When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe

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Spring has gone and the flowers are still there, but the birds are not surprised when people come.

Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the peach red willows and green willows in the spring of the time, and the new swallows and orioles; in summer The lotus flowers are scorching, the mandarin ducks are floating on the water; the fruits are colorful in the autumn, and the northern geese are flying south; even the plum blossoms reflect the snow on the cold night of winter, and the jackdaws are shivering - these flowers, trees and birds are seen, heard, touched and felt by people. Many emotions and thoughts arose in my heart. The vegetation flourished and withered, and the birds came and went. Year after year, even though the flowers faded and bloomed again, and the birds returned again, they seemed similar, but they were different. Therefore, if we can stay in this momentary scene for a moment, it will be so happy and comforting to those who are drifting away as the years go by.

The flowers and birds in the painting are an attempt by human beings to turn a moment into eternity. Paper has a lifespan of a thousand years, and silk has a lifespan of eight hundred. The feathers and leaf veins are outlined with ink that will not fade for thousands of years, and the elixir extracted from the ten thousand-year-old mountain rocks is used. The green paint is used to dye the colors, depicting lifelike birds and gorgeous blooming flowers. They are solidified on the end of the silk paper by the brush. They will never wither or fly away. They are people who spend their time for themselves. The scenery that remains with eternal yearning embodies emotions and desires.

When the ear encounters it, it becomes sound, and when the eye encounters it, it becomes color. Spring comes, flowers and trees flourish, and birds fly. It has nothing to do with people, but people can see the meaning in it. "The spring breeze evens out the colors, and sells wine to carry glasses and compose poems" is the poetry inspired by Begonia; "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain" is the hermit's support of chrysanthemums; "the glory of autumn chrysanthemums, the gorgeous spring pines" is the dream The celestial appearance of Chinese and American people; "The young peach blossoms are shining brightly", which is a metaphor for the luxuriance of spring and the peak of youth; "Drinking magnolias in the morning and the falling dew, dining with yellow chrysanthemums in the evening" is a metaphor for the integrity and purity of a gentleman. sentiment.

Looking for images on the outside and giving color on the inside, they become the flowers and birds in the painting. They are used to please the eyes, express emotions, support aspirations, and create excitement. It seems to be the reality obtained from nature, but it is the creation of the human heart. Mutually. At that time, people looked at flowers as if they were in a dream, and when they heard birds in their dreams, they felt like humans.

Everything looks like a painting, which one is fake and which one is real? The flowers and birds are really interesting and bring me boundless spring.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

This article comes from the b06-07 version of the Beijing News Book Review Weekly's March 29, 2024 special topic "Flowers and Birds are Interesting":

b01 "Theme" Flowers and Birds are Interesting

b02-b03 "Theme" The Birds Are Silent

b04-b05 "Theme" People Get Interesting Flowers and Birds

b06-b07 "History" The colors of flowers in the painting

b08 "Literature" "Glass Constellation" The tearing of synchronicity

Written by Gu Xiang

"Wen Xin Diao Long·Mao Se" says: "Every year has its own things, and everything has its own things. "Emotions are moved by things, and words are expressed by things." The chapter "Objects" also says: "In the preface of the Spring and Autumn Dynasties, the yin and yang are miserable, and the movement of objects makes the heart shake." The so-called "objects" include astronomy, geography, animals, and plants. Hidden, among the various natural creatures, the sun, moon, rivers, mountains, flowers, plants, insects and fish have always been the objects of love for literati. With the passage of time, landscape, flower and bird painting has gradually become a specific genre, and people's understanding of the nature of heaven and earth has begun to incorporate simple philosophical concepts. It is not only the laws of the universe and natural objects themselves, but also reflects people's mental state and ideal pursuit in a certain historical period. .

