The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen

entertainment 1620℃

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in the current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recently released " The World of Grass and Trees " is exactly such a work. "The World of Grass and Trees" directly attacks the ubiquitous MLM organizations in modern society, and displays MLM routines in front of the audience through the big screen.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", the heroine Wu Taihua ( Jiang Qinqin ) is a very ordinary mother. Her son is everything to her. She wants to give the best to her son, but the reality is cruel, which makes She felt powerless.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

Wu Taihua, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, finally entered a MLM organization by mistake, where her spirit was unprecedentedly satisfied and she began to sink. After his son Mulian (played by Wu Lei) learned about his mother's situation, he decided to join a MLM organization to rescue her. He went through many setbacks in the process, but Mulian never gave up on his mother. The true love between mother and son made many viewers cry.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

01 Jiang Qinqin

Wu Taihua is the epitome of many women in real life. They cannot get satisfaction and affirmation either spiritually or materially. Therefore, their hearts are particularly eager to succeed and want to be noticed. Such people are the number one targets of MLM organizations. Wu Taihua transformed overnight after entering the MLM organization, and she was satisfied physically and mentally. Therefore, she did not want to leave even if she knew she was being cheated. Wu Taihua felt that she had gained a new life in this organization.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

Jiang Qinqin created the role of Wu Taihua very clearly. From the miserable single mother in the early stage, to her "getting rich overnight" in the later stage, to her madness when she didn't want to believe that she was deceived, Jiang Qinqin perfectly portrayed this character, making the audience very happy. Easily empathize. This movie is Jiang Qinqin's first movie since her comeback. Many people have doubted her acting skills, but the role of Wu Taihua is the best proof. Although he has not filmed for many years after his marriage, Jiang Qinqin's works have never been forgotten. For example, "The White-haired Witch" and "Qiao Family Courtyard" are still classics in the film and television industry.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

02 Wu Lei

The role of Mulian in "The World of Grass and Trees" is adapted from the story of Mulian saving her mother. Mulian, played by Wu Lei, went undercover to enter a pyramid scheme organization for her mother. Even though she was mentally tortured, she still didn't Forget your purpose. When his mother was ruined and penniless, he was the only one by his side. Wu Lei's acting skills and explosive power in the film are shocking.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

Wu Lei debuted as a child star. He has been working hard in the film and television industry for many years and has countless works. Now he plays a decisive role in the entertainment industry as a new generation actor. The cute and clever characters Tang Buku and Ma Xiaotiao he played when he was a child brought a lot of fun to the audience. The dramas he later starred in, such as "Nirvana in Fire", " Fighting to Break the Sphere", " Long Song Xing" and other dramas were all hit dramas. He really has a promising future.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

03 Chen Jianbin

Lao Qian (played by Chen Jianbin) does not have many roles in "The World of Grass and Trees", but this role is very crucial. As Wu Taihua's friend for many years, Lao Qian came to Wu Taihua again and again when her mother and son were in trouble. Help them. Lao Qian's humorous character added a lot of comedy to this film. Chen Jianbin created this character in his own unique way, which made everyone's eyes shine.

In this traffic era, the acting skills of actors are extremely important. Although Chen Jianbin is not an idol actor, his acting skills are enough to support a drama. When "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was first filmed, many fans questioned Chen Jianbin's role as Emperor Yongzheng, but after the TV series was aired, it received acclaim. Now more than ten years have passed, and Chen Jianbin's Shiro is still very popular. As long as nothing happens to Chen Jianbin, the role of Shiro can keep him worry-free throughout his life.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

04 Wang Jiajia

Wan Qing, played by Wang Jiajia, is a host of a MLM organization. Her job is to make the defrauded targets feel good about the organization and psychologically accept this place.On the bus picking up the defrauded targets, Wan Qing walked among the targets, carefully "taking care" of everyone. Behind these appearances, there is a huge conspiracy. Every word Wan Qing said is a pyramid scheme. These so-called concerns have also broken through the defenses of many people.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

Although Wang Jiajia is not well-known in domestic entertainment, her acting skills are remarkable as she graduated from Nortel and she has also participated in many film and television works. She first appeared in the public eye because of her participation in "to our dying youth". Her role as Zeng Yu opened up her popularity. Later, he had outstanding performances in works such as " Cliff ", " I am not the God of Medicine ", " The Long Season " and other works. Although he is already in his forties, Wang Jiajia has just ushered in the climax of her career. Expect.

The truest significance of film and television works is to reflect reality and social problems. By turning real problems into literature, more people can see the problems that exist in current society. If a work can achieve such a goal, then it is undoubtedly a success. The recen - Lujuba

For each of us, "The World of Grass and Trees" is worth reflecting on and watching. Nowadays, there are more and more MLM scams. Only by understanding these can we prevent being deceived. This is the meaning of this movie.

Tags: entertainment