6 months, and fined 50,000 yuan.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Weibo @九painews

The secret behind the Internet trolls

Seeing this, friends all understand, don’t think that increasing the popularity of the live broadcast room is just speculation.

In fact, this behavior has violated the law. Not only will you be fined, but if the circumstances are serious, you may even be jailed.

Having said this, someone may want to ask, how do these "Internet trolls" achieve their goals?

Did everyone watch the "315 Party" last month? In fact, the origin of the Internet trolls was exposed at the party. Friends who haven’t followed

yet, don’t worry, Xiaolei will review it with you right now!

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Public account @小雷比比

First of all, the large number of mobile phones purchased by Wang actually have a proper name in the gray industry, called "motherboard mobile phone".

These motherboard mobile phones are composed of multiple mobile phones, and it can control multiple mobile phones at one go, with super powerful permissions.

motherboard and mobile phones can form a matrix to form a motherboard and computer matrix. In this way, the number of mobile phones will naturally increase when superimposed.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Weibo @CCTVFinance

Gray manufacturers will use cloud control software to control the mobile phone matrix composed of motherboards and customize it according to customer needs.

For example, increase the popularity and traffic of the live broadcast room, control the game outcome, the number of forum posts and online voting results...

And because mobile phones are real hardware machines, plus software can change the IP address, the motherboard machine is extremely secretive.

After these censorious operations, the traffic and popularity of the motherboard machine have escaped some scrutiny from relevant departments and platforms.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Weibo @CCTV财经

Take the case of Wang mentioned above as an example. In addition to using a highly secretive motherboard, he also had a fishy account.

Well, according to the review of relevant departments, those short video platform live room accounts that were manipulated to log in with mobile phones were all purchased by Wang in bulk from others.

Although these accounts are uncertified fake accounts, even if the platform blocks them one by one, they can be "resurrected" and continue to be used by re-registering. How do you say

? These unauthenticated fake accounts are like weeds, dying and reviving in waves, and they grow again when the spring breeze blows. When the two buffs of

mobile phone hardware + account software are superimposed, my goodness, it’s no wonder that the review difficulty of these operations is a bit high.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Picture source: Weibo @九painews


so, Xiaolei still wants to advise his friends that the popularity of live broadcast anchors these days is not always true.

If it is an entertainment and leisure live broadcast room, then it will be fine. The more popular anchors are more interactive, so you can have fun watching it.

But if it is a live broadcast room with goods, everyone has to distinguish it carefully to prevent being blinded by popularity.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Generally speaking, for a popular anchor, the number of likes on the homepage video will not be low, and the comments will not have the smell of zombie fans.

If a video on the homepage of a certain anchor has few likes, or the comments seem to be very spammy, it is still recommended to place an order with caution.

One more thing, sometimes it’s better to buy something you really need. Don’t go to the host just because he calls his family.

In a word: only buy what you need. In this way, even if the live broadcast room fakes popularity, it won’t be able to deceive us!

cover image source: Weibo @九painews

The Beijing International Auto Show (Beijing Auto Show) will be held grandly from April 25th to May 4th. This auto show is themed "New Era and New Cars" and is a " The vane of automobiles moving from electrification to intelligence.

At that time, leading brands including BYD, Xiaomi, aito Wenjie, Xpeng, Weilai, Ideal, Jikrypton, Jiyue, Changan Deep Blue and other leading brands will all appear on the scene. In addition to the "big competition" of new models, the advancement of autonomous driving technology , the evolution of smart cockpits and the combination of large AI models and cars will be important highlights. Lei Technology's account "Focus on Electric Vehicles and Learn More about Intelligence" will send a reporting team to Beijing to conduct front-line professional reporting, so stay tuned.

What is the most popular form of shopping right now? It is estimated that the first impression of many people is 'live broadcast room shopping'. Compared with shopping in traditional offline stores, you can order and pay online in the live broadcast room, eliminating the trouble  - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment