On the evening of April 12, Hangzhou police issued a police information report saying that after investigation, netizen Xu Moumou and his colleague Xue Mou jointly planned and fabricated a series of video scripts about "The homework book lost by elementary school student Qin Lang

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On the evening of April 12, Hangzhou police issued a police information report saying that after investigation, netizen Xu Moumou and his colleague Xue Mou jointly planned and fabricated a series of video scripts about 'The homework book lost by elementary school student Qin Lang - Lujuba

On the evening of April 12, the Hangzhou police issued a police information report stating that after investigation, netizen Xu Moumou and his colleague Xue Mou jointly planned and fabricated a series of video scripts "The homework books lost by elementary school student Qin Lang were found in Paris, France" and then purchased winter vacation homework online. This person used his mobile phone to take selfies, make related videos, and spread them to multiple online platforms, causing a negative impact. At present, the public security organs have imposed administrative penalties on Xu, Xue and the company where they work in accordance with the law, and the accounts of the self-media bloggers involved have been banned on multiple platforms.

The reason why the "Qin Lang lost his homework" incident became a "phenomenal" farce is of course the result of a combination of many factors, and it is a profound satire of the current network communication environment. A simple staged video can quickly become popular. In addition to relevant self-media practitioners who do not hesitate to fool the public in pursuit of traffic, the "fun" of some institutional media and the "relay communication" of many people who want to take advantage of it also "take the most of the credit." Looking at it from a higher level, this incident reflects to a certain extent the proliferation of "new yellow news" in the current network culture.

The main form of dissemination of "new yellow news" is short videos, and interest is its core value element. The authenticity of the news is constantly being dispelled or even completely abandoned. Some self-media accounts are typical in making up stories in order to attract attention and traffic.

encountered a lot of doubts when the "Qin Lang lost his homework" incident broke out. If the blogger involved could explain the situation in a timely manner and sincerely apologize, perhaps it would not cause a huge disturbance. But then, the blogger concocted the lie that "Qin Lang's family has been contacted, but the other party refused to appear on camera to clarify", finally taking the nonsense to the extreme.

"New yellow journalism" often involves a chain of interests, and is basically not a "battle" by one person. Recently, the Ministry of Public Security announced ten typical cases of cracking down on online rumors and illegal crimes, most of which used similar "operational methods." For example, Wang Moujiang, a man from Jiangxi, runs 5 mcn organizations and a total of 842 self-media accounts. He has long organized company personnel to select hot articles and uses artificial intelligence tools to batch generate false articles to attract fans and attract traffic.

The "Qin Lang lost his winter vacation homework in Paris" incident is a typical online false information incident. It not only attracted widespread social attention, but also triggered in-depth thinking on the authenticity of online information and the professional ethics of self-media. This behavior not only disrupts social order, but also causes potential harm to social order and public interests. Self-media operators should abide by laws and regulations, adhere to professional ethics, and must not create or spread false information. At the same time, traditional media and serious news organizations must also assume the responsibility of correctly guiding public opinion and disseminating true information. They cannot "forward" it at will without discrimination. They must provide the public with high-quality news content through in-depth investigation and reporting. The

network is not an illegal place, and this incident also exposed the shortcomings of supervision in the current network environment. Although relevant departments have punished those involved, how to effectively prevent and promptly investigate and deal with similar false information incidents is still an urgent problem that needs to be solved. For those who deliberately create and disseminate false information, the relevant responsible persons should be held accountable in accordance with the law, and legal means should be used to maintain social order and the normal operation of the network environment. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision of network information, further improve relevant laws and regulations, and effectively increase the cost of illegal activities, so as to effectively curb the occurrence of such incidents.

Everyone who participates in this online “carnival” must also ask themselves. In the face of all kinds of information on the Internet, individuals should remain rational, not be credulous or spread unverified information, prevent being swallowed up by spam, improve the ability to identify online information, and jointly maintain the clarity of cyberspace.

The farce of "Qin Lang lost his job" has come to an end, but the in-depth reflection cannot stop there. This case profoundly reminds us that we need to strengthen the supervision of online information, improve the professional ethics of self-media, and enhance the Internet literacy education of the public. Only in this way can we jointly create a healthy, real and orderly network environment.

text/Hu Xinhong

picture source/Visual China

editor/Wang Han

Tags: entertainment