In the story of "Inhuman", our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister. I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he had no choice but to run out of money and couldn't find a place to go,

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In the story of "Inhuman", our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister.

I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he was helpless, he had no money, and he couldn't find a place to go, so he went to join his old sister Jiuyue. However, Yue Yue's attitude towards him is not very good. He dislikes him and thinks that this old man is a cheater, oh no, a cheater on his sister.

In the story of 'Inhuman', our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister. I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he had no choice but to run out of money and couldn't find a place to go, - Lujuba

But no matter what September's attitude is, we can see that the character of November is generally more girl-oriented. He always thinks about his sister. In the previous story, he even misunderstood that Lielie was his brother-in-law. He always wanted to bring them together, and even later, his friend Xingjun also had some wonderful connections with Yue Yue.

But, you know, in fact, in the first story of Feirenzai, when they were young in September, November was not a sister-controller at all. On the contrary, he was a very cheating brother, more than once You cheated our September girl.

When November was a child, he was always tricked by September, whether he was teaching him how to draw shapes or playing with September. In the recently updated chapter 1001 of the Inhumanity manga, we once again tell us the story of our childhood in September and November. In this story, this deceitful November deceived our September girls again.

In the story of 'Inhuman', our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister. I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he had no choice but to run out of money and couldn't find a place to go, - Lujuba

In this story, he still looks like a little fox in September and November, but he has learned the art of shape-shifting, and his daily living habits are very similar to humans. He does not eat raw food like foxes do. Game or something.

This time, Yue Yue’s father and mother went out early and left soy milk and fried dough sticks for their brother and sister for breakfast. I personally really like eating soy milk fried dough sticks, especially breaking the fried dough sticks into small sections, soaking them in soy milk and eating them, and then taking a sip of the hot soy milk. It’s so delicious. Although the second bite may make you feel tired, but it is quite good to eat once in a while.

In the story of 'Inhuman', our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister. I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he had no choice but to run out of money and couldn't find a place to go, - Lujuba

The fragrant and crispy fried dough sticks are still very attractive to the little foxes, but November, as an older brother, is very difficult. When you encounter delicious things, don't talk about carrying forward Kong Rong. Let's have the noble spirit of giving pears to younger brothers and sisters. This guy actually doesn't even want to give points to his younger sister. He wants to monopolize the fried dough sticks for himself, and then asks sister Jiuyue to only eat a little soy milk. It's so cheating.

Of course, our sister in September is also a foodie. She has always loved food since she was a child. When she saw her brother doing this, she definitely refused to do it, so she started clamoring to eat fried dough sticks. As a result, November is a trap. Seeing the trick, the guy used the Transformation Technique on Jiuyue. What was even more outrageous was that the thing he was transforming into was actually not his own, but the girl's own tail. He transformed the girl's tail into one. It looks like fried dough sticks, and then I trick September into eating them.

In the story of 'Inhuman', our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister. I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he had no choice but to run out of money and couldn't find a place to go, - Lujuba

Our September girl, she took one bite with great joy, and the result was great, she bit her own tail in one go. Come on, this hurts Sister Yuu so much. From this, we can see the nature of this cheating brother in November. He is so selfish that he even eats the fried dough sticks himself and does not give it to his sister.

Even when my sister wanted something, he didn't give it to her. Instead, he tricked her into letting her bite his tail, causing secondary harm. I think it's really too much, it's so abominable.

In the story of 'Inhuman', our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister. I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he had no choice but to run out of money and couldn't find a place to go, - Lujuba

So I’m also thinking, is it because too many deceptive things like this are being done, so our September girl suddenly woke up and understood that her brother is really a deceit, so why not? He is sensible but doesn't know how to take care of himself, so he is not so attached to his brother.

As for our November, after too many things like this happened, I finally woke up and realized the wrong things I had done to my sister. Then, I started to change my offensive and turned from a cheating old man. , and turned into a reliable character who dotes on her sister.

Let’s talk about Yue Yue’s neighbor’s second weasel brother Huang. To be honest, he still has a very good image of a big brother. Before, he once took Yue Yue to Xiangyang City to eat and drink, eh! It’s September’s pocket money! It’s also very tricky! But at least I took September with me to eat delicious food, but generally speaking, people have delicious food, but I take September with me, unlike November who eats alone.

In the story of 'Inhuman', our November is an out-and-out girl control, who has been pestering our September girl, and usually relies more on his own sister. I remember when he first appeared in the comics, he had no choice but to run out of money and couldn't find a place to go, - Lujuba

I'm also guessing that it's possible that Sister Yue didn't feel the brother-sister relationship from her own brother back then, but instead gained some experience from this brother Huang, so she has always respected brother Huang. Love, regard him as both his brother and his master.

Of course, this article is all about my personal opinions after reading the comic. If my friends have different opinions, you are welcome to share them in the comment area. I have read the comic myself. Well, everyone is welcome to express their opinions.

Tags: entertainment