Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was "helpless". The

entertainment 8709℃

Late at night, a brother from

successfully brought the passengers to their destination.

Seeing the end of the trip, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to avoid the fare.

In response to this, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was "helpless".

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

The first move is to predict in advance;

only saw the passenger making a backhand movement, preparing to open the door and run away.

But the next second, my brother had already prepared to lock the door in advance, and he couldn't escape.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

The second trick is reverse "service";

Seeing that he couldn't run away, the passenger simply refused to be morally responsible and said, "I have no money, how can you pull me back?" and tried to play tricks.

heard this, but this brother was not used to it at all.

didn’t even care about the gas money and just sent the passengers back to where they were.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

After relieving his anger, this old man turned on the last trick - verbal output.

He not only sprayed in front of the passenger who was trying to escape the bus, but also gave a "civilized greeting" in conjunction with the sound of the car horn:

I specialize in treating people like you, you are a big fool!

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

This funny clip of "escape from the judge" has been circulated on the Internet recently. While bringing joy to countless netizens, it also aroused various resonances:

I'm sorry, I can lose money, but I don't get angry.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

It doesn’t matter if it’s oily or not, the main thing is that it’s fun! This is how people like

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

should be treated!

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Material loss, spiritual satisfaction, I think there is nothing wrong!

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

This clip that makes people laugh and relieve their anger comes from the latest comedy movie "", which will be released on April 4.

Then why does it attract the attention of so many movie fans? Let's take a closer look:

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

The most intuitive highlight of "The Villain" is the concentration of laughs. A casual scan will reveal that there are jokes everywhere in the film, and there are many forms: In the plot of

, the male protagonist mistakenly believes that he is a kidnapper due to amnesia, so he does all kinds of bad things.

From evading orders to threatening others to stepping into the community, he behaves according to the standards of a bad guy, but he has always suffered.

wanted to evade the order, but no one took him seriously;

was not only ridiculed by his brother for evading the order, but also "kneeled" to the staff when he ran to the gas station to avoid the order. His style was very cowardly.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

wanted to visit the community, but was treated as a cleaner by the head of the household. Before

had time to explain, he was forced to do labor for several hours because he was not strong enough.

Even wearing this suit, he was chased and intercepted by security guards in the community.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

It can be said that the performance of this "male villain" is really frustrating, and the word "villain" really needs to be put in quotation marks, because this is an "anti-traditional" hilarious villain;

is creating laughter. On the other hand, the film is not only presented through the protagonist’s failure.

On the contrary, there are all kinds of funny characters in the film. In the plot line of

, almost every character has its own laughter.

is a domineering driver who deals with evading orders, focusing on one that damages the enemy by 800 and inflicts 1000 on himself.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

A rich man who dances as enchantingly as his girls. The combination of his little dance steps and his eyes is quite interesting.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Coupled with the funny director with a shaggy face and the security guys who frantically surround the male protagonist, the body movements and expressions of each character are also full of comedy, and each has its own "story".

It can be said that these outstanding funny creatures of have also become highlights that the audience cannot miss;

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

In the plot, there are also many laughs caused by the rapid turns of the plot. These 's highly contrasting comedy burdens also provide the film with a sense of contrast. It adds a lot of laughter:

The character is still talking normally one second, but often breaks down directly the next second...

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

The most typical one is Wei Xiang's operation of playing the rich man in the play.

Faced with the "gun" threat, the rich man responded confidently:

This is bulletproof glass, don't be afraid.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

But immediately after the other party opened the car door, the rich man's aura completely collapsed, and the laughter quickly arose due to this contrasting plot.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Judging from the video clip information, there are many humorous points in this contrast.

There is no doubt that "The Villain" has put a lot of effort into creating laughter.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

At this time, you may have noticed: the lineup of is not simple either!

Good guy, in Qingshi’s opinion, this is a movie that can “laugh out loud” with its lineup.

If you look closely at the entire cast of the play, it can be said that almost all of them are comedians.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

A rough count shows that there are at least 15 pictures of familiar comedy actors appearing in the trailer.

These people don't even need to speak, they just stand there and make people laugh.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

For example, Wei Xiang has a strong presence in film and television in recent years.

As in previous works, he still transforms into the "expression emperor" in this film, and his various funny little eyes are quite funny.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

For another example, the "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" in "The Richest Man in Xihong City " also came together as a team.

"Wolong" Zhang Yiming plays a gas station worker in this film, and his expression of being serious about stopping evasion is also very funny.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

"Feng Chu" Wang Chengsi plays a rough young man, and his appearance is also very unique.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

And Yin Zheng, who has become "affiliated with cars" in recent years, started driving a car in "The Big Villain" again.