The vast world, as tall as the sun, moon and stars, as small as fly wormwood and mustard, can all be painted. The Northern Song Dynasty's "Xuanhe Painting Book: Narrative of Flowers and Birds" says: "The poet's six meanings are mostly familiar with the names of birds, animals and herbs, and the rhythm goes through the four seasons, and also records the times of prosperity and decline, so the wonderful things in the paintings are mostly full of excitement. Here, it is the same as the poet. "In Chinese paintings, any painting that depicts flowers, flowers, birds, fish and insects is called flower-and-bird painting. It can also be subdivided into branches such as flowers, feathers, fruits and vegetables, grass and insects, livestock, and scales. Chinese flower-and-bird paintings embody the aesthetic relationship between Chinese people and natural creatures as aesthetic objects, and are highly lyrical. When conveying the vitality and different characteristics of flowers and birds, the paintings also express the author's unique feelings through the description of flowers, birds, vegetation, and objects. Every plant, every tree, every branch, every leaf has the feeling of an anecdote.

This article captures flowers and plants from flower-and-bird paintings, not to reproduce the original nature, but to depict the patterns of flowers and plants to express their connection with people’s life interests, thoughts, will, and moral sentiments. Flowers are used as metaphors for people, emphasizing the idea of ​​"seizing nature and moving it". The pleasant effect of spiritual reverie.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

"Flowers and Plants New in Four Seasons", author: (Japanese) Eihiro Inagaki. Illustration: (Japanese) Tatsuya Kobayashi. Translator: He Cenhui and Ding Yuning. Edition: China Pictorial Publishing House, September 2023.

Four Seasons in a Basket

"Flower Basket" is a series. There are three existing paintings in the world, representing the three seasons of spring, summer and winter respectively. After the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, the "Flower Basket" in spring fell into the hands of the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. It was later collected by Ming Dynasty collectors Mu Lu and Xiang Yuanzhi and is now in Japan. The "Flower Basket Painting" in winter is hidden in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, and the "Flower Basket Painting" in summer is hidden in the National Palace Museum.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

"Summer Scenery with Flower Basket" from the Southern Song Dynasty, collected by the Palace Museum.

What is mentioned here is the summer "Flower Basket Picture". A bamboo and rattan woven basket is filled with colorful seasonal flowers, including flaming red pomegranates, flawless white gardenias, bright daylilies, daphne, hollyhocks, etc.; some are still in bud, Or blooming and stretching, colorful, depicting the nature of blooming flowers, which is so beautiful and full of vitality. The entire composition is meticulous in brushwork, and the painting style is rich and rigorous, full and balanced - the delicate appearance, appearance, and layers of the flowers are meticulously depicted, and the author's appreciation and cherishment of flowers are vividly displayed, containing a strong passion for life.

It’s summer, and the flowers are blooming with the scorching sun. It is worth noting that, unlike the various "frequent visitors" who come in and out of paintings, hollyhocks are relatively less well-known, and they appear more often in poetry and allusions. Li Bai once wrote "Liu Yelang's Inscription on Sunflower Leaves": "I am ashamed that you can defend your feet, and sigh that I have moved my roots far away. The day is shining brightly, and I still return to my hometown." Yelang was exiled in his later years, and he used this poem to express It expresses the envy and nostalgia for the hometown where the hollyhocks stayed by the Jinjiang River. Coincidentally, Cen Shen also used hollyhocks to express his homesickness. "Hollyhock Flower Song" says: "You can't grow young in life, so don't miss the money you spend selling wine at the bedside. If you have money, please go to the restaurant. If you don't see it, hollyhock flowers."

Why is hollyhock used? Feeling homesick? Maybe it has something to do with its name and strong survivability. Hollyhock is the only flower named after Shu. The word "Shu" in its name proves its genetic origin. In addition, hollyhocks are extremely adaptable and can withstand severe cold and heat. They not only grow in various parts of the motherland, but also appeared in Dunhuang murals. They were one of the first Chinese flowers to be introduced to Europe. In ancient times, many poets who left their hometown expressed their emotions in their infinite homesickness, and the strong and gorgeous flowers became the best expression.

