Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,

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The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets

On the morning of March 29,

Our county held a press conference for tea tourism series

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng, Gong Shihua, Fan Qi, Liu Li, Ding Ge and domestic well-known tea experts and representatives at all levels Media reporters and self-media people from inside and outside the county gathered together to use tea as a matchmaker, use tea to make friends, and use tea to discuss Taoism.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

The press conference was hosted by Fan Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Magistrate. It was divided into three sessions and six items.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

The first session

Introduction to the series of tea tourism activities and the characteristics of Zhushan tea

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba. Release of the series of activities of the six major tea tourism activities in Zhushan County in 2024

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

↑Deputy County Magistrate of Zhushan County Liu Li

The first activity: Zhushan on March 29 County "Wudang Mountain Tea" Mining Festival and Tea Tourism Series Press Conference;

The second activity: "Tea Origin at China and Foreign Countries·Feiyun Liuxiang" Tea Tourism Activity will be held in Leigu Town in early April;

The second event: Three activities: "Ten Miles of Spring Breeze·Encounter in the Tea Mountains" outdoor hiking event will be held in Chengguan Town in mid-April;

The fourth event: "Fragrant Encounter with Longjing·Drunken Beauty Tea Garden" mountain bike race will be held in April It will be held in Baofeng Town in late April;

The fifth activity: Tea Garden (RV) Camping will be held in Desheng Town in late April.

The sixth event: "Wudang Mountain Tea" seminar and exchange meeting will be held in Qinba Art Center, Shangyong Tea City, Zhushan Tea Industrial Park and other places in late May.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba. Introducing the development status of the tea industry in Zhushan County

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

↑Ding Ge, Vice Chairman of the Zhushan County CPPCC and Director of the Tea Office

Zhushan County is the core production area of ​​Wudang Mountain Tea. The total area of ​​existing tea gardens reaches 300,000 acres, widely distributed in 16 towns, In 207 villages, 45,000 farmers and more than 200,000 tea farmers have increased their income and become rich by relying on the tea industry. The county has established 255 tea processing enterprises. In 2023, the county's dry tea output will be 12,000 tons, achieving a comprehensive output value of 5 billion yuan, and the per capita annual income of tea farmers will increase by 7,200 yuan.

The average content of selenium in the soil of Zhushan County is 0.58㎎/kg. The selenium content in Zhuping, Damiao, Desheng and Qingu areas of Xixi District is as high as 1.09㎎/kg. Tea is rich in selenium up to 60%, with an average selenium content of 0.06㎎/kg. kg, the maximum content is 0.73㎎/kg. It has developed many products such as green tea, black tea, white tea, dark tea, scented tea, tea vinegar drinks, etc., cultivated well-known brands such as Shengshui, Shixinghong, and Zhujingjian, and built the "Shangyong Tea City", a large-scale tea trading center in northwest Hubei. .

A large number of famous and high-quality products, represented by Shengshui Green Tea, Zhushan Black Tea, and Zhushan Selenium Tea, have won many awards in international and domestic tea competitions. Zhushan County has also been awarded the title of Hometown of China's Highly Fragrant Ecological Green Tea, National Tea Science and Technology Demonstration County to Assist Agriculture, National Agricultural Products Quality and Safety County, and National Key Tea-Producing County in 2023.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba. Introduce the characteristics of Zhushan tea and its position in Wudang Mountain tea brand building.

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

↑Pan Liang, Shiyan City tea industry chain expert

Zhushan County is a major tea-producing county in the country, the hometown of highly aromatic ecological green tea in China, and a key tea-producing county in 2023. Zhushan's "Holy Water Green Tea" and "Ten Star Black Tea" have always enjoyed a high reputation in the market for their excellent quality. In 2021, the "Shengshui Maojian" selected by Hubei Shengshui Tea Farm Co., Ltd. was unanimously recognized by many national tea review experts at the 4th China International Tea Expo and won the gold medal in the green tea category.

Wudang Mountain Tea is a regional public tea brand created by Shiyan City to inherit the cultural charm of Wudang Fairy Mountain. In 2023, the brand value has reached 3.688 billion yuan, achieving a comprehensive output value of more than 10 billion yuan, ranking among the "Top 20 Regional Public Green Tea Brands in China" .

As the most important tea-producing county in Shiyan City, Zhushan County is the core production area of ​​"Wudang Mountain Tea". Currently, 43 tea companies in the county have been authorized to join the "Wudang Mountain Tea" brand, which is the most in the city. county.

Session 2

Answers to reporters’ questions

4. People’s Daily Online reporter Wang Guoji asked: Director Ruan, what are the unique advantages of Zhushan tea?

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

↑Ruan Jianyun, deputy director of the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Zhushan County is located in the hinterland of Qinba Mountain, adjacent to Wudang Mountain and Shennongjia Forest. It is the core water source area of ​​the South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route Project and is known as the "hometown of highly aromatic ecological green tea". It is also the core production area of ​​Wudang Mountain Tea.

