Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing

entertainment 4664℃

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. When

interviewed Zhu Zixiao in the first interview, she made it clear that she opposed the actor's live broadcast. In the sixth issue of

, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing goods.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Perhaps it was because of Zhu Zixiao’s status as the anchor. When the producer expressed that he wanted to talk to Zhu Zixiao, Hao Lei was the first to ask: Before you chose to go live, did you have no one looking for you to film?

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Zhu Zixiao gave an affirmative answer: completely.

Ning Jing probably didn’t want to hear these gossips, and wanted to help out, saying: Oh, you did the live broadcast out of necessity, unlike me who took the initiative.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

When Hao Lei also had high emotional intelligence, she said: It’s because you love to play. You think, so many of your images have already appeared.

Her meaning is very clear. Ning Jing has a masterpiece and has already created various roles before the live broadcast. She does not need to prove herself in terms of acting skills, so playing live broadcast will have little impact.

But Zhu Zixiao is different.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

These words of Anping must have been useful, so he no longer stopped Hao Lei, but instead casually said to Zhu Zixiao: Oh, have you been abandoned?

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Er Dongsheng’s words became even more vicious: He could no longer survive.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Hao Lei continued to ask: How long has it been since anyone asked you to film a movie?

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Zhu Zixiao said that it would be a long time, at least a year younger.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

As soon as these words came out, even Xiang Zuo laughed.

Because it seems normal for an actor to go without filming for a year.

Ning Jing sighed even heartlessly: I thought it was ten years.

Sister, it’s so heartbreaking!

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Zhu Zixiao explained that he had been filming before, but suddenly no one asked him to film for such a long time, so he felt panicked.

Moreover, at that time, the mortgage and car loans were all being repaid. In order to survive, I had to find a way to make money.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Hao Lei couldn't understand anything.

She asked Zhu Zixiao if he had heard Zhang Songwen’s story, and said that Zhang Songwen had never had a house, but he had not gone to the live broadcast either.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Zhu Zixiao emphasized: I bought a house. The established situation is that I have already bought it.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Hao Lei still can't understand: But in less than a year, I had a whole year when no one asked me for a job. What happened?

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

These words made Er Dongsheng next to him smile meaningfully.

It seems that Hao Lei has never experienced lack of money, so she cannot sympathize with the pressure a person feels when he cannot pay off his car loan and house loan.

Zhu Zixiao was very firm and said: That won’t work. Everyone is different. I panicked.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Hao Lei finally said that this reason is acceptable.

Although Hao Lei accepted Zhu Zixiao's live broadcast for survival, she still "pursued and beat him fiercely".

took advantage of audience comments to ask whether Zhu Zixiao had made enough money through live broadcasts and now wanted to come back to acting.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

At the same time, she once again emphasized that she didn't like this and felt that actors can't come back just by saying they come back.

Zhu Zixiao’s response was quite appropriate.

He feels that there is no need to limit one person to only one thing. There is no conflict between live broadcast and filming.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

He believed that his poor performance in the first episode of the program was because improvisation did not represent a person's professional ability, but could only represent a certain aspect of ability.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

He is the type who needs an opponent to stimulate him, dialogue, and an environment.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Hao Lei was very dissatisfied with his answer, interrupted him and said: If you keep talking, you will be scolded on the hot search.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Hao Lei felt that Zhu Zixiao's statement was very unprofessional, because improvisation is part of the performance.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

It felt like Zhu Zixiao was going to be "broken" by her, and his eyes were red for a while.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

I don’t know what everyone thinks of this “conflict” between Hao Lei and Zhu Zixiao.

Sister Tao really likes Hao Lei. She is very talented in acting and her performance is very delicate.When

was a performance teacher, he was often able to point out students' problems to the point and give very constructive suggestions.

But this time, I want to stand with Zhu Zixiao.

Let’s talk about live streaming first.

In fact, we can completely imagine the situation Zhu Zixiao faced at that time. When

debuted, he filmed a relatively popular movie, so he should have made a lot of money, but not enough to be able to rest on his laurels.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

At that time, my income was high and I had many film appointments, so I was a little overwhelmed and didn’t have a good financial plan.

As for a house, a car, etc., just buy it if you want. I guess it’s more expensive.

Unexpectedly, there will suddenly be no filming, and the income will be cut off, but the various loans will not be lost at all. No one should panic.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

This is indeed not the same thing as Zhang Songwen, who has never bought a house.

If Zhang Songwen also bought a house and had a mortgage loan, it is hard to say what kind of path he would take.

You can say that Zhu Zixiao did not plan his consumption well, but you cannot say that it is wrong for him to choose to make money through live streaming when he is already burdened with these loans.

Hao Lei is an idealist, which is not problematic in itself and even worthy of admiration, but she should not impose her idealism on others.

Everyone’s situation is different.

Some people may not have to worry about food and drink without working for a year, two or even ten years, but some people cannot afford to eat without working for a day.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

People must first ensure survival before they can pursue their ideals.

Any choice made for survival should not be judged or laughed at.

As an ordinary person, Sister Dao can sympathize with Zhu Zixiao better.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Let’s talk about Zhu Zixiao’s views on improvisation.

Hao Lei felt that Zhu Zixiao would be criticized for saying that improvisation cannot represent a person's full strength and would be a hot search.

I personally don’t think so.

Although we are laymen, from a logical point of view, what Zhu Zixiao said is correct.

Improvisation is one of the actor's abilities, but it certainly does not represent all of the actor's abilities.

Being able to improvise is certainly a plus, but in his career, apart from appearing in variety shows, how often does a professional actor need to improvise?

Although some actors are not good at improvisation, it does not mean that they cannot play their roles well after reading the script and figuring out the characters.

What's more, what about the director's training?

Zhu Zixiao himself is a good example.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

His impromptu performance in the interview was indeed a mess, but in the remake of "Infernal Affairs", through Eric Tsang's guidance, the performance was obviously improved.

Doesn’t this just mean that Zhu Zixiao’s performance during the interview does not fully represent his performance strength and potential?

As Ning Jing said, everyone has different talents. Some are geniuses and some are hardworking.

Hao Lei seems to really care about actors going to live broadcasts to bring goods. During the first interview with Zhu Zixiao, she made it clear that she opposed actors selling goods live. In the sixth issue, she got into trouble with Zhu Zixiao again over the matter of bringing  - Lujuba

Hao Lei is a talented actor, so she cannot understand the hard-working Zhu Zixiao, just like Hao Lei is not short of money, so she cannot sympathize with Zhu Zixiao who is live broadcasting.

I can’t say she was wrong, it’s just that it’s a bit painful to stand and talk.

Tags: entertainment