Tang Yin, a painter of the Ming Dynasty, has a fan called "Hollyhock Picture". There is a poem on the painting: "Duanyang Festival is the most beautiful scenery, scarlet-colored sunflowers are scattered in the flowers. The realgar disturbs the calamus wine, and a clear cloud is in the cup." That's the hollyhock, the flowers bloom like clouds. Tang Yin also wrote in the song "Chuan Po Chu": "The pomegranates are half blooming, and the hollyhocks are like brocade clusters." Describing the prosperous scene of hollyhocks blooming like brocade clusters in early summer.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

Tang Yin, Ming Dynasty, "Hollyhock Picture Fan", collected by Shanghai Museum.

The beauty of hollyhocks has been recorded in various forms, expressing feelings and also full of interest in life. Hollyhocks can reach a height of ten feet. Because their flowers are mostly red, they are called "one foot red" in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. According to "Xishu Miscellaneous Notes", during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, a Japanese envoy came to China and saw hollyhock flowers in front of the fence. He didn't recognize them, so he asked people to understand, so he wrote a poem: "The flowers are similar to hibiscus flowers, and the leaves are like hibiscus leaves. The five-foot railing cannot cover it all, leaving only half of it for people to see." In just a few words, the tallness of the hollyhocks comes to life on the page.

Grape Grass and Insects

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

"Pictures of Grape Grass and Insects" by Lin Chun from the Song Dynasty, collected by the Palace Museum.

"Picture of Grapes, Grasses and Insects" is a color fan portrait created by the Song Dynasty painter Lin Chun and is now in the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing.

is a picture of a branch of green rose grapes with twining tendrils and abundant fruits hanging between the branches and leaves. The fruits are as crystal clear as jade. The branches and leaves stretch out in all directions, twist around the branches, and fly freely. The theme of the entire picture is a corner of nature, which is very ordinary, but the depiction of grapes, leaves, and insects is vivid.The grapes are painted in different shades and shades, and then thick ink is used to outline the leafy vines in cursive calligraphy. Depending on the pen and ink used, the grape leaves can be distinguished into old and tender, positive and negative, withered and fresh states. The grape fruit is bright and plump. This picture uses fine brushwork, soft colors, subtle changes in levels, and a combination of craftsmanship and writing that complement each other.

In terms of "flowers and plants", grapes do not seem to meet the standards. However, the images of grape fruits, grape lines and vine leaves do have superb aesthetic interest. Grapes, also known as grass dragon beads, rose apples, mountain gourds, etc., are one of the oldest fruit trees in the world. The word "grape" was first seen in "Historical Records" and Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu". In the Tang Dynasty, Tang Yanqian once used the allusion of "Beauty with Green Pearls" to compare grapes, "The wind and dew in the Golden Valley are cool, and the green beads are just waking up after being drunk. The bead tents are not closed at night, and the moonlight casts clear shadows." He describes the green branches with the sadness of a beauty falling from a building. The ethereal turbulence and fresh beauty of grapes. In addition to green grapes, purple grapes and red grapes are more common in traditional culture. The wines in the story are as bright red as blood and thick and gorgeous. Purple grapes are also mostly used in calligraphy, paintings, jewelry, and clothing. For example, they are collected in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The Ming dynasty cloisonné enamel grape pattern furnace and the Northern Song Dynasty grape glass unearthed from the Pagoda Palace of Jingzhi Temple in Dingzhou, Hebei Province.

In last year's popular Chinese comic "Chang'an Thirty Thousand Miles", the two protagonists Li Bai and Gao Shi used grape elements. In his youth, Li Bai was a wanderer and rode wildly, and his clothes were painted with grape patterns. , is said to be from the Dunhuang murals; the old Gao Shi used wine to dye red gauze to deceive enemy prisoners in the military camp, which also shows how deeply grapes were integrated into people's lives at that time, from food to wine. Most of Li Bai's "Hundred Poems on Wine Fighting" are wines with lower alcohol content. "Dialogue on Wine" says: "Pu wine, golden wine, Wu Ji's fifteen fine horses. Indigo and thrush, red brocade boots, the word "Tao" is not correct and charming. Singing. I am drunk in my arms at the tortoise-shell banquet, but I can't help but feel lonely under the hibiscus tent. "The nectar-like wine is intertwined with the glitz and prosperity, and despite the prosperity of singing and dancing, there is also a feeling of loneliness and depression.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

Hu people drinking brocade in the Tang Dynasty, collected by the Museum of Chinese Ethnology.

