According to Taiwanese media reports, a tragic shooting occurred in Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City late at night on the 23rd. A 43-year-old man surnamed Yang, wearing a bulletproof vest and holding multiple firearms, went to the Jingfu Police Station in Taoyuan Branch and opened

entertainment 9725℃

According to Taiwanese media reports, a tragic shooting occurred in Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City late at night on the 23rd. A 43-year-old man surnamed Yang, wearing a bulletproof vest and holding multiple firearms, went to the Jingfu Police Station in Taoyuan Branch and opened  - Lujuba

According to Taiwanese media reports, a tragic shooting occurred in Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City late at night on the 23rd. A 43-year-old man surnamed Yang, wearing a bulletproof vest and holding multiple firearms, went to the Jingfu Police Station in Taoyuan Branch and opened fire. Then he started a fierce fight with the police. The police opened fire 50 times in total. The man surnamed Yang fired more than 30 shots. Later, it was found that he had a criminal record and was suspected of committing the crime out of dissatisfaction with the police.

At nearly 10 o'clock in the evening on the 23rd, a man surnamed Yang drove to the entrance of Jingfu Police Station. For unknown reasons, he suddenly shot 8 times with a modified gun at the police station. The police immediately launched a pursuit and chased them all the way to the intersection of Lixing Road and Yongan Road. In the process, a 22-year-old Policeman surnamed Cai was hit on the left shoulder and fell to the ground. The police chased him from Jingfu Police Station to arrest, firing more than 50 shots for nearly 2 kilometers. When the man surnamed Yang was arrested, they found multiple bullets, a submachine gun, and two pistols on him.

After the incident, the police discovered that the man surnamed Yang had posted emotional texts on Facebook in advance. He claimed that what was seized by the police was simply a toy gun, and he cursed the police five times for committing the crime. Five hours after posting the post, he committed a crime with a gun. Investigation revealed that the man was arrested by the police more than ten years ago. Last May, the man was found to have modified a highly lethal firearm.

The man claimed to specialize in repairing and assembling computers, but the police did not see any relevant work photos on his social media. However, they found that he had retweeted a post in which a railway policeman was assassinated and the suspect was acquitted in the first trial. He was very concerned about the killing of the policeman but did not sinful incident. The police said that the attack by the man surnamed Yang was premeditated, and the details of the case are still under further investigation.

In response to this, some netizens couldn't help but post "Has no one noticed that Taiwan's public security is getting worse?", saying that the proliferation of underworld guns in Taiwan in recent years is almost the same as the level of legal gun ownership in the United States. They are worried that if there is a driving dispute on the road in the future, they will get off the car. Theoretical people will change from baseball players to a bunch of gun-toting people. After the

post was exposed, it immediately attracted a large number of netizens to leave messages. Everyone also responded with sarcasm, "Every day is either a gun or a drug." "A bunch of Internet celebrities were caught with marijuana, and then what? They still have fun outside." "Protecting the rights of criminals is getting better and better." large, but giving the police less and less power = the reality in Taiwan.”

Straits Herald reporters Lu Han and Fang Yanyan compiled the report

Tags: entertainment