In order to thoroughly implement the "Hundreds and Thousands Project", care and care for young employees of enterprises in the jurisdiction, help single young people in communities and parks expand their social networks, build interactive communication platforms, and solve the pr

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In order to thoroughly implement the "Hundreds and Thousands Project",

cares and cares for young employees of enterprises in the jurisdiction, helps single young people in communities and parks expand their social networks, builds interactive communication platforms, and solves the problems of marriage and dating. On the evening of March 22, Futian District, Shenzhen City Meilin Street Mareling Community launched a movie-watching and socializing activity for young people at Orange Sky Jiahe Cinema in Zhuoyuehui Shopping Center with the theme of "A date with a good movie, come to see the movie with you". More than 200 male and female guests from Mareling Community and Jinke City Park met in the theater, encountered interesting interactive games and wonderful movies, and started a spring limited romance. Before the

event started, the staff of the trade union ordered movie-watching popcorn to young workers and friends participating in the trade union on site, helping young men and women interact sweetly. At the beginning of the

event, Xiao Ying, first secretary of the Party Committee of the International Jinke City Park and director of the Mareling Community and Jinke City Park Related Work Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinke City Park, member of the Jinke City Park Related Work Committee, and Shenzhen Shanyan Data Chen Jian, Chairman of Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a speech at the event. Xiao Ying said that he was very grateful to the caring enterprises for their careful preparations in the past half month and their full cooperation with the Party and Mass Service Center to enable public welfare services to take the lead in communities and parks this year. I hope young friends can communicate more and interact more, and start a romantic date that belongs to youth. Chen Jian expressed that he hopes young friends will open their hearts, engage in activities, and actively look for destined people. I wish the event a complete success. In the

interactive game session, the young men and women first used half of the idiom word cards each received, and eagerly looked for the "other half" in the venue to complete the team formation and start the first fateful encounter. Then, on the stage, the first few groups of guests to complete the team introduction introduced themselves gracefully.

In order to thoroughly implement the 'Hundreds and Thousands Project', care and care for young employees of enterprises in the jurisdiction, help single young people in communities and parks expand their social networks, build interactive communication platforms, and solve the pr - Lujuba

In order to thoroughly implement the 'Hundreds and Thousands Project', care and care for young employees of enterprises in the jurisdiction, help single young people in communities and parks expand their social networks, build interactive communication platforms, and solve the pr - Lujuba

Under the guidance of the host, the young friends also let go of their restraint and were happy to show their personal style. In just half an hour, interactive sessions such as "ice-breaking games" and "our first impressions" allowed everyone to get to know each other, cooperate with each other, support each other, break social barriers, and build relationships in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

In order to thoroughly implement the 'Hundreds and Thousands Project', care and care for young employees of enterprises in the jurisdiction, help single young people in communities and parks expand their social networks, build interactive communication platforms, and solve the pr - Lujuba

then combined it with the current way of making friends that young people like, using movies as a medium, and through the "light social" method, everyone can watch the latest movies together. As the film progresses, young men and women communicate quietly together, sharing and exchanging movie-watching experiences, gradually shortening the distance between each other, and the theater is filled with a relaxed and romantic atmosphere.

adheres to the leadership of party building, collaborates with multiple parties, works together to respond to community needs, and carefully solves the needs and problems of community residents. The Mareling Community has always cared for and cared for the majority of young friends, anxious about what young people can do and looking forward to what young people hope for. Actively solve the troubles and troubles of young people. The implementation of this activity has enhanced communication among young friends, guided young people to establish a correct view of marriage and love, and actively pursue a better life. In the future, Mareling Community will further deepen youth services, link up multi-dimensional communication between parks and enterprises, continue to optimize the service environment for young talents, guide young workers to actively participate in urban construction with full enthusiasm, and continuously improve the quality of youth working and living in communities and parks. Happiness index.

Written and written by: Nandu reporter Zhang Xinyi Correspondent Luo Yiyan Dong Wenjun

Tags: entertainment