The round fruits, exquisite patterns, and sweet wine pulp are all submerged in the dust and smoke in the rolling ruts. Opening the book, the most famous sentence about wine is "Liangzhou Ci", "The luminous cup of grape wine, I want to drink the pipa immediately. Don't laugh when you are lying drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times?" Use bright wine and Hetian jade Combining the luminous cups made, the bleakness of the battlefield and the enthusiasm of singing and dancing are in sharp contrast. Playing a pipa in the vast desert, the wine is hot and the smoke is tight. The soldiers have gone and never returned, and their bones are buried in the yellow sand. Over the course of thousands of years, grapes have accompanied dynasties and stories from generation to generation in various forms, lasting from ancient times to the present day. Goodbye now, it is another open scene thousands of years later. In the heroic chanting, old dreams are resurrected.

Autumn Flowers and Butterflies

Wen Chu is a famous female painter in the Ming Dynasty. She is the daughter of the painter Wen Congjian and the great-great-granddaughter of Wen Zhengming. Born in a scholarly family, Wenchu ​​was intelligent by nature and was good at meticulous flowers. Legend has it that she accidentally saw strange flowers, exotic plants, insects and butterflies, and drew them all. She collected thousands of species and combined them into a volume titled "Cold Mountain Plants and Insects". shape". Flower-and-bird paintings are the most popular subject matter for female painters. Due to women's delicate emotions and their unique preference for flowers and birds, as well as the aesthetic interest of flowers and birds to support objects, express aspirations and compare emotions, it prompts women who live in the center to think about the most important thing in their lives. Common flowers and birds are represented and formed into a certain scale of creation. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Qian Qianyi gave Wenchu's art a very high evaluation. "The painters thought that this dynasty was unique when they came up with new ideas in dyeing and sketching." In the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Geng gave Wenchu ​​more high praise in "The Continuation of the Painting Expedition of the Guo Dynasty". High praise, "Chu Chu, the outstanding lady in Wuzhong, has been the most outstanding painter in the past three hundred years."

"Autumn Flowers and Butterflies" comes from Wenchu's "Flower Album". This album has 8 pages in total, each depicting Begonias, dianthus, wild chrysanthemums, gladioli and other flowers are either broken branches or lined with lake stones and white butterflies, and the layout is quite original. The branches, leaves and petals of the flowers in the picture are mostly dyed with boneless halo, without outlining the outer contours. The leaves and petals use thin lines to outline their veins, paying attention to the fine halo of color, making the color bright and elegant.Although Wen Chu's painting style tends to be refined and meticulous, his emphasis on coloring techniques and elegant and elegant style originated from Wen Zhengming.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

"Autumn Flowers and Butterflies" from "Flower Album" by Wenchu, collected by the Palace Museum.

The begonia flower described by Wen Chu has its own elegant charm, which is not as graceful and beautiful as the begonia chanted by hundreds of schools of thought. "A beautiful smile among the bamboo fences, the mountains of peaches and plums are always vulgar." At that time, the begonias and the world-famous peonies were Evenly divided, Yuan Dynasty operas such as "The Romance of the West Chamber" and "Rain in the Wutong" have used Begonia to express emotions, representing the emergence and birth of love; in "A Dream of Red Mansions", Qingwen's death omen, which is "romantic and clever, attracts resentment", is also "Begonia" Half of the flower is dead." The essence of the flower is in perfect harmony with the human soul. Zheng Gu of the Tang Dynasty once sang about Begonia: "The spring breeze is used to even out the colors, so it is popular to carry wine glasses and compose poems. The beauty is best when it is newly written in the rain, and the beauty is all about when it is about to bloom." "Newly written rain" is the time when Begonia is at its most beautiful, and it is about to bloom. It is the most delicate time when it is not opened yet. These two sentences are considered to be the most appropriate sentences for chanting Haitang in the past, condensing the fragrance, softness, richness and tenderness of the flower on the paper.

