Four major cases have occurred in Taiwan recently, including Sudan Red, child abuse, electricity price increase, and Baolin Tea House. Luo Zhiqiang, the representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, bluntly said that these four incidents are all painful in the hearts of the people an

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Four major cases have occurred in Taiwan recently, including Sudan Red, child abuse, electricity price increase, and Baolin Tea House. Luo Zhiqiang, the representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, bluntly said that these four incidents are all painful in the hearts of the people, and he criticized the face of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen. The book did not mention a word; he also mentioned Tsai Ing-wen's participation in a concert in Dagang on the 30th. If these four cases occurred during Ma Ying-jeou's term, would he dare to attend the concert? "I'm afraid everyone from the green camp will surround them, throwing shoes and books at their service."

Four major cases have occurred in Taiwan recently, including Sudan Red, child abuse, electricity price increase, and Baolin Tea House. Luo Zhiqiang, the representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, bluntly said that these four incidents are all painful in the hearts of the people an - Lujuba

Luo Zhiqiang wrote today that major incidents related to people's livelihood have been ongoing recently, including the carcinogen Sudan Red invading people's dining tables, exposing the illusion of five food safety rings; a young child was tortured to death by a nanny, triggering public outrage and highlighting Tsai Ing-wen's declaration to take over The social safety net for everyone is broken; the price of electricity rose sharply in April, driving up the price of everything. Tsai Ing-wen’s wrong energy policy has pushed the people into the abyss of misery. In addition, two people have died due to the food poisoning incident at the "Baolin Tea Room", and others are still being rescued in the intensive care unit, fighting with death.

Luo Zhiqiang said bluntly that the four major cases mentioned above are all painful in the hearts of the people, but Tsai Ing-wen turned a blind eye and said nothing, and Facebook did not mention it at all and did not care. He also mentioned Tsai Ing-wen's participation in the opening of Dagang and emphasized that if these four cases occurred during Ma Ying-jeou's term, would he dare to attend the concert? I'm afraid everyone from the green camp will surround me, throwing shoes and books at my service, and not even being able to enter the concert.

"The people are in dire straits, but the imperial city is still peaceful, and Tsai Ing-wen is still singing and dancing." Luo Zhiqiang lamented, what kind of leader can be so indifferent to the suffering of the people?

The Dagang Open Music Festival is usually held in Kaohsiung in March every year. Its founders include Lin Changzuo, the lead singer of the Shining Band and later a member of the Min Dynasty. Dagang Kaising has been pro-green since its inception and has been popular among politicians from the Democratic Progressive Party. It has also caused controversy on the island due to multiple exposures of participating artists using foul language.

Straits Herald reporter Xue Yang compiled the report

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