Zhushan has a superior natural environment and is suitable for growing tea. Zhushan has high mountains and wide waters, four distinct seasons, synchronized rain and heat, rapid temperature recovery in early spring, high humidity in summer, long autumn delay, and no obvious extreme low temperatures in winter. The soil is rich in selenium and strontium, which is very conducive to extending the growth period of tea trees, creating Zhushan Tea. The advantages of higher amino acid content and total aroma.

Zhushan County has a long history of tea production and tea culture. According to research, the discovery and utilization of Zhushan tea can be traced back to the Xia and Shang dynasties, and Shengshui green tea was known as "tribute tea" during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhushan tea industry has a good foundation and broad development prospects. Hubei Province and Zhushan County attach great importance to the development of the tea industry. They have respectively introduced ten major actions to promote the development of the tea industry, established a "five one" promotion mechanism, and formulated a series of supporting policies to provide high-quality development of the Zhushan tea industry. With soaring wings, we have reason to believe and sincerely wish Zhushan Tea a better tomorrow!

5. Jimu News reporter Guan Qianyu asked: Mr. Cao, agronomist, what are the specific measures for Shiyan City to promote the high-quality development of Wudang camellia industry?

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

↑Cao Jun, chief agronomist of Shiyan City Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau

In order to make Wudang bigger and stronger For the mountain tea industry, Shiyan City allocates 10 million yuan in special funds for the municipal tea industry chain every year, mainly focusing on four aspects:

First, continue to build the Wudang Mountain Tea brand. Support the Zhushan black large-leaf variety to pass provincial approval and be identified as the main recommended variety of Wudang Mountain tea. Support Zhushan in organizing the "Wudang Mountain Tea Seminar and 2024 Shiyan Tea Merchants Conference" and increase advertising efforts.

The second is to support the construction of leading enterprises. Promote Shengshui Company and Xingmeng Company to strive to become national leading enterprises, and promote Xingmeng and Longwangya companies to go public. Establish a tiered cultivation database for leading enterprises and a "one enterprise, one policy" list to promote the implementation of the tea production and marketing cooperation project with Shenzhen Bama Group and make up for the shortcomings in tea marketing and intensive processing.

The third is to support marketing. It is planned to build a large-scale professional tea trading market in the main urban area, and select high-quality tea products to enter the Hubei Province High-quality Agricultural Products Exhibition and Sales Center. We will continue to open agricultural specialty product stores represented by "Wudang Mountain Tea" in Wuhan City, explore the market in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, further expand exports to Russia, Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries and regions, and strive to achieve the city's tea exports of over 100 million US dollars.

The fourth is to support technological empowerment and integrated development. Promote the construction of ecological low-carbon tea gardens throughout the region and strive to be named and awarded the "National Tea Ecological Low-carbon Demonstration City" by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Strengthen cooperation with scientific research institutes to develop tea products in depth. Support the integrated development of tea and tourism to realize that tea is famous for the mountains and the mountains are brilliant for the tea.

The third link

endorsed Zhushan tea

6. Wang Liyuan, deputy secretary of the Zhushan County Party Committee and county magistrate, endorsed Zhushan tea

Advertising cooperation: 0719-4228215 News hotline: 0719-4224351 The fragrance of tea is ten miles away, and Zhushan Township meets. On the morning of March 29, our county held a press conference for a series of tea tourism activities. County leaders Wang Liyuan, Mao Changsheng,  - Lujuba

Zhushan tea has a long history. In ancient times, Shennong picked tea, and in history, mediocre people made tea. In the Tang Dynasty, Li Xian visited the sacred water of Zhushan and tasted the tea. He was amazed at its fragrance.

The Zhushan tea tree grows in the core water source area of ​​the South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route Project, China's natural oxygen bar, and the world-class high-quality tea gold industry belt at 30 degrees north latitude. With the Bashan Mountain in front and the Qinling Mountains behind, the aura of mountains and rivers and the moisture of clouds and mist give Bamboo Mountain Tea the excellent qualities of floral fragrance, emerald green and selenium.

The hard-working people of Zhushan have been cultivating and cultivating tea for hundreds of years. The mountains are green because of tea, the water is because of the fragrance of tea, and the people are responsible for tea.

Zhushan tea is not expensive, Zhushan tea farmers are trustworthy, and the scenery of Zhushan tea garden is beautiful every step of the way.It is said that nature is in Zhushan, and those who are near are delighted by those who are far away. We look forward to meeting you in the tea town of Zhushan!

Editor/Chen Fang Zeng Jing

Author/Lu Bo Wang Zekun Photography/Dang Shixuan Zhang Cheng

First trial/He Rongjing Second trial/Dong Qian Final trial/Chen Biming

Source/Zhushan County Media Center

Tags: entertainment