However, the name Haitang, which has condensed so much imagery and affection, did not really appear until the Tang Dynasty. The earliest Chinese character "tang" appeared in the "Gantang" chapter of "The Book of Songs". Around the Western Han Dynasty, "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" written by Liu Xin recorded that the classification of fruit trees is "Nai San: White Nai, Zinai, Green Nai; Tang Si: Red Tang, Bai Tang, Qing Tang, Sha Tang." Here. The Nai and Tang represent the apple tree and the pear tree respectively. Before the emergence of Begonia, the description of this kind of flower went through the changes of the words Yetang and Haihong, and then the fixed word "Begonia" gradually appeared. Haihong was used more frequently in ancient poetry, and even "Begonia" was used. The son's name is Haihong, which is Erya Chitang" to describe the relationship between the two. Although the crabapples of that period were not called by this name, they still had a strong color, otherwise they would not have left traces in so many legends and allusions.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

"Begonia" from "Flower Atlas" by Wenchu, collected by the Palace Museum.

Looking at the changes in the names of Begonia flowers, we can find an interesting phenomenon. Before the official name was determined, some fragmentary descriptions and images were connected with each other, more or less deeply. Perhaps the Begonia plant did not really have a name at that time. But it already has many beautiful descriptions and entrustments, which highlight moral sentiments and will and character. Just like the ancient talented women represented by Wen Chu, when they were unearthed from historical relics, their names were preceded by their husband's surname, and some could not even leave their own names - but this did not damage them. With his talent and character, descendants will eventually wipe the scroll through the heavy dust and clearly recognize those names.

Hundred Flowers Color

"Hundred Flowers" is a hand-scroll painting with color on paper by the Ming Dynasty writer Zhou Zhimian, using the hook-and-loop dot leaf painting method. The whole volume presents nearly 70 kinds of flowers including orchids, plum blossoms, magnolia flowers, peach blossoms, pear blossoms, magnolias, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, lotus, narcissus, peonies, ganoderma, and roses. The mood, color and charm expressed by each flower are absolutely the same. The layout is sparse and the colors are bright, as if they were recently picked, fully displaying the vitality, freshness and agility of flowers in bloom.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

Zhou Zhimian's "Hundred Flowers Scroll" (detail), collected by the Palace Museum. Please enjoy it vertically.

Most of Zhou Zhimian's creations come from realism. The so-called sketching of scenes and using brushwork to create interest are a major feature of his flower-and-bird paintings. The other flowers in "Hundred Flowers" are acceptable. No matter how stunning they are, they can always be found somewhere. Although Ganoderma lucidum can be found, its appearance and efficacy are more mysterious than ordinary flowers. Ganoderma lucidum is different from other native plants.

"Shen Nong's Materia Medica" records that Ganoderma lucidum "benefits the heart and qi, increases wisdom, strengthens the muscles and bones, and has a good color. If taken for a long time, it can lighten the body and prevent aging and prolong life." The medicinal value of Ganoderma lucidum has been recognized since ancient times, and in addition to this, there are also mythical implications such as longevity, "immortality" and "immortality".

