On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of "unknown origin" suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had "turned their stomachs". So where do these fish come from? Will it...

entertainment 2954℃

On April 18,

some Shanghai citizens reported that

schools of fish of "unknown origin" suddenly appeared on the Suzhou River near the Waibaidu Bridge,

some of which had "turned their stomachs."

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

So, where do these schools of fish come from? Will it pollute relevant waters? The reporter learned from the security department that these fish may have been released by citizens. After the estuary gate was opened, most of the fish swam into the Huangpu River. After the relevant water department discovered that a large group of fish suddenly floated in the waters from Baidu Bridge to the gate outside the Suzhou River, accompanied by dead fish and oil pollution, they immediately contacted the water cleaning department to go to the scene for emergency salvage treatment. At around 2 p.m. that day, the on-site environment was basically restored to cleanliness.

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

Qin Yi, Chief of the Social Management Section of the Shanghai Water Management Department:

Fishing should be fished out, but it will always affect the water environment. For example, if you see fish or garbage floating on the water surface (all fished out).

Deng Wu, deputy director of the Municipal Water Conservancy Management Affairs Center (Municipal River and Lake Management Affairs Center):

We have looked at the recent water quality testing data. The water quality at this point has been relatively stable recently, and there is no water pollution. A large number of dead fish appeared. We have also communicated relevant information with the Greening and City Appearance Bureau. It may be caused by citizens releasing them, and we can basically rule out water quality as the cause.

We issued a document in the city last year to discourage the release of animals in the Suzhou River. Relevant departments are promoting and carrying out the work. The document does not recommend that citizens release animals in the Suzhou River. At the same time, the release points are also specified. Definitely recommended, such as waters like Dianshan Lake.

At present, the cause of the incident is still under investigation. In fact, this is not the first time that citizens have released animals into the Suzhou River.

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

Suzhou River, cleaning boats salvage dead fish.

On July 1, 2022,

a large number of dead fish and crabs suddenly floated in the waters of several hundred meters of the Suzhou River.

Nearby residents and river cleanup personnel

speculated that someone released the animals.

(Click on the image below to review previous reports ↓)

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

In 2022, Song Peijie, director of the Suzhou River Management Station of the Shanghai Water Management Department, once introduced that fish deaths in the Suzhou River occur in stages. In the summer of 2022, they will be concentrated in July, along the Suzhou River. The intersection of Guangfu West Road and Dongxin Road, the vicinity of Sudi Chunxiao Garden from Baocheng Bridge to Wuning Road Bridge, and the vicinity of Zhiyin Garden upstream of Wuning Road Bridge were where the dead fish were more concentrated. On August 8 of that year, more dead fish were also found at Sichuan Road Bridge. Too many dead fish. Due to the scorching heat, the river management department conducts full-coverage inspections of the Suzhou River every morning and afternoon. It is found that people often conduct large-scale releases along the Suzhou River. Some use trucks to load fish and use chutes to release large quantities of silver carp, crucian carp, and whitewater fish. Wait for the big fish.

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

A large number of dead and floating fish frequently appear in the Suzhou River.

Song Peijie said: "These fish are not suitable for release in the Suzhou River. When encountering extreme weather such as high temperatures and heavy rains in summer, the temperature is high and the oxygen content of the water is low, which makes releasing them equal to killing." He also called on citizens to release them scientifically. , protect the water environment and protect the mother river.

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

During an inspection by the river management department, it was discovered that citizens were releasing animals into the Suzhou River.

Around the Ghost Festival in 2018, some citizens also released live fish, soft-shell turtles, and loaches into the Suzhou River. As a result, the water quality of the fish before and after the water bodies were different, and the fish were concentrated in a certain area, resulting in hypoxia, and eventually a large number of deaths, resulting in River water pollution.

On April 18, some Shanghai citizens reported that fish of 'unknown origin' suddenly appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near Waibaidu Bridge, some of which had 'turned their stomachs'. So where do these fish come from? Will it... - Lujuba

Experts remind


Releasing animals to pray for blessings is a traditional culture of Chinese folk



due to the diversity and complexity of released species and sources


inappropriate releasing behavior will harm the ecological environment.

bring harm.

At the same time, don’t let the well-meaning “release”

turn into “killing”!

News Workshop (Trainee reporter: Xu Xiaoyang) Comprehensive The Paper News (Reporter: Chen Yue), Xinmin Evening News, previous reports

Tags: entertainment