Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's "Sister Lang 5" is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song "Colorless Flower" sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming...

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Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Text | Anqing

Editor | 9527 Miao Gujun

"Lang Jie 5" is finally going to be launched. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film is launched, the program team has released the theme song "Nothing" sung by 36 sisters together. Colorful Flowers".

From this short film of less than 4 minutes, we can basically see that the program team has already determined the preliminary C and betting contestants.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

The first one to appear is the c-sister Qi Wei. She occupies the central axis position in the big panorama. At the beginning of the MV, she is the first sister to have a separate lens.

Judging from the state of Qi Wei in the picture, she not only has an online appearance, but also an online figure. She is wearing a star-studded tights, which also highlights the exaggerated head-to-body ratio and shows superior right-angled shoulders. As a professional singer, Qi Wei not only has an outstanding image, but also has a highly recognizable tone.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Mango let Qi Wei occupy the c position, which is quite reasonable. Sister Han Xue , who also has a strong sense of presence, is obviously the sister who the program team is betting on as a member of the group.

Recently, Han Xue's reputation on the Internet is not very good, but it must be said that Han Xue is tall and has outstanding temperament. Her image is indeed dignified and dignified, and she has the beauty of an oriental woman. In

mv, Han Xue is dressed in a silver dress, with gentle and sexy wavy hair. The long skirt with high slits reveals her long legs, and her figure advantage is very obvious. She is elegant and noble, and she is also very popular in the sinking market. Now she has become a topical figure, and the program team certainly attaches great importance to her.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Liu Xin, who also has a separate camera, has become the sister that many netizens look forward to since the beginning of the recording of the show.

As the top vote-getter that year, Liu Xin has strength and aura. Although he still wears a neutral style in the MV.

But it can be seen that she is more confident and sunny now than she was when she was young. With her popularity and strength, she is definitely a popular candidate to become a sister in the group.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Of course, in terms of beauty, this time "Lang Jie 5" really has many sisters that are difficult to ignore.

Actor Zhang Yuxi has almost AI beauty. In Reuters, she is a perfect goddess from another dimension. With exquisite facial features and a tall and slender figure, she is very beautiful in a stage like "Lang Jie 5" that requires visual beauty. There are advantages.

However, in this mv, Zhang Yuxi’s camera flashed by without a strong sense of presence. The camera angle also happened to be at the moment when Zhang Yuxi started singing and her facial features deformed. Zhang Yuxi in the picture was still beautiful, but it did not make her more beautiful. Best condition.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

In the lineup of powerful singers, , He Jie, , , Sa Dingding, also had valuable solo shots.

are two professional singers who have hit songs all the time. Regardless of their singing and dancing abilities on stage, it is certain that they must be very popular vocals. Having them join any team will be the icing on the cake.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Moreover, due to their status and popularity, they are indeed highly discussed in the market, and the camera distribution of the program team is very reasonable.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

What is surprising is that Guo Biting, who has disappeared from the public lens for a long time, does not have a strong presence in this MV. Although she sits beside Qi Wei in the chorus scene, there is no separate shot, and when she appears, The face could barely be seen.

Judging from the flash of the camera, Guo Biting is indeed much fatter than when she was at the peak of her appearance. She looks slightly bloated in a dress, and she no longer has the temperament of a literary goddess.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

But everyone said that "Lang Jie 5" is the best weight loss training camp. Maybe the second grandpa Guo Biting will be back to her peak weight. With her peak appearance, it is difficult to become a marginal character in the show.

Also passed by is the host Zhu Dan . Zhu Dan’s reputation is not good, but because of some topic characteristics, she is very out of the circle. She has her own popularity, and she is also full of unknown surprises in the field of singing and dancing. Zhu Dan in

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

mv is wearing a long blue dress, which is elegant and dignified, but to be honest, Zhu Dan really doesn’t have any girl group temperament. On the contrary, when she stands there, she has a controlling temperament.I wonder if Zhu Dan in "Lang Jie 5" will take on the responsibility of controlling the field like Xie Na .

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie , who appeared with Zhu Dan, is also a popular contestant. She has outstanding strength and obvious song style, including her style in this MV, which is the same as her usual, with a rock and roll temperament. I just don’t know if Shang Wenjie can show her eye-catching advantages besides singing and creating on the stage of "Lang Jie 5".

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Before the show started, many viewers regarded Li Xirui as a potential dark horse. After all, she has an outstanding image and attractive legs. However, judging from offline news, Li Xirui failed to make it to the group, and Li Xirui in the mv Xirui, there is indeed a problem with expression management.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

It seems that the lineup of "Lang Jie 5" this time is indeed not as luxurious as the previous seasons. It is puzzling that Qi Wei, who has not had a masterpiece for a long time, has become the C position, but after looking at the lineup, it is also very reasonable.

It’s just that both Qi Wei and Han Xue’s performance in the MV can only be regarded as mediocre. The sister who really surprised the audience was Chen Lijun. At present, Chen Lijun is very popular on the Internet and has many netizens who follow her. However, because Chen Lijun is only half an insider, her popularity and celebrity status are not enough to rank in the C position.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

But it is obvious that the program team also knows Chen Lijun's influence. All the sisters in the entire MV have very few scenes, but Chen Lijun appears repeatedly for several seconds, and every second she amazes everyone.

Compared to other sisters who work hard and professionally, Chen Lijun has a wanton and bright sense of relaxation in front of the camera. She didn't overly manage her expressions. When she sang, she held the microphone and sang to her heart's content without her face falling apart. Every second she was in the camera was full of charm.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

Sometimes her eyes sparkle, and the sense of surprise in her eyes seems to allow people to see a beautiful blueprint for the future. Sometimes she smiles gently and sweetly. Her face and facial features are obviously not exquisite, but they are highly recognizable, even the angle of her jaw. Exude charisma.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

I have to say that although Chen Lijun is not an out-and-out insider, she has solid skills and outstanding typhoon skills. The most important thing is that she does not have the sophisticated temperament that is often exposed to the camera. The youthful vitality she exudes makes her Among this group of sisters, she is particularly eye-catching. A closer look shows that Chen Lijun's clothing and style are even the most ordinary and conservative.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

No wonder, many offline netizens lament that Chen Lijun has become the dark horse sister of this show. With her temperament and beauty, coupled with her years of solid skills as a Yue Opera actor, it would be strange if she does not attract attention.

Of course, "Lang Jie 5" makes wrong bets almost every year. The previous one, Cyndi Wang, was the most obvious "black history" of the program team's overturning.

Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 Miao Gujun's 'Sister Lang 5' is finally going online. The program is scheduled for April 19. Before the main film goes online, the program team has released the theme song 'Colorless Flower' sung by 36 sisters. . And from this shortcoming... - Lujuba

It's hard to say whether "Lang Jie 5" will have a dark horse that exceeds the audience's expectations this time, but judging from the status of the sisters, this year's stage is considered stable.

Finally, which sister’s stage performance do you like the most? Participate in the discussion in the comment area and predict the lineup of this year's "Sister Lang".

Tags: entertainment