The heart is the blood-pumping "center" of the body. Under normal circumstances, it beats rhythmically like a clock. But the beating of the heart is not a constant value. You need to pay attention to it if it is too fast or too slow... Recently, in a variety show, the well-known

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The heart is the "center" of pumping blood in the body.

Under normal circumstances,

beats rhythmically like a clock.

But the beating of the heart is not a constant value.

If it is too fast or too slow, you need to pay attention to it...

Recently, in a variety show

The famous actor Wu Chun was accused of "Heart pulse is too heavy" after having his pulse checked on the spot


You need to pay attention to your heart health.

The heart is the blood-pumping 'center' of the body. Under normal circumstances, it beats rhythmically like a clock. But the beating of the heart is not a constant value. You need to pay attention to it if it is too fast or too slow... Recently, in a variety show, the well-known  - Lujuba

As for the cause of "hypercardia"

doctors pointed out that it may be related to long-term lack of sleep.

The heart is the blood-pumping 'center' of the body. Under normal circumstances, it beats rhythmically like a clock. But the beating of the heart is not a constant value. You need to pay attention to it if it is too fast or too slow... Recently, in a variety show, the well-known  - Lujuba

Wu Zun said about this

He had noticed that his heartbeat was too slow.

When he got up in the morning, his heart rate was even only 0. 38

Usually the number is around 50

The topic quickly became a hot search

Speaking of slow heartbeat

Many people may think

Isn't it healthier to have a slow heartbeat?

Wu Chun also said

that he thought he had been an athlete

so he agreed that

having a slow heartbeat is not a bad thing

The heart is the blood-pumping 'center' of the body. Under normal circumstances, it beats rhythmically like a clock. But the beating of the heart is not a constant value. You need to pay attention to it if it is too fast or too slow... Recently, in a variety show, the well-known  - Lujuba

But the doctor said that if he is an athlete

his heart rate is around 50, which is fine,

but 38 is still a bit slow,

suggested Wu Chun should pay more attention to rest

After the topic became a hot search,

triggered many netizens to discuss

The heart is the blood-pumping 'center' of the body. Under normal circumstances, it beats rhythmically like a clock. But the beating of the heart is not a constant value. You need to pay attention to it if it is too fast or too slow... Recently, in a variety show, the well-known  - Lujuba


His heart is pounding. How much is normal?

Usually when awake and quiet, the heart beats of babies are 120~140 times per minute, toddlers 90~100 times, school-age children 380~90 times, adults 370~80 times.

But heart rate is not static. It is related to factors such as mood, diet, disease, and exercise. Generally speaking, in the resting state, 60~100 times/minute is within the normal range.

Although it is generally believed that a slower heart rate is beneficial to health and longevity, there is a limit to this "slowness". If it is less than 60 beats per minute, it is considered bradycardia.


A heartbeat that is too fast or too slow is dangerous.

The heart rate can reflect the health of the heart to a certain extent. If it exceeds 100 beats/minute in a quiet state, it is called tachycardia; if it is less than 60 beats/minute, it is called tachycardia. It is bradycardia, and both conditions are very dangerous!

The faster the heartbeat, the more dangerous the blood vessels are.

Every beat of the heart will bring about a blood flow pulse and passive elastic contraction of blood vessels, which is an impact on the arteries of the whole body. Under the action of various forces, the more heartbeats, the greater the damage to the arteries, and the more likely it is that atherosclerosis and vascular endothelial damage will occur.

In addition, heart rate is the joint result of regulation by the human body's nervous and endocrine systems. Increased heart rate may be a manifestation of various pathological processes such as hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and excessive secretion of catecholamine hormones.

These factors

are all important mechanisms in the formation of hypertension, arteriosclerosis, heart failure and other diseases


A study published in the Cardiology Journal of the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that observations of community populations showed that an increase in heart rate of 5 beats per minute increased the risk of heart failure by 13% and the risk of death by 13%!

The heartbeat is too slow and the blood pump is insufficient

Severely slow heartbeat (less than 45 beats/minute) can easily cause the blood flow to slow down and the blood and oxygen supply to the organs throughout the body to deteriorate. patients will suffer from dizziness, fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other adverse effects. Severe reactions can be life-threatening. Generally speaking, people who are physically active and exercise regularly are more likely to have a slow heart rate.

In addition, the heart rate of professional athletes or long-term heavy physical workers will generally be lower than 60 beats/minute, or even reach 40 beats/minute, which is normal. Whether bradycardia requires medical treatment, you should first look at the symptoms.


A pounding heart may also be a sign of disease

Thyroid disease

Abnormal thyroid function can affect the heart.Because the thyroid hormone it secretes is a systemic hormone that affects various organs, especially the heart, it can regulate blood pressure, heart rate, myocardial oxygen consumption and contractility, cardiac function, etc.

Like hypothyroidism , too little thyroid hormone secretion will weaken the contraction function of the heart muscle, affect the generation and conduction of electrical activity of the heart, and then lead to slow heartbeat and conduction block;

and hyperthyroidism, excessive thyroid hormone secretion, there will be May increase blood pressure and heart rate.

Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a heartbeat disorder in the atrium, which is common in the elderly. data shows that about 10% of the elderly over the age of 75 will develop atrial fibrillation, and about 20% of the elderly over the age of 80 will develop atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation manifests itself as fatigue, palpitation, restlessness, etc. The patient feels that the heart beats irregularly. After measurement, it is found that the heartbeat frequency exceeds the normal range and reaches more than 100 beats/minute.

When atrial fibrillation occurs, intervention should be carried out as soon as possible, otherwise the atrium will not contract for a long time, which may lead to continuous accumulation of blood, formation of thrombus, and increased risk of stroke.

Premature beats

Premature beats, also known as intermittent beats, mean that the heart rhythm is disordered, beating once early, and pausing for longer than normal. Premature beats do not necessarily mean there is a heart problem. Sometimes being too nervous, overtired, or smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking coffee, etc. may also cause premature beats. can be improved by adjusting your lifestyle at this time. , but a small part may be related to heart diseases such as coronary heart disease, valvular disease, and cardiomyopathy.

Therefore, if premature beats occur, do not take it lightly. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination to find the root cause.

Source: Newsroom Comprehensive Xiaoxiang Morning News, Life Times, Shenzhen Health Commission, Popular Science China, I Am a Doctor Official WeChat account, "Mamma Mia" program

(Source: Newsroom)

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