The abstract comedy "Very Suspenseful", written and directed by drama genius Wang Zichuan, starring comedian Jin Guangfa and Feng Tian, ​​famous for "Fangshan Season Bird and Monkey", will premiere at the Beijing Comedy Theater this week. The new version of "Very Suspenseful" is

entertainment 1438℃

The abstract comedy "Very Suspenseful", written and directed by the drama genius Wang Zichuan and starring comedian Jin Guangfa and Feng Tian, ​​famous for "Fangshan Season Bird and Monkey", will premiere at the Beijing Comedy Theater this week.

's new version of "Very Suspenseful" is not only very creative in plot, but also makes bold attempts in expression techniques. Director Wang Zichuan refines and reconstructs seemingly ordinary fragments of daily life and presents them to the audience in a humorous way. And Jin Guangfa and Feng Tian gave full play to their comedy talents.

The abstract comedy 'Very Suspenseful', written and directed by drama genius Wang Zichuan, starring comedian Jin Guangfa and Feng Tian, ​​famous for 'Fangshan Season Bird and Monkey', will premiere at the Beijing Comedy Theater this week. The new version of 'Very Suspenseful' is  - Lujuba

Jin Yan, who is famous for his short video platform as "Entertainer Jin Guangfa", as an actor with nearly 20 years of performance experience, has previously appeared in the dramas "I am not Pan Jinlian", "Sirano", "Three Autumns in One Day", etc. The stage play received critical acclaim. In "Very Suspenseful", Jin Yan challenges the two roles of writer and director. In the "play within a play" plot, he integrates various online comedy techniques into the performance to bring surprises to the audience.

Feng Tian is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the image of "Fangshan Season Bird and Monkey". The popular short video has been played more than 10 billion times on the entire network, and it became a hot Internet meme at the end of 2023. She has a solid foundation in opera and drama, and her performance style is both down-to-earth and humorous. This time Feng Tian will play five roles in different costumes, which is also a great challenge for her.

The script of "Very Suspenseful" is full of ups and downs and suspense, allowing the audience to feel the tension and excitement of the plot while laughing. The stage design makes full use of modern technology and uses lighting, sound effects and multimedia to create a fantasy world of comedy for the audience.

According to Cheng Haitao, the producer of this drama, although "Super Suspense" has been a classic drama that has been popular for more than ten years, Wang Zichuan, who is also the director and screenwriter, has made bold innovations this time. Due to the addition of a new cast, , the plot and performance methods have undergone great changes, which will bring different feelings to the audience and industry insiders.

This round of performances premiered at the Beijing Comedy Theater, and will then tour in more than a dozen cities including Shanghai, Tianjin, and Guangzhou.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Guo Jia

editor/Gong Lifang

Tags: entertainment