Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which "The Story of Cheng Huan" is the most popular. When "The Story of Cheng Huan" was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama

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Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which " Cheng Huan Ji " is the most popular. When "Cheng Huan Ji" was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama is gradually rising, but the ratings But it was as high as 3.277%. What everyone didn’t expect the most was that the four middle-aged supporting characters in the play successfully broke out and beat the male protagonist. What on earth is going on?

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

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On April 9, "Cheng Huan Ji" was launched. This drama At the same time as the broadcast, another drama was also launched. This drama is "City within the City". This drama is adapted from the famous novel. It tells the story of Tao Wuji, a young man from a small town who was raped by the Binjiang Branch of Shenmao Bank. Her girlfriend Tian Xiaohui entered the trust company through introduction. When both of them yearned for a better life, they faced various challenges, choices, and tests. In the face of interests, temptations, and favors, they made one wrong step after another. In the end, they would do what they did. What choice is there to go with the flow? Or do you still remember your original intention?

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

In this drama, Tao Wuji is played by Bai Yufan. He is a powerful actor, but most of the works he starred in are tepid, so it is difficult for him to reap the dividends brought by the role. Instead of playing the role Xia Meng, she plays Tian Xiaohui. Seeing the two of them teaming up, we don't need to worry about their acting skills. However, the drama gained attention not because of the two of them, but because of "middle-aged f4".

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

The leading role of "City Within the City" is young actors, but the supporting cast of this drama is very luxurious. We can see: Yu Hewei , Wang Xiao , Feng Jiayi , Tu Yansong, in the process of chasing the drama , netizens call them "middle-aged f4". I have to say that the characters they play are too charming.

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

Zhao Hui, played by Yu Hewei, is the vice president with a very high status in the financial circle. He himself also clearly knows what to do and what not to do, so he always sticks to the bottom line, but he encounters a "honey trap" , the other party is not only young and beautiful, but also looks similar to his late wife. The most important thing is that the other party has also become his neighbor. Although he knows that he cannot get close, he can't control himself, and his daughter is sick, so he urgently needs A large amount of money. At this time, even if he wanted to separate public and private affairs, various relationships with his superiors, mentors, and old friends began to entangle him.

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

Miao Che, played by Wang Xiao, works in auditing. He is a financier who returned from Wall Street, but he returned to China to do the audit of Qingshui Yamen. He is very principled and very organized at all levels. In daily life, he often Remind Zhao Hui that when the other party needs funds, he provides help without saying a word. After seeing the setting of this character, many netizens feel that their situation is small, because such people really exist in reality. Auditing has a special feeling.

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

Feng Jiayi plays Su Jianren. He is definitely the "funny person" in the play. He is quite carefree, so his son doesn't want to recognize him at all, and even deliberately causes trouble for him in his daily work. Seeing Su Jianren becomes very angry. , and looked like he couldn't do anything, netizens laughed out loud, but with the update of the plot, many netizens felt that this character has changed. He is definitely the most sober person in the whole drama. He clearly knows what he wants and his mental state. very beautiful.

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

Xie Zhiyuan, played by Tu Yansong, is a trustworthy boss. This character has the word "shrewd" written on his face. The woman Zhao Hui met who looked like his deceased wife was arranged by him. What he didn't expect was that Feng Jiayi also fell into it. And his wife is also a calculating person, which means that their family is all smart.

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

In the process of watching the drama, many netizens said: I didn’t expect that in a TV drama with this theme, I would actually watch four old uncles. It’s fun to fight with each other. I have to say that if the four of them were involved in this drama, He is the protagonist and can support a drama because the character is so charming.

Dear readers, which TV series are you watching? Many dramas have been aired recently, among which 'The Story of Cheng Huan' is the most popular. When 'The Story of Cheng Huan' was aired, there was another drama that was also aired in a low-key manner. The popularity of this drama - Lujuba

With the update of the plot, "City Within a City" is becoming more and more popular. According to official news, the ratings of this drama are as high as 3.277%. In the first week of broadcast, the average ratings successfully exceeded 3. The popularity on the site has also exceeded 8,500, which means that this drama has great potential.

Dear readers, are you watching "City Within a City"? If you like to watch gambling workplace dramas, you must not miss "City Within a City".

Tags: entertainment