On April 19 last year, the Beijing People's Art Performance Training Class for Class 2022 officially opened. Wu Gang, Yue Xiuqing, and He Bing were present to encourage, and 12 students listened to Pu Cunxin's first lesson on the spot; after a full year, this weekend, the Class o

entertainment 2074℃

On April 19 last year, the Beijing People's Art Performance Training Class for Class 2022 officially opened. Wu Gang, Yue Xiuqing, and He Bing were present to encourage, and 12 students listened to Pu Cunxin's first lesson on the spot; a full year later, this weekend, 2022 The first-level student class will perform "Hotel Anecdotes" as its graduation drama on the People's Art Experimental Theater. It has three acts, seven actors, and two charity performances. What awaits them will be whether they can stay in the People's Art after strict assessment and scoring. The ultimate answer.

On April 19 last year, the Beijing People's Art Performance Training Class for Class 2022 officially opened. Wu Gang, Yue Xiuqing, and He Bing were present to encourage, and 12 students listened to Pu Cunxin's first lesson on the spot; after a full year, this weekend, the Class o - Lujuba

From 12 people to 7 people, say goodbye at any time

According to Feng Yuanzheng, director of Beijing People's Arts, the biggest difference between the 2022 student class and the 2019 student class is that the students have already participated in performances while attending class, integrating learning and practice. "The 2019 student class has half a year of study and half a year of internship. The 2022 class has been working very hard for a year. It has continued Renyi's many years of student class experience and enriched the teaching content. In addition to intensive training in the basic skills of vocal stage shape and form, it also covers opera and folk arts. , dance, performance theory, drama appreciation and ideological and political courses, etc., we strive to enhance the professional quality of students. At the same time, we adopt the method of "acting instead of practicing" to expand the class. Not long after the class starts, students have the opportunity to participate. In the performance practice in the theater, through this method, breakthroughs were achieved in aspects such as character creation, stage expression, and performance style. This report performance was used to conduct a centralized test of the learning results. "

From the 12 people at the beginning of the class, to Among the 7 people in the graduation drama, 5 of them left the student class after screening. According to Tang Ye, who is the head teacher of the class of 2022 students, “The students recruited this time are different from those recruited in the class of 2019. The age group has increased, and each has relatively rich performance experience. Not long after the class started, Investing in the rehearsal of the play is very similar to the way that Yuan Zheng and his generation were trained in the student class. The old artists all said that each play has its own characteristics. We also hope that each actor can have his own characteristics throughout the year. , there are assessments at every stage, and you don’t say goodbye until the final graduation, but you may say goodbye at any time during the process. People who leave don’t mean bad, but they may not be suitable for the stage of human art.” In her opinion, the remaining seven people have their own positioning, and those who do not have a suitable positioning may leave.

On April 19 last year, the Beijing People's Art Performance Training Class for Class 2022 officially opened. Wu Gang, Yue Xiuqing, and He Bing were present to encourage, and 12 students listened to Pu Cunxin's first lesson on the spot; after a full year, this weekend, the Class o - Lujuba

Study acting during the day and night, just to fit in, seek truth, and learn from others

This time I will report on the performance "Hotel Anecdotes", based on the contemporary American playwright Neil Simon's "The Grand Hotel Suite" and the French writer Gabrielle ·The two works of Demery's one-act play "A Desperate Man" have been rearranged. The creators have completed a stage fusion with a more modern perspective. Liu Wenyi, Du Zijun, Gong Yuquan, Song Jianlin, Du Botao, Liu Chen, and Zhou Qingyun respectively played the main roles in the play.

"Choose this work as the report repertoire not only because the role of the work allows each student to have a relatively independent performance display space, but also because the rich characters in the script allow the actors to apply what they have learned and inherit the Beijing People's Artistic Characters Zhu Shaopeng, the director of the graduation drama, said, "The script is based on the dance, opera and other courses that the students have studied for a year, and we try to use Chinese opera to show the results of physical training in foreign dramas. Just using the form of comedy, but starting from people's behaviors and thoughts to find out what makes people laugh. This year of daily training has also made them make great progress in their lines, both in life and in life. It meets the standards of the stage, so this play can be said to be tailor-made, allowing each of them to shine in 120 minutes."

Over the past year, the entire student class has participated in "The Proud One", and the male actors have participated in "The Proud One." "Zhang Juzheng", although there is no line, the silky and flowing pillars on the stage are pushed by them; the actress is responsible for lifting the curtain of the big tent on the set of "Farewell My Concubine". In addition, students from the student class have also appeared in plays such as "Under the Red Flag", "Seagull", "Wu Wang Jin Ge Yue Wang Sword", etc. Liu Chen also played the role of Fatty Huang in "Tea House". "Every day in the student class, we study hard. Beijing Renyi pays attention to coordination, and we are also seeking truth and exploring what kind of performance standards are suitable for Renyi.This year, we studied every morning and afternoon, and immediately had the opportunity to steal lessons on stage in the evening. This is undoubtedly a way to quickly improve our performance. "Students Liu Wenyi and Du Zijun of the student class said that in their opinion, "People's art also has its own unique style in foreign dramas and even comedies, and the graduation drama is an exploratory learning experience. "

On April 19 last year, the Beijing People's Art Performance Training Class for Class 2022 officially opened. Wu Gang, Yue Xiuqing, and He Bing were present to encourage, and 12 students listened to Pu Cunxin's first lesson on the spot; after a full year, this weekend, the Class o - Lujuba

After the 60s, there will be a centralized retirement, leaving a gap in roles.

This year has been positioned as a "talent training year" by Renyi. Tang Ye said, "The current seven students in the class have a complete range of professions, and they are basically all professions that Renyi has been lacking in recent years. . We have recruited some actors over the years, but we lack young wives around 30 years old, or comedy-type actors, or even fat ones. We need more good and evil characters with life experience, and bookish niche students. In this class There are relatively suitable actors. "The graduation drama is also the last stage for the student class. As the class teacher, although Tang Ye hopes that the seven of them can join the People's Art, "But the People's Art has its own standards. I don't have to say whether they can come. God, all the teachers who have taught them will come to grade them, and everyone will decide together whether they should stay or go. "

The art committee and the school leaders will evaluate and score each student. There will be a comprehensive evaluation for each student. The graduation drama plus half-year exam results will also comprehensively consider the positioning of each student and what type of actors the team lacks. What kind of talent do you want? Staying in the art industry requires more than five passes. Feng Yuanzheng said, "Last year, this year, and next year, a large number of actors born in the 1960s retired from the theater. Of course, actors can leave their jobs without leaving their jobs. Some of their roles will continue to be retained, and the theater will also The enrollment time and plan for future student classes will be designed based on the role gaps. We hope to sort out the experience of running the school from the two sessions and continue to run it, but the enrollment time for the next session has not yet been determined. ”

On April 19 last year, the Beijing People's Art Performance Training Class for Class 2022 officially opened. Wu Gang, Yue Xiuqing, and He Bing were present to encourage, and 12 students listened to Pu Cunxin's first lesson on the spot; after a full year, this weekend, the Class o - Lujuba

On April 19 last year, the Beijing People's Art Performance Training Class for Class 2022 officially opened. Wu Gang, Yue Xiuqing, and He Bing were present to encourage, and 12 students listened to Pu Cunxin's first lesson on the spot; after a full year, this weekend, the Class o - Lujuba

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Guo Jia

Photography/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Liu Chang

Tags: entertainment