The 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards will be held on the evening of April 14. Lam Baoyi was nominated for the best actor for the first time with the film "Under the Day" and competed for the award with Tony Leung, Huang Zihua, Dapeng and Lu Zhenye. "Under the Sun" is produced by Er Don

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The 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards will be held on the evening of April 14th. Lam Baoyi was nominated for the Best Actor for the first time with the film "Under the Sun" and competed for the award with Tony Leung , Huang Zihua, Dapeng , and Lu Zhenye.

The 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards will be held on the evening of April 14. Lam Baoyi was nominated for the best actor for the first time with the film 'Under the Day' and competed for the award with Tony Leung, Huang Zihua, Dapeng and Lu Zhenye. 'Under the Sun' is produced by Er Don - Lujuba

"Under the Day" is produced by Er Dongsheng , directed by Jian Junjin, starring David Jiang, Yu Xiangning and Lin Baoyi. It is currently being released in the mainland. The film is adapted from many real events and tells the story of reporter Ling Xiaoqi (played by Yu Xiangning) who goes undercover in a disabled institution to reveal the cruel truth. Lin Baoyi plays Zhang Jianhua, the director of the "Cai Qiao Home", a disabled hospital. This character has a real-life prototype: Zhang Jianhua, the director of "Cai Qiao Home", committed multiple sexual assault crimes, but was not found guilty until March this year. Lin Baoyi performed this "devil" to perfection. In an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News, he admitted that "this is the first time I hate my character so much." He hopes that "Under the Sun" can make more people pay attention to the problems of the elderly and the disabled. issues and create a friendlier social environment for disadvantaged groups.

As for whether you are confident about winning the Academy Award? He said: "My friends gave me a lot of confidence, but I treated it with a normal attitude, as if I was going to a big party." He said.

After filming the last scene, I can’t wait to change back to myself. In the film, Zhang Jianhua himself is a visually impaired person. In the first half of the film, he appears as a self-motivated and amiable person. It was not until the middle of the movie that Zhang Jianhua sexually assaulted Xiaoling, a girl with moderate intellectual disabilities who lived in the "Caiqiao Home", that the audience discovered that he was a habitual sexual offender and had escaped legal sanctions many times. After

's evil deeds were exposed, Zhang Jianhua was always confident whether he faced police interrogation or reporters' questions - he violently abused, sexually assaulted, and exploited residents, but he also provided a place for homeless disabled people. When the owner of Caiqiao Home planned to remove him as the director, he argued loudly: "Does any of you remember the names of the residents? I personally take care of them, why should you replace me?"

is a vulnerable group As a member of the police and a powerful perpetrator, Zhang Jianhua is a complex figure. Every time he is asked what he thinks of this character's actions, Lin Baoyi always confirms: "Are you asking Lin Baoyi or the dean?"

"If you are asking the dean, I will say: The dean doesn't think so." It's his fault, he thinks he loves every fellow resident." Lin Baoyi asked: "Xiao Ling has an IQ of only 7 years old, who would want her to be his girlfriend? Who can give love to Xiao Ling even her mother can't do that? Her mother sent Xiao Ling to the hospital for work. The dean washed Xiao Ling's hair, cut her nails, and picked her ears. She loved her and took care of her. Only the dean provided them with a place to live. Eat."

Zhang Jianhua is also an outcast from society. He sees himself as the patriarch of the disadvantaged group, and sees sexual assault and abuse as "reward" for taking care of the disabled.

Some viewers feel that Zhang Jianhua is pitiful and hateful, but Lin Baoyi himself has no sympathy for him at all. "I am a person with a sense of justice. Zhang Jianhua is simply a devil. What he does will be struck by lightning." After filming the last scene, Lin Baoyi couldn't wait to drive Zhang Jianhua away from herself: "During the filming period, I didn't dare to look in the mirror when I got home. Because the person in the mirror was Zhang Jianhua, not me. After filming the last scene, I immediately asked the director: Is it really all finished? I'm going to go immediately After cutting my hair, I will become Lin Baoyi again."

