See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They

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See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They - Lujuba

News See you at 8 o'clock for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world.

In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They have always wanted to find out, what exactly happened to their father and cousin at sea on May 9, 2021?

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They - Lujuba

html On March 28, in Haiyang, Shandong Province, after the trial, the Li sisters and their mother walked out of the court. Photo by Beijing News reporter Wang Chang

On the afternoon of May 9, 2021, Li Dali, the father of sisters Li Zishan and Li Zijuan, sailed out to sea with their relative Ji Daxing and did not return all night. Three days later, the damaged speedboat was found on the shore, with traces of suspected collision with other ships on the hull. Subsequently, Ji Daxing's remains and Li Dali's skeleton were discovered one after another. From now on life is no longer complete. 1055 days have passed since the incident, and there is still no news of their father's body, but the two daughters finally found the perpetrator.

On March 28, 2024, the Haiyang City People’s Court of Shandong Province held the first instance trial of Sun Xianjun’s traffic accident crime case. The People's Procuratorate of Haiyang City, Shandong Province issued an indictment in December 2023, accusing the defendant Sun Xianjun of driving a ship without a license and causing a traffic accident, resulting in the death of two people. He should be held criminally responsible for the crime of traffic accident. Li Zishan and her sister have always wanted to find out, what exactly happened to their father and cousin at sea on May 9, 2021? They also wanted to know why Sun Xianjun, who had known his father since childhood, chose to leave instead of saving people after the collision, allowing two people to die.

Li Zishan recalled May 9, 2021, which was the beginning of the breakdown of the entire family. I remember that there was a strong wind warning that day, but there was nothing unusual in the afternoon. My father did not listen to his dissuasion and sailed out to sea with his cousin. At 11 o'clock that night, the fishermen returned to the village one after another, but Li Dali and Ji Daxing never returned. It wasn't until 17 days later that Ji Daxing's body appeared at the pier. She and her sister felt that something was wrong, and soon they both resigned and started "chasing the murderer." On December 26, 2021, the Haiyang Work Station of the Yantai Coast Guard Bureau issued a notice offering a reward for clues, with a reward of RMB 50,000 to RMB 100,000 depending on the situation. In order to increase the reward, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan asked an agent to sell their house and offered a reward of 500,000 yuan for clues.

"This will be a long process." After the court hearing ended on March 28, Li Zishan stood with her sister and mother holding hands. They said they hoped to get a fair and just verdict under the law. After receiving the news of the court session, Li Zishan dreamed of her father again. She knew that her father must want them to live a better and happier life, and when things turned around, she would go and make money. In the future, she wants to take good care of her entire family. There are too many things she wants to say, "But after all, there is no chance," Li Zishan burst into tears, "I can only say, live a good life." Read the full text >>>

Some people born in 1995 or even after 2000 have poured into the funeral market and are engaged in Occupations such as funeral planning, shroud modeling, and tomb sweeping provide customers with grieving moments, while promoting industry updates with novel perspectives and unique thinking.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They - Lujuba


"Death may be a door. Passing away is not the end, but transcendence and moving to the next journey." This is a classic line from the movie "The Embalmer", which is the favorite movie of post-00s shroud model Wei Li. In her opinion, this is also the portrayal of her work in showing shrouds to the outside world through live broadcasts. "I want the deceased to wear clothes that suit them and finish the last journey of their lives with dignity." When it comes to the funeral industry, no Few people keep secrets. Especially in the eyes of the elders, this does not seem to be a decent job. However, when young people flood into the funeral market, a new world gradually opens up.

Before entering the funeral industry, Lin Han worked as a public relations planner in a company for three years. Despite his high income, at the end of 2023, he decided to leave his job and opened an online store to sell funeral supplies. This idea has been around for a long time. When an old man in the family passed away, his mother arranged for him to buy a shroud, an urn and other items.After shopping around a number of local funeral stores, he found that none of the styles sold satisfied him, which made him think, "Young people are more interested in elegance when handling funeral arrangements for their families. Why not enter this market?" Lin Han is just one of many young people who choose to enter the funeral supplies market. In the live broadcast room, Wei Li was wearing a dark green cheongsam-style shroud and introduced in detail to the camera. Every Qingming Festival, Li Jie will wear flowers and fruits and join the team of "grave sweepers" to bring customers' thoughts of their loved ones back to their hometowns.

