You can never truly know a person until you walk in his shoes and think about things from his perspective. ——"To Kill a Mockingbird" "Give me your hand!" ——The effective inheritance of the rule of law from "Article 20" On the first day of the new year, the movie "Article 20" was

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You can never truly know a person unless you walk in his shoes and consider things from his perspective.

- "To Kill a Mockingbird"

"Give me your hand!"

- Effective inheritance of the rule of law from "Article 20"

On the first day of the new year, the movie " Article 20" Released. Because the title of the film is directly taken from the "Legitimate Defense" clause in Article 20 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", it reminded me of a famous black humorous military-themed movie " Catch-22 ", and I couldn't help but think I walked into the theater for the first time to see if it was a humorous movie. After watching the film, I found that the two works are indeed somewhat similar in approach and approach. They are both realistic-themed literary and artistic works wrapped in humor.

The core of comedy is tragedy. The whole process of watching "Article 20" is full of laughter and tears. This is also in line with the tone of director Zhang Yimou's early films - looking at the people at the bottom of society. From " Qiuju's lawsuit " to " alive " to ", no one can be missing ", Director Zhang has used his own unique film language to impress the vivid bottom characters into the hearts of movie fans. Not once. The three cases presented in the

video all revolve around the controversy over self-defense: Wang Yongqiang, a migrant worker, stabbed the bully Liu Wenjing. Behind the scenes, Wang Yongqiang borrowed loan sharks from Liu Wenjing to treat his children, but was insulted by Liu Wenjing. His wife Hao Xiuping was raped multiple times by Liu Wenjing, who stabbed the moneylender into serious injuries. The moneylender eventually died, but he may have been sentenced to death; high school student Han Yuchen beat the bully to stop campus bullying, but due to lack of bullying evidence , facing being filed for detention; the bus driver Zhang Guisheng beat the harasser to protect the harassed female passenger, but was judged to be intentional injury.

The three cases, in addition to all referring to the "justifiable defense" clause, also have minors "present" - the victim's hearing-impaired daughter, the high school student Han Yuchen who stopped the bullying, and the father who has been encouraging the case to be reversed. Zhang Gui gave birth to a daughter. Especially surrounding the two-pronged case involving prosecutor Han Ming and his son, whether the father’s insistence on justice can provide an example and guidance for his son to stand up for justice again. From this perspective, the film’s interpretation of the law has hidden implications for the following. The far-reaching significance of shaping and inheriting the rule of law thought of a generation.

You can never truly know a person until you walk in his shoes and think about things from his perspective. ——'To Kill a Mockingbird' 'Give me your hand!' ——The effective inheritance of the rule of law from 'Article 20' On the first day of the new year, the movie 'Article 20' was  - Lujuba

"Give me your hand!"

This is the scene in the film that made me cry. Wang Yongqiang's wife Hao Xiuping would rather die to keep herself and her family innocent. She chose to jump off a building even though she ignored her underage daughter. On the rooftop, prosecutor Han Ming shouted to Hao Xiuping: Give me your hand! In my opinion, this outstretched hand is the prosecutor using the warmth of humanity to pass on the rigid legal principles to the people. It responds to the simple emotions in the hearts of every audience and also triggers people's instinctive thinking about fairness and justice.

Good people always have kind hearts, but kind people are sometimes wronged. The law should maintain the social order in which "good deeds are rewarded with good deeds and evil deeds are rewarded with evil deeds". Only in this way can we protect the courage and courage to sacrifice one's life for righteousness and help each other, judge right and wrong, reward courage, and give confidence to justice.

You can never truly know a person until you walk in his shoes and think about things from his perspective. ——'To Kill a Mockingbird' 'Give me your hand!' ——The effective inheritance of the rule of law from 'Article 20' On the first day of the new year, the movie 'Article 20' was  - Lujuba

Regarding the movie "Article 20", film reviews from various angles have emerged on the Internet, which in turn triggered discussions from all walks of life, including in my circle of friends. A senior prosecutor of our hospital wrote: "Law enforcement should reflect the spirit and original intention of legislation to the greatest extent. Law enforcers should first regard themselves as ordinary people, and then understand and enforce the law."

From Yu Huanhuan Mu Murder When it comes to the Kunshan Long Ge counter-murder case, it is the legitimate judgment of every hot case that promotes the true application of Article 20 and no longer sleeps. It is simple and easy to judge a "fighting process" from God's perspective, but if you put yourself into the situation at that time, you will find that the so-called rational judgment does not conform to the hot-blooded reality.

Go back to the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" at the beginning of the article. The novel tells the story of a young man named Tom Robinson who was falsely accused of rape just because he was a black man. The defense lawyer A Even though Deeks Finch had evidence that Tom was not the rapist, he could not prevent the jury from concluding that Tom was guilty. But throughout the process of trying to uphold justice, lawyer Finch demonstrated to the children the courage and persistence of an upright person who "knows that he will fail, but still does it" and his persistence in fairness and justice. More importantly, he used words and deeds to teach children to consider issues from the other person's perspective.

You can never truly know a person until you walk in his shoes and think about things from his perspective. ——'To Kill a Mockingbird' 'Give me your hand!' ——The effective inheritance of the rule of law from 'Article 20' On the first day of the new year, the movie 'Article 20' was  - Lujuba

From the movie's release to affecting every audience, to triggering extensive reviews and discussions on social media, from the movie's production to its upcoming overseas dissemination, the popularity will definitely cool down over time, but these should not be the end of the film. . Only by passing on the concepts of good governance and good laws contained in these classic lines, and passing on the fine genes of the Chinese nation of sacrificing one's life for righteousness and acting bravely for justice, can the concept of the rule of law take root and flourish in the hearts of generations after generations.

What kind of world should we hand over to the next generation? "Article 20" gave a good answer.

Review: Yao Shouguo

Text: Ma Weixin

Editor: Ma Weixin

Tags: entertainment