Recently, the suspense police drama "Born by Life" was officially announced. The play is directed by Lu Chuan, starring Qin Hao, Han Geng, and Zhong Chuxi, with special guest starring Shi Pengyuan, special starring Lin Boyang, and a friendly appearance by Su Xiaoding. In the firs

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Recently, the suspense police drama 'Born by Life' was officially announced. The play is directed by Lu Chuan, starring Qin Hao, Han Geng, and Zhong Chuxi, with special guest starring Shi Pengyuan, special starring Lin Boyang, and a friendly appearance by Su Xiaoding. In the firs - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the suspense police drama "Born by Life" was officially announced. The play is directed by Lu Chuan, starring Qin Hao, Han Geng, and Zhong Chuxi, with special guest starring Shi Pengyuan, special starring Lin Boyang, and a friendly appearance by Su Xiaoding. In the first poster of , Qin Hao is wearing a uniform and trapped in the fog. The scars on his face and clenched hands show his uneasiness, as if he is at a turning point of fate. What has he experienced? Where will the future go?

"Born by Life" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Shi Yifeng, winner of the Lu Xun Literature Award. It won the first Liang Yusheng Literature Award in the detective and suspense category. The story takes place in the early 1990s. Du Xiangdong, a top student at the police academy, was assigned to a detention center contrary to his wishes. Two suspects under his care accidentally escaped, triggering prison guard Du Xiangdong's unremitting pursuit for more than 20 years. It fully demonstrates the forbearance and brilliance of all living beings under the torrent of the times.

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