Shell Finance reporter learned that due to geographical, time and other reasons, many out-of-towners are unable to go home to worship during Qingming Festival or death anniversary, and can only entrust others to sweep the graves on their behalf. Driven by demand, the market has spawned the "tomb-sweeping" business, but it also caused market controversy for a time because of "whether it conforms to traditional concepts." As young people join, people's ideas are changing, and there are many college students, newcomers to society and professional white-collar agencies among this group. In addition to tomb-sweeping services, many companies are also using digital technology to launch concepts such as cloud memorial sweeps and memorial platforms to help people who cannot be present to pay homage to the deceased, and also bring more possibilities to the industry. Read more>>

"Reverse salary recovery" is actually a performance-based salary recovery and deduction mechanism established by banks. It has become a norm in the banking industry and has been clearly stipulated in relevant documents.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They - Lujuba

Disclosure of the "Performance Salary Recovery and Rebate Mechanism" of Some Banks in 2023

With the advent of the "annual reporting season", the situation of many banks "reverse salary recovery" from employees has also surfaced. Recently, China Merchants Bank, Tianjin Bank, and Weihai Bank respectively disclosed in their 2023 annual reports that the total amounts of performance remuneration claimed by the companies were 43.29 million yuan, 1.74 million yuan, and 272,800 yuan respectively. As of now, in addition to the above-mentioned banks, Dongguan Rural Commercial Bank has also disclosed the performance pay recovery and deduction situation in its 2023 annual report. Although Ping An Bank, China Everbright Bank, China CITIC Bank, etc. have mentioned performance pay recovery in their 2023 annual report. Claims and rebate mechanism, but no specific data was disclosed.

According to incomplete statistics from Shell Finance reporters, among the above-mentioned banks that have disclosed specific data on the performance-based pay recourse and deduction mechanism, China Merchants Bank has the highest total amount of performance-based remuneration recourse and deduction in 2023, which is 43.29 million yuan. As of December 31, 2023, China Merchants Bank has a total of 116,529 employees (including dispatched personnel), and China Merchants Bank has 4,415 employees who have implemented performance-based salary recourse and deductions in 2023, accounting for approximately 3.78%. The average salary recovery per person is 9805.2 yuan. Compared with 2022, China Merchants Bank will have more people claiming performance pay deductions in 2023, but the total amount will be less. The annual report shows that 2,876 employees of China Merchants Bank will pursue performance-based salary deductions in 2022, and the total amount of performance-based salary deductions claimed will be 58.24 million yuan. The total salary recovery in the two years reached 101.53 million yuan.

According to statistics from the former China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, as of March 2023, more than 95% of bancassurance institutions have formulated and implemented performance-based compensation deferred payment and recourse for clawback systems. Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of China Merchants Union, told reporters from Shell Finance that the high proportion of data shows that the salary recovery and rebate mechanism is a common behavior and system in the banking industry and has become the norm. Wang Pengbo, a senior analyst in the financial industry at Broadcom Consulting, pointed out that in recent years, bank loans and other businesses have frequently experienced explosive incidents. The "salary pursuit" system can effectively balance the incentive and punishment mechanisms for relevant employees in specific businesses, and avoid neglecting risks in the pursuit of scale. Read the full text >>>

"It will break through 10,000 in 4 minutes, 20,000 in 7 minutes, and 50,000 in 27 minutes." Xiaomi su7 attracted attention on the night when it was officially launched.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They - Lujuba

After three years of making cars, the price of Xiaomi Su7 has finally been unveiled. Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said, "This is the first official appearance of Xiaomi Su7, and it is also the most important moment in my life." Outside the Southeast Sixth Ring Road, next to Fenggangjia River, Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located this. This factory covers an area of ​​718,000 square meters, which is similar to the Forbidden City in Beijing. It carries Lei Jun’s dream and mission of building new energy vehicles. Lei Jun, who was born in 1969, has started his own business many times. In 2010, he successfully founded Xiaomi and launched its own brand of Xiaomi mobile phones. Three years ago, Xiaomi Group officially announced that it would build a car.Lei Jun vowed at the press conference, "This is the last time I will start a business in my life. I am willing to put all my reputation on the line and fight for Xiaomi Auto." , since then, the price of Xiaomi su7 has become the most talked about topic in the outside world. The long-awaited product finally came out. On the evening of March 28, Lei Jun announced the price of Xiaomi Su7. Xiaomi su7 is available in 4 major color series and 9 colors. The standard version of Xiaomi su7 is priced at 215,900 yuan, the pro version is priced at 245,900 yuan, and the max version is priced at 299,900 yuan. The standard version of Xiaomi Su7 is benchmarked against Tesla Model 3, and the max version is benchmarked against Porsche Taycan.

Huaan Securities analyst Jin Rong believes that Xiaomi Auto’s main competitors are B-C class pure electric cars in the range of 200,000-300,000, and the track is still in a state of rapid growth. "Xiaomi Automobile has its own traffic. Since the official announcement of the car, more than 20 listed companies have expressed cooperation with Xiaomi Automobile business. We believe that with Xiaomi's own advantages in intelligence, ecological synergy, fan effect and channels, Xiaomi Car deliveries are expected to gradually increase in volume, and related parts suppliers are expected to fully benefit." said Lu Jiamin, an analyst at Cinda Securities. However, in the face of the recent public opinion turmoil in the automobile industry, Lei Jun also took precautions and "called on everyone to work together to build a more benign and inclusive public opinion environment in the automobile market." Read the full text >>>

It has been a long time since the shocking night in Moscow on the evening of March 22. In the past week, the Russian government, the United States and the West have disagreed on who was behind the terrorist attack..

