Source/China Internet Joint Rumor Refuting Platform March 28, 2024 Rumor: Will the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway stop toll collection? The truth: Recently, a netizen posted on an online platform, "30 years after it opened to traffic, one of the busiest expressways in the country ha

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Source/China Internet Joint Rumor Refuting Platform

Source/China Internet Joint Rumor Refuting Platform March 28, 2024 Rumor: Will the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway stop toll collection? The truth: Recently, a netizen posted on an online platform, '30 years after it opened to traffic, one of the busiest expressways in the country ha - Lujuba

March 28, 2024

Rumor: Stop toll collection on Beijing-Shanghai Expressway?

The truth: Recently, some netizens posted on the Internet platform "30 years after opening to traffic, one of the busiest expressways in the country has decided to stop tolling!", claiming that "the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway has stopped tolling." The China Internet Joint Rumor Refuting Platform verified with the relevant authorities that toll collection on the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway has not been terminated, and the content of this article is false information. The highway photos used in the article were actually edited and cropped based on news pictures of "Guangzhou Beihuan Expressway Stops Toll Collection". The relevant content fabricated facts, disrupted public order, and misled the public. (Source: China Internet Joint Rumor Refuting Platform)

Myth: Will eating Chinese toon cause cancer?

Truth: It is said that toon (buds) contains a large amount of nitrite substances, which can cause poisoning and cancer if simply eaten. Many people have even been hospitalized due to it.

In fact, nitrate and nitrite are widely found in water and soil in nature, so most vegetables will contain a certain amount of nitrate and nitrite substances, but the content is different. In 2002, the FAO/WHO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives assessed that the allowable daily intake of nitrite was 0.07 mg/kg (calculated as nitrite ions). During the entire growth cycle of Toona sinensis, the nitrite content changes between approximately 1.475 μg/g and 2.778 μg/g. Based on this calculation, an adult weighing 60 kilograms would need to eat at least about 1.6 kilograms of toona to cause nitrite poisoning. Therefore, the statement that "eating toon can easily lead to excessive nitrite, poisoning, and cancer" is purely an exaggeration and should not be taken lightly.

However, from a health and safety perspective, care must be taken to avoid excessive nitrite intake. Test results show that the nitrite content in fresh Chinese toon is high, and the nitrite content of Chinese toon from different sources (origin and variety) is different. After blanching Chinese toon for 1 minute, more than 85% of nitrite can be removed. Therefore, when consumers eat Chinese toon, they only need to blanch it in boiling water and eat a small amount at one time, and there will be no problems. (Source: China Consumer News)

Tip: The third major sandstorm impact period this year is here. Keep this windy and dusty weather protection guide

Details: The Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a sandstorm yellow warning at 06:00 on March 28: Affected by cold air and strong winds, it is expected that from 08:00 on March 28 to 08:00 on March 29, the southern Xinjiang Basin, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Ningxia, northern Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, northern Henan, western Heilongjiang, Some areas in western Jilin, central and western Liaoning and other places have blowing sand or dust. Among them, some areas in central Inner Mongolia and other places have sandstorms.

You should pay attention to self-protection during sandy weather:

1. If you feel a foreign body sensation in your eyes, you should flush your eyes with clean water in time. It is best not to wear contact lenses in sandy weather. Wear goggles for protection when going out.

2. During sandy weather, inhalable particulate matter in the atmosphere increases. The particles enter the bronchial tubes at all levels through breathing and settle in the alveoli, causing respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema.

3. Avoid direct contact of sand and dust with the skin. You can use moisturizing skin care products, but be aware that those that are too oily will easily absorb sand and dust. Be careful to drink more water. (Source: China Weather Network, @CCTV网Kuaikan)

Editor: Liu Juanjuan;

Tags: entertainment