"Liezi" records: "If there is mushroom on the rotten soil, it will be fragrant after boiling it for a hundred times."The annular wheel pattern on the surface of the Ganoderma lucidum cap resembles an auspicious cloud pattern. It is written in "Erya Wings" of the Southern Song Dynasty: "Zhi, auspicious grass, has three flowers in one year, and grows without roots. "Therefore, Ganoderma lucidum is called Ruicao, Yaocao, and a symbol of good luck and wealth. In ancient times, there was no modern advanced cultivation technology. Ganoderma lucidum mostly grew naturally, and those large and plump Ganoderma lucidum were attributed to "the induction of heaven and man." According to the "Book of Han: The Chronicles of Emperor Wu", nine Ganoderma lucidum sprouts grew out of the rotten beams in Ganquan Palace, the residence of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The ministers took the opportunity to flatter them, thinking that this was an allusion to the emperor's kindness and the auspiciousness of Ganoderma lucidum falling from the sky.

Among the various legends, the one with the most artistic value should be Cao Zhi's "Lingzhi Pian". In this poem, Ganoderma is a beautiful metaphor for cultivating one's moral character, harmonizing one's family and governing the country. Political ideals. In terms of artistic style, "Lingzhi Chapter" is Cao Zhi's typical handwriting, "Lingzhi grows in the king's land, and Zhu Cao is buried in Luo Bin." The glory and glory shine together, and the brilliance is like a god. "The fairy grass Ganoderma lucidum grows in the land where the wise king was born, and the auspicious red grass covers the banks of Luoshui. The dense auras reflect each other, and the brilliance is brilliant and magical. The whole poem, to the end, depicts a beautiful society built by Ganoderma lucidum , everyone lives a long life, lives and works in peace and contentment, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, which means that this is like the grand brilliance radiated by Ganoderma

From this beginning, for hundreds of generations, poems about Ganoderma lucidum have emerged one after another, either praising its character or its efficacy, and most of them used Ganoderma lucidum to express their gratitude to the emperor. The praise of immortality and the worship of immortality inevitably fall into the cliché. However, if you skip those sentences, there are still a few beautiful and wonderful sentences. Zhao Bingwen of the Song Dynasty wrote "Ganoderma lucidum is as green as a palm, half exposed and still contains morning dew juice." . Who says immortality is the norm? People and things in the world are just like dreams. "——Who can truly obtain the fate of immortality with the help of Ganoderma lucidum? This is just a dream. Zhao Bingwen, who has been an official in five dynasties and six ministers in his life, has contained his free and easy will in it, and is sober and free from dust. He is the best.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

"Picture of Picking Zhizhi" by Zhang Chong of the Ming Dynasty, collected by the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

In addition, Zhao Bingwen also has many indifferent and transcendent philosophies on life, such as, "But it teaches that there is nothing to do when you are drunk, whether it is with flowers or without flowers, choose. Very spring and autumn. "As long as you have wine in hand and no worries in body and mind, you will be at ease. You don't care whether there are flowers or not, let alone whether it is spring or autumn. This is consistent with "Lingzhi Song" - no matter what season of life, any time and Place, as long as the heart remains true, you can find your own interest.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

"The Flowers Bloom Before You Realize the Time", author: Ding Pengbo and Rentong, illustrated by: (Japanese) Jushi Xiaoshi, version: China Pictorial Publishing House, 2018. In August of the same year.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

Flowers also have words

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

Dandelion, from "Flowers and Plants New in Four Seasons"

Dandelion is said to be used for gymnastics in spring, so it has a fairy tale-like romantic color. This is probably because this plant is so common and also It is so popular among the people that it has many common names. It is called "Pu Gong Ying" in "Qian Jin Yifang", "Milk Grass" in "Ben Jing Feng Yuan", and "Popo Ding" in "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica".

Dandelions are so common that they are closest to ordinary people. In "Wild Vegetables" written by Wang Pan of the Ming Dynasty, dandelions were called "White Drum Nails", which was a very vivid name at the time:

"White Drum Nails, white." The drums are nailed. In good years, the social drums will not stop, but in bad years, the social drums will be silent. When the drum ceases to sound, the public is annoyed, and the drum nails turn into grass. "

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

Lespedeza, from "Flowers and Plants New in Four Seasons"

This is a kind of graceful flower, and singers from the middle ages in Japan liked to sing about it. As said in "Pillow", Lespedeza is wetted by the morning dew. The way they sway and stretch out in all directions, and then crawl on the ground, is very cute. “In autumn, new flowers appear on old branches. See the flowers and still remember the past, and never forget the sadness."