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They - Lujuba

On March 24, 2024 local time, the Basman District Court in Moscow, Russia approved the arrest of all four people suspected of being directly involved in the terrorist attack at the concert hall. Picture/ic photo

Who is the mastermind behind the Moscow Concert Hall terrorist attack? The truth falls into "Rashomon". But there is no doubt that this is the most serious terrorist attack that Russia has suffered in the past 20 years, which has raised new issues for global counter-terrorism. The terrorist threat facing Russia may not disappear with the end of this terrorist attack.

On the evening of March 22, local time, a terrorist attack occurred at the "Krocus City" concert hall on the outskirts of the Russian capital Moscow. The day after the terrorist attack, the "Islamic State in Khorasan Province" (isis-k) publicly claimed responsibility for the Moscow terrorist attack. Russia has not acknowledged ISIS-K's claim. On the contrary, Russia has repeatedly stated that Ukraine, the United States, and the United Kingdom were behind the terrorist attack at the concert hall. Ukraine has denied the accusation from the outset. The United States also insisted that Ukraine was not involved, calling the "Islamic State" the "solely responsible party" for the incident. The European Union, France, the United Kingdom and other parties also support Ukraine's statement.

The timing of the terrorist attack also caused concern. Some analysts believe that the terrorists chose to launch the terrorist attack on March 22 because they may have believed that Russia, which had just held an election, had relaxed its security. Russia has so far not admitted that ISIS-K carried out the terrorist attack. Instead, it has pointedly pointed out that Ukraine, the United States and the West were involved, and is unwilling to admit that domestic security is insufficient. However, some experts believe that Russia’s accusations are not entirely unreasonable. Zhu Yongbiao, director of the Afghanistan Research Center at Lanzhou University, said in an interview with a reporter from the Beijing News that the composition of the "Islamic State" is relatively complex, and the internal composition of the ISIS-K branch is also very confusing. It cannot be ruled out that it has been instrumentalized or exploited. possible. Many experts said that Russia will still face severe risks of terrorist attacks in the future. Some analysts pointed out that the Moscow terrorist attack may complicate the Russia-Ukraine war that has lasted for more than two years. Since Russia directly accuses Ukraine of participating in this terrorist attack, Russia may intensify its actions against Ukraine in the future, which will further escalate the war. Click to view the topic>>>

The United States stopped producing the F-22 early and developed the F-35, which has inferior overall performance but is cheaper. This was based on the assumption that the United States would dominate and other countries would not be able to develop advanced stealth fighters in the short term. However, China The emergence of the J-20 quickly made this assumption obsolete.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. In order to find out the truth about their father's death, Li Zishan and Li Zijuan both quit their jobs to pursue their father's murder. They - Lujuba

On September 4, 2023 local time, in Cleveland, the United States, a U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter performed at the National Air Show in Cleveland.Picture/ic photo

The U.S. Air Force F-22 "Raptor" fighter jet has been in service for more than 20 years and has always been known as the "world's most powerful fighter jet." According to the Global Times citing foreign media reports, the aircraft has recently undergone major upgrades. Although the F-22 is advanced, it is after all a "new old aircraft" that was born nearly 30 years ago and has been out of production for more than 12 years. Maintaining such a fleet is expensive. Due to the aging of the machine body and the limitations of the old platform, the potential for upgrades will also be exhausted. For this reason, the U.S. Air Force and the Navy proposed the development of a sixth-generation manned stealth fighter last year. The Air Force code-named "Next Generation Air Superiority Program (ngad)" and the Navy code-named F/A-xx. However, given the financial constraints of the United States, Congress has become increasingly strict in controlling military spending and has been setting spending caps in recent years. Therefore, the U.S. Air Force only proposed to retire 32 F-22 block 20s when preparing its fiscal year 2024 budget, and the maintenance costs thus saved will be transferred to the research and development of ngad. However, the U.S. Congress rejected the F-22’s storage and scrapping plan.

After knowing the attitude of Congress, the Air Force quickly made a U-turn. The Air Force procurement director declared that "the F-22 is a key capability" and "ensuring the reliability of the F-22's combat effectiveness in the game of great powers is a top-level urgent need." The so-called "great power game" of the U.S. Air Force, many analysts bluntly say, refers to China's J-20. Faced with the J-20, which has excellent performance, no generation difference with the F-22 and a younger airframe, the "short-legged" F-22 will be too dangerous when deployed forward, and the disadvantages will be exposed when deployed rearward, while other models They are no match. Because of this, the two upgrades of the f-22 block35 are targeted. Although many American analysts have high hopes for the F-22 Block 35 and express "confidence", many people point out that the two "latest modifications" are just "picking up missing parts" and do not possess much technological advancement. It is definitely better to install it than not to install it, but is it really cost-effective to slow down the progress of the next generation of fighters? Read the full text>>>

Editor Wei Yue Design Zhu Jinghui Proofreading Zhang Yanjun

Tags: entertainment