The 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards will be held on the evening of April 14. Lam Baoyi was nominated for the best actor for the first time with the film 'Under the Day' and competed for the award with Tony Leung, Huang Zihua, Dapeng and Lu Zhenye. 'Under the Sun' is produced by Er Don - Lujuba

Learn the body language of visually impaired people

"Many people play a role because they like it, but I play it because I hate it." Lin Baoyi watched. The challenging role of Zhang Jianhua came to me, "Everyone is familiar with me playing police officers, lawyers, and doctors, but I rarely play villains. Zhang Jianhua is a very complex bad guy, and I will be successful if I can play him well."

In order to play the role of a visually impaired person, Lin Baoyi had an in-depth interview with a visually impaired person. "He told me that the world in the eyes of a visually impaired person is a mass of shadows. You think he is looking to the side, but in fact he is looking at you.I asked him a question: 'What should I do if I have a third emergency outside and can't see the men's and women's signs in the bathroom? ’ He said: ‘My method is to stand at the door of the toilet and observe people’s body shapes to distinguish between men and women. ’ I admire people with disabilities. They have to overcome many inconveniences and even unfair treatment in life. "

In addition to chatting, Lin Baoyi spent a lunch time learning the body language of visually impaired people. "I feel that just chatting is not enough. Even if I chat for half an hour or an hour, I can only see his upper body. So I winked at the director (Jian Junjin) and said, ‘It’s almost time, why don’t we go have lunch together? ’ The director knew immediately what I wanted. I started observing my visually impaired friend from the moment he stood up, how he went down the stairs, how he walked, how he sat down in the restaurant, how he ate... I kept putting these actions into my pocket like picking up money. I learned a lot of useful things from this lunch. "

To play a role well, you need not only observation and understanding, but also reprocessing. In Lin Baoyi's view, actors are not imitators, but a job of absorption, translation, and communication. "If an action is 10 degrees at most, amblyopia People's daily performance may be 4 degrees. Do I need to achieve 5 degrees, 6 degrees, or 10 degrees to allow the audience to receive what I want to express? These are not written in the script and have to be adjusted by the actors. I need to keep trying to make the dean's speaking rhythm, eyes, and body language as accurate as possible. In this way, every time the dean appears, he can arouse the audience's curiosity: What does this devil want to do? "

The 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards will be held on the evening of April 14. Lam Baoyi was nominated for the best actor for the first time with the film 'Under the Day' and competed for the award with Tony Leung, Huang Zihua, Dapeng and Lu Zhenye. 'Under the Sun' is produced by Er Don - Lujuba

"Looking forward" in life, this time is a new beginning for his acting career.

Lin Baoyi's wonderful performance in "Under the Sun" received overwhelming praise, but he almost passed by this role. He was in several roles He had received an invitation to "Under the Sun" years ago, but he was busy with the web drama "The Bridge of Sighs" at the time - not only was he the star of the series, but he also served as a producer for the first time, so he declined the offer for "Under the Sun". Invitation. A few years later, Louis Koo handed the script to Lin Baoyi again, and this time he agreed. "There is an old saying: 'What's yours is always yours.' '" Lin Baoyi said with a smile.

With "Under the Sun", Lin Baoyi was nominated for the Best Actor Award for the first time, competing for the award with Tony Leung, Huang Zihua, Dapeng and others. When talking about the nomination in this interview, he Unable to conceal my excitement: “My friends have given me a lot of confidence and they all speak highly of this role. As for me, I just keep my mind calm and treat it as if I’m going to a big party. I have always considered myself an ordinary person and have never thought about challenging for any awards. I like sports, hiking, and taking my dog ​​shopping. I enjoy life more than striving for fame and fortune. "

Lin Baoyi has already accumulated many excellent works in the field of TV dramas, but he describes himself as a person who "looks up and forward". He does not miss his previous achievements and is more willing to try new things. He regards "Under the Sun" as his acting career A new beginning: "Movies are fun for me. In the past, when I acted in TV series, I had twenty or thirty episodes; but when acting in a movie, I have to express the character in just two hours, which is another challenge. "

After "Under the Sun", what kind of role does Lin Baoyi want to challenge? "I want to play an astronaut and try to perform in a state of weightlessness. It should be fun. ”

The 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards will be held on the evening of April 14. Lam Baoyi was nominated for the best actor for the first time with the film 'Under the Day' and competed for the award with Tony Leung, Huang Zihua, Dapeng and Lu Zhenye. 'Under the Sun' is produced by Er Don - Lujuba

Text Video | Reporter Hu Guangxin Reporter Zeng Zhixiang

Pictures | Stills

Tags: entertainment