On April 18, the 14th Beijing International Film Festival opened in Beijing. The main creator of the healing drama "Chocolate and Butter Flowers" appeared on the red carpet. Director Chen Yingxin and producer Zhang Ji attended together with actors Che Yongli and Huang Junpeng. On

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On April 18, the 14th Beijing International Film Festival opened in Beijing. The main creator of the healing drama "Chocolate and Butter Flowers" appeared on the red carpet. Director Chen Yingxin and producer Zhang Ji attended together with actors Che Yongli and Huang Junpeng. On the red carpet, the main creators held colorful balloons, showing their innocent and childlike side. The words "courage", "warmth", "dream", "reconciliation" and other words on the balloons also conveyed the healing characteristics of the film. The movie "Chocolate and Butter Flowers" will be released on July 9 this year.

The movie "Chocolate and Butter Flowers" is director Chen Yingxin's first feature film. It tells the story of two teenagers with very different growth backgrounds, Tang Yu (played by Zhao Ziyi) and Sang Dan (played by Meng Gun), who meet by chance and end up on the vast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The story of traveling together. The "chocolate" in the film's title symbolizes happiness, materiality and romance, and is synonymous with the urban boy Tang Yu; while the "butter flower" symbolizes spirit, art and faith, and refers to Sandan, a young man from Ganzi who pursues his dreams persistently. Why the two children embarked on a journey alone, what encounters they would have during the journey, and whether they could find what they wanted aroused curiosity.

On April 18, the 14th Beijing International Film Festival opened in Beijing. The main creator of the healing drama 'Chocolate and Butter Flowers' appeared on the red carpet. Director Chen Yingxin and producer Zhang Ji attended together with actors Che Yongli and Huang Junpeng. On - Lujuba

The film team shot scenes in Ganzi, Aba, Qinghai and other places, striving to truly present the beauty of nature to the audience. The clear and pure sky and lush forests make people feel relaxed and happy, and they can't help but think of hiking in Sichuan and Tibet. The beauty of Sichuan and Tibet lies not only in the spirit of mountains, rivers, forests and rivers, but also in the charm of humanities and art. In this film, intangible cultural heritage such as Regong Thangka, Kumbum Butter Flowers, and Hainan Tibetan Coming of Age Ceremony are faithfully recorded and displayed in front of the audience. During the red carpet interview at the

Film Festival, Zhang Ji shared his understanding of good works: "Art has no standards and is diverse. Good works can move people and give people a beautiful experience." Director Chen Yingxin When talking about the creation of the two main characters, he said, "The process of the two children getting to know each other actually reflects the collision and integration of different cultures. I hope this film will bring something positive to everyone." The ages of the two young protagonists Although it is small, it has many golden sentences, "It is easy to be happy, but it is difficult to be happy", "Everything you know is from the Internet, what do you know?" The stories and experiences of the two children have also healed many adults.

On April 18, the 14th Beijing International Film Festival opened in Beijing. The main creator of the healing drama 'Chocolate and Butter Flowers' appeared on the red carpet. Director Chen Yingxin and producer Zhang Ji attended together with actors Che Yongli and Huang Junpeng. On - Lujuba

So far, the film "Chocolate and Ghee Flowers" has received recognition from many domestic and foreign film awards, including the Schlinger International Children's Film Festival in Germany (non-competition unit: Panorama unit), the 39th Chicago International Children's Film Festival (finalist) Competition "International Feature Film" section), Macau International Children's Film Festival (nominated for "Best Screenplay"; won the "Best Film Soundtrack Award"), Nepal International Film Festival (shortlisted for the main competition "International Feature Film" section), Sweden Malmo International Children's Film Festival (shortlisted for the "Panorama" section), the 11th Vancouver Chinese Film Festival Red Maple Leaf Award (won the "Outstanding Chinese Film", Golden Boy Children's Film Week (shortlisted for the "Feature Film" section), Golden Flower Award·Beijing International Children's Film Festival (won the "Children's Jury Award"), etc., and has received invitations from many film festivals.

Article/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Gong Lifang

Tags: entertainment