Although the movie has not yet been released, his scene in which he angrily criticizes the deserter has already made netizens look forward to it.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

And Jia Bing, who plays the "big boss" Xu Jiang in "Hurry", plays another senior boss - a film director in this film.

But judging from the scenes in the trailer where Jia Bing was "set on fire" and "splashed with water", it seems that this time the big boss style did not stand up, and the sacrifice was quite big.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

In addition, Yang Haoyu, Yu Yang, Wang Xun, Chang Yuan and other comedians from the north and south appeared on the stage , making the whole work bring us a sense of joy and a bit more intimacy.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

At the same time, many new comedians have emerged in recent years;

Many popular contestants from the popular variety show "Annual Comedy Competition" were also invited to join the "Villain".

New comedians including Ma Xudong, Wang Tianfang, Lu Yan, Cool Teng, Zhang Youwei and other guest stars also appeared in the film, playing different roles such as kidnappers, pharmacists, and cleaners.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

These newcomers to the comedy circle who have been invited to the Spring Festival Gala also bring different styles of comedy baggage in their own way.

In addition, there are two women in the movie who are also standard "comedy regulars";

One is a hottie who often performs all kinds of funny and hilarious dramas - Li Jiaqi , who plays Bi Chao's wife, this time she will What kind of sparks will be created with package Bell is worth looking forward to.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

The other actress, Clara, who has appeared many times in comedies such as "The Holy Love" and "大红包", also joined the film.

appeared in a red dress. She focuses on bright and colorful paintings. She is beautiful with a bit of humor. I believe her performance this time will be particularly eye-catching.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Including Bao Beier, who is the protagonist, there are more than 20 familiar comedy faces in the entire cast. With this lineup, the comedy effect is definitely sufficient.

03. "Mr. Zhao" will become a villain again in 5 years. Bao Beier will complete three major challenges this time.

"The Big Villain" is a standard comedy, but in Qingshi's view, the appearance of this film is not just for "Teasing you".

As the protagonist, Bao Beier made some new attempts outside of comedy performances this time.

5 years ago, Bao Beier played the arrogant and domineering Mr. Zhao in " "Big"" , and his evil style was unforgettable.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

html Five years later, when Bao Beier once again played the role of a "villain" in a film, he seemed to have gained a new understanding.

From the plot analysis, the villain played by Bao Beier this time needs to be put in quotation marks. The essential reason is that this is not a real villain, but a very complex character. In the setting of

, the protagonist of the film lost his memory due to an accident. When he woke up, he mistakenly believed that he was a heinous kidnapper.

Under such a setting, this puts greater pressure and challenges on Bao Beier's interpretation of the role.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

First of all, how to interpret a sophisticated "villain"? In the plot of

, Bao Beier is sometimes doubtful and sometimes determined about his identity as a "villain".

Based on the fragments of information around him, he worked hard to piece together the most "real" version of himself, and constantly convinced himself that he was a "robber."

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

But on the other hand, facing this bad guy status, he also fell into inner questioning from time to time. The "conscience" of the

character continues to appear, which also causes different changes in the character's attributes.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Secondly, how to interpret a useless "villain";

In this regard, Bao Beier used a very tormenting method to act out the various dilemmas of the character as much as possible.

From the very beginning when he acted ugly, to being slapped, kicked, kicked and even fell into the water, it can be seen that Bao Beier really worked hard for this drama.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Furthermore, how to interpret a small-person "villain"?

It is not difficult to guess from various details that the protagonist played by Bao Beier is not actually a real robber.

The actual identity of the character is not important, what is important is the attributes he displays - this is a small person with deep roots.

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

From the helplessness of various decadent lives to the in-depth examination of self-identity during this oolong journey, they all reflect the character's self-transformation in "accepting the ordinary".

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

This "The Villain", which brings together more than 20 comedians, is not only full of laughs, but also has some merits in exploring the core of the little characters, with both laughs and expressions.

Therefore, I want to say that "The Villain", which will be released in theaters in April, may not only bring laughter to movie fans but also bring many surprises. Bao Beier's attempt this time may be on the right track. .

Late at night, a man successfully brought the passengers to their destination. Seeing that the trip was over, the passengers began to feel anxious and wanted to escape the fare. In response, this brother directly used three moves to treat the opponent until he was 'helpless'. The - Lujuba

Qingshi Movie | Lelede

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Tags: entertainment