This small bunch of autumn flowers is a gift to the common people in China that can be used as medicine to save famines. In "Herbal Medicine for Famine Relief", it is commonly known as "Suijun Tea", "Save the Hungry Picking Seeds" Lightly pound the rice to make it. Wash it out with cold water first, then boil it with boiling water for three to five times. Then put it in a pot under water and make it into porridge or rice. It can be eaten. Add wild robin beans to make it taste even better. And the young leaves can be steamed and dried to make tea, which can also be boiled and drank."In the tea-producing areas of the south, this plant is only suitable for woodworking. In the north, where there is little tea, it has become a common people's tea.

When spring comes, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come. Flowers bloom and fall, birds disappear and birds return, cold turns to summer, everything has its own time, but human beings always want to retain the best scenery, just like the pe - Lujuba

Peony comes from "Flowers and Plants New in Four Seasons"

"Weishi and the girl were chatting with each other and gave him peony as a gift."

Peony can be said to be a flower that grew out of the "Book of Songs", but this is "written in In the third generation, the famous flower that was praised for its elegance and elegance was deprived of its crown by peonies in later generations. "Peony had no name at first, so it was named after peony." Its nickname "wood peony" shows its origin. But in the Tang Dynasty Liu Yuxi's famous work "Appreciating Peonies", peonies were trampled under the feet of peonies:

The peonies in front of the court are unworthy, but the hibiscus on the pond is pure and innocent.

Only peonies are the true national color, and they move the capital when they bloom.

In the "Flower Classic" of the Five Dynasties, peonies are ranked in the first rank and have nine lives, while peony is only ranked in the third rank and has seven lives. From this, we can know its bad luck. Shaoyao suffered the fate of being demoted for no apparent reason, and naturally some people felt aggrieved by it. Li Yu of the Qing Dynasty complained about peony in his classic "Xian Qing Ou Ji":

Peony is comparable to peony. The predecessors designated peony as "King of Flowers" and peony as "flower appearance". What a injustice! Give it justice. There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two kings in the people. The peony is in the country of Xiang, and the peony is in trouble. Although they are different in rank and rank, they should still be among the five classes of princes. How can it be that there is no one below the king and above the prime minister who can be used to reward his merits? Looking through the planting books, it is not said that "the flowers are like peonies but narrow", but it is said that "the seeds are like peonies but small". From this point of view, the previous method of evaluating products may be derived from the appearance. Hey, can one judge whether a person is good or bad, whether he is long or short, fat or thin? Whenever a libation is offered at the time of flowers, one must give warm words of comfort and say: "You are not the right person. The predecessors were ignorant and mistakenly named this name. The flower god has a spirit. Don't compare it with others. Just listen to it."

Li Yu specially brought back dozens of peonies and peonies from Gongchang thousands of miles away and planted them in his garden in the south of the Yangtze River. "There are very few living peonies. Fortunately, there is no ginger in this flower, and the hard work of wearing it is not in vain. Is it possible that people are dead when their confidants die, but flowers are born for confidants?"

But the most amazing moment of peony is the "Han Xiang Yun is drunk" in "A Dream of Red Mansions" "Sleeping with peony flowers" is just like the scene in "The Book of Songs":

Xiangyun is lying on a stone stool in a remote part of the mountain. He has a deep dream of incense. Peony flowers are flying all around him. His head and face are covered with red fragrance, and his clothes are scattered. The fan in his hand Underground, half buried by fallen flowers, a swarm of bees and butterflies surrounded him, and he wrapped a pack of peony petals in a shark handkerchief for his pillow. Everyone looked at it and felt both love and laughter...

author/Gu Xiang

editor/Zhang Jin, Li Yang

proofreader/Xue Jingning, Zhao Lin